Time Enough but not too Much (11:6–10)
The Day and the Night (11:6–10) (contd)
The Man who would not Quit (11:11–16)
The House of Mourning (11:17–19)
The Resurrection and the Life (11:20–7)
The Resurrection and the Life (11:20–7) (contd)
The Emotion of Jesus (11:28–33)
The Voice that Wakes the Dead (11:34–44)
The Raising of Lazarus (11:1–44)
Love’s Extravagance (12:1–8) (contd)
A Plan to Destroy the Evidence (12:9–11)
A King’s Welcome (12:12–19) (contd)
The Amazing Paradox (12:23–6) (contd)
From Tension to Certainty (12:27–34)
From Tension to Certainty (12:27–34) (contd)
Children of the Light (12:35–6)
The Inescapable Judgment (12:44–50)
The Royalty of Service (13:1–17)
The Royalty of Service (13:1–17) (contd)
The Essential Washing (13:1–17) (contd)
The Shame of Disloyalty and the Glory of Fidelity (13:18–20)
Love’s Last Appeal (13:21–30) (contd)
The Farewell Command (13:33–5)
The Faltering Loyalty (13:36–8)
The Promise of Glory (14:1–3) (contd)
The Way, the Truth and the Life (14:4–6)
The Vision of God (14:7–11) (contd)
The Tremendous Promises (14:12–14)
The Promised Helper (14:15–17)
The Way to Fellowship and to Revelation (14:18–24)
The Bequests of Christ (14:25–31)
The Vine and the Branches (15:1–10)
The Vine and the Branches (15:1–10) (contd)
The Vine and the Branches (15:1–10) (contd)
The Life of Jesus’ Chosen People (15:11–17)
The Life of Jesus’ Chosen People (15:11–17) (contd)
The World’s Hatred (15:18–21) (contd)
The World’s Hatred (15:18–21) (contd)