p. 187.
72 Kaiser, Das Königl. Preuß. Infanterie-Regiment, p. 21.
73 Teresa Kulak writes about this change of attitudes in 1913 on the basis of the printed version of Arka Bożek’s memoirs (Pamiętniki, Katowice 1967) in her Postawy społeczeństwa polskiego na Górnym Śląsku w okresie I wojny światowej “1914–1918’, in: Społeczeństwo polskie, ed. M. Wojciechowski, Toruń 1996, pp. 10–11.
74 The letters from K. Wallis to his father Łukasz Wallis, Ścinawa 25.11.1915, Zbiory Specjalne Biblioteki Śląskiej w Katowicach.
75 Ibid.
76 The letters from K. Wallis to his father Łukasz Wallis, Ścinawa 12.02.1916.
77 Kaiser, Das Königl. Preuß. Infanterie-Regiment, p. 26.
78 The letters from K. Wallis to his father Łukasz Wallis, Ścinawa 25.11.1915.
79 Ibid.
80 B. Hamann, Der Erste Weltkrieg, Wahrheit und Lüge in Bildern und Texten, München–Zürich 2009, p. 214.
81 Kaiser, Das Königl. Preuß. Infanterie-Regiment, p. 26.
82 The letters from K. Wallis to his father Łukasz Wallis, Ścinawa 26.11.1915.
83 Ibid.
84 The letters from K. Wallis to his father Łukasz Wallis, Ścinawa 12.02.1916.
85 On January 27, 1916, Wallis covered a distance of thirty-six kilometers in eight hours (The letters from K. Wallis to his father Łukasz Wallis, Ścinawa 27.01.1916).
86 Diary of Kazimierz Wallis, 28.01.1916.
87 Ciupek, Aus der Geschichte des Infanterie-Regiments, pp. 7–8.
88 The letters from K. Wallis to his father Łukasz Wallis, Ścinawa 30.11.1915.
89 The letters from K. Wallis to his father Łukasz Wallis, Ścinawa 7.03.1916.
90 The letters of K. Wallis to his brother Stanisław Wallis, Saarburg 22.02.1917.
91 Diary of Kazimierz Wallis, 5.01.1916.
92 Suhr, Das 4. Schlesische Infanterie-Regiment, p. 31.
93 The letters from K. Wallis to his father Łukasz Wallis, Ścinawa 21.01.1916.
94 The letters from K. Wallis to his father Łukasz Wallis, Ścinawa 29.01.1916.
95 Ibid.
96 Ciupek, Aus der Geschichte des Infanterie-Regiments, pp. 7–8.
97 The letters of K. Wallis to his father Łukasz Wallis, Ścinawa 20.01.1916.
98 The letters of K. Wallis to his father Łukasz Wallis, Ścinawa 16.01.1916.
99 The letters of K. Wallis to his father Łukasz Wallis, Ścinawa 18.11.1915.
100 Kaiser, Das Königl. Preuß. Infanterie-Regiment, p. 25–26.
101 The letters of K. Wallis to his father Łukasz Wallis, Ścinawa 20.01.1916.
102 The letters from K. Wallis to his father Łukasz Wallis, Ścinawa 3.01.1916.
103 The letters from K. Wallis to his father Łukasz Wallis, Ścinawa 6.01.1916.
104 The letters from K. Wallis to his father Łukasz Wallis, Ścinawa 21.01.1916.
105 The letters from K. Wallis to his father Łukasz Wallis, Ścinawa 22.01.1916.
106 Ibid.
107 The letters from K. Wallis to his father Łukasz Wallis, Ścinawa 27.01.1916.
108 K. Małłek, Z Mazur do Verdun. Wspomnienia 1890–1919, Warszawa 1967, pp. 212–219.
109 Hulewicz, Wielkie wczoraj w małym kręgu, pp. 14–17.
110 Ibid.
111 Ibid., pp. 14–17.
112 Rezmer, Polacy w korpusie oficerskim, pp. 138–139.
113 M. Leczyk, Sytuacja polityczno-militarna Polski w pierwszej i drugiej wojnie światowej – podobieństwa i różnice, in: Pamiętnik XV Powszechnego Zjazdu Historyków Polskich, Vol. 1, Part 2, ed. J. Staszewski, Gdańsk 1995, p. 120, bases his numbers on the calculations prepared by Kazimierz Rosen Zawadzki, Historia Polski, Vol. 3, Warszawa 1974, pp. 23–25.
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