thermodynamic ensemble and so it consists of an enormous number of microstates x∗.”
NOTE: At an “infinite” number of places on the intersection surface, there may be a microscopic reacting system x∗ with the same nuclear configuration and the same energy of a microscopic products system x where the electron transfer reaction may happen.
M: “The activated complex or the transition state is of 1023–1 configurations, if the dimension of the space is 1023, it’s a hyper-surface one dimension less than the entire phase space. That’s a transition state.”
8.M: “The electron tunneling . . . that’s a different way of describing the overlap of electronic wave functions if they don’t overlap well, if you have a weak overlap of wave functions. An alternative description is that to go from one to the other you tunnel and there is a quantitative relation of the two, you can take the overlap of the wave functions, you can use semi-classical theory and get a tunneling probability out of it, so there is a whole theory associated with that.”
NOTE: M. comments below on Pauling’s description of the oscillation back and forth between two configurations in relation with the configuration of the system at the TS and that immediately after the electron transfer:
M: “That description is OK for a static system, but your system isn’t static, so you don’t have that kind of oscillation. If you calculate that way the probability of going from one to the other, you get that right ballpark, but conceptually that theory is not right because the nuclei are moving, so you don’t have that oscillation back and forth, you would have it if the nuclei were static and if you were exactly at the crossing point of those crossing energy curves, but that’s not what you have, so you get a result that is on the right ballpark, but it’s more conceptual than actually describing the process as it occurs when you take into account the combined electron-nuclear motion. But if you had a static picture . . . that
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