or of the papers. Marcus is often indicated by M. or M. The symbol of the splitting at the avoided crossing region may be Sc, 2ε12, V12 or 2Δε. The author’s questions in the NOTES may be numbered like (1), (2). . . and each question may be divided in subquestions (i), (ii), and so on.
Abbreviation s
AT atom transfer | PES potential energy surface |
EE electron exchange reaction | PT proton transfer |
ET electron transfer | TS transition state |
FC Franck Condon factor | TST transition state theory |
PEC Potential energy curve |
This book would have never been written without input and help by Professor Marcus. Professor Jay Winkler from Caltech is gratefully acknowledged for his words of appreciation and encouragement after having read the Preface and the first Chapter. Doctor Marshall Newton of Brookhaven National Laboratories has been very helpful with his comments, review, and his kind words of appreciation for this work. Very special thanks are deserved to Professor Robert J. Cave of Harvey Mudd College for his most helpful very detailed review, his comments, and friendly advice. The line drawings of my figures have been beautifully drawn by Architect Andrea Cataldi.
Scheme of the Book, Figures, Notes, and Abbreviations
List of Marcus’ Papers Considered in the Chapters of the Book
Chapter 2Foundations of the Theory, Its First Formulation
Chapter 3Extensions, Electron Transfer at Electrodes, Applications
Chapter 4Theory of Electrochemical Electron Transfer
Chapter 6Unified General Theory of Electron Transfer Reactions
List of 42 Marcus’ Papers Closely Followed, Summarized or Abridged in Chapters 2–11 and of 10 Papers Considered in the Oral Interviews of Chapters 12 and 13
M16. R. A. Marcus, On the Theory of Oxidation-Reduction Reactions Involving Electron Transfer. I. J. Chem. Phys. 24, 966–978, (1956).
M17. R. A. Marcus, Electrostatic Free Energy and Other Properties of States Having Nonequilibrium Polarization. I. J. Chem. Phys. 24, 979–989, (1956).
M19. R. A. Marcus, On the Theory of Oxidation-Reduction Reactions Involving Electron Transfer. II. Applications to Data on the Rates of Isotopic Exchange Reactions. J. Chem. Phys. 26, 867, (1957).
M20. R. A. Marcus, On the Theory of Oxidation-Reduction Reactions Involving Electron Transfer. III. Application to Data on the Rates of Organic Redox Reactions. J. Chem. Phys. 26, 872, (1957).
M21. R. A. Marcus, On the Theory of Oxidation-Reduction Reactions and of Related Processes. Trans. N.Y. Acad. Sci. 19, 423, (1957).
M28. R. A. Marcus, On the Theory of Electrochemical and Chemical Electron Transfer Processes. Can. J. Chem. 37, 155, (1959).
M33. R. A. Marcus, A Theory of Electron Transfer Processes at Electrodes, in Transactions of the Symposium on Electrode Processes, p. 239, E. Yeager, Editor, Wiley, New York (1961).
M41. R. A. Marcus, On the Theory of Oxidation-Reduction