Markus Rudin

Molecular Imaging

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in addition to Eq. (3.66), the result that:


      When this image and the image again given by Eq. (3.66), are introduced into the expression for ΔGr, Eq. (3.67) follows again but with λ0 replaced by λ0 + λi, λ0 being given by Eq. (3.69) and λi by Eq. (3.48), with similar remarks for the electrode reaction case.

      3.12.Additive Properties of the Reorganization Term λ

      For the reorganization term λ, there is an additivity property which is important to establish for subsequent correlations. Moreover, the λ’s for homogeneous and electrochemical systems are also related with each other.

      Let us consider the electron exchange reaction:

      and let us indicate its λ0 as image


      where a1 and a2 are the radii of the oxidized and of the reduced form respectively.

      Defining image as image and likewise image image image we have that


      This equation is more simply written as:

      If the distance R between the ions is very large, so large that the force field from one reactant does not influence the other, the fluctuations around each reactant are independent [18] and one can write:


      image and image will be simply indicated in the following as λ1 and λ2.

      If, moreover, image and we indicate with a their mean, we have:


      Considering now the reaction:

      with parallel reasoning and symbols we get:


      Considering finally the cross-reaction of the earlier electron exchange reactions:

      always in the hypotheses image we have:

      For R large:


      so that finally a cross relation follows among the λ’s of reactions (3.76), (3.79), and (3.80):


      At finite distance, we have the approximate relation


      with R = a + b.

      For the electrochemical reaction:


      λ is given by Eq. (3.35) so that:

      More simply:

      and we see that for large R:


      where λex and λel are the λ’s for the exchange and electrode reactions, respectively.

      The equation agrees with the fact that “in the electrochemical case there is only a contribution” to λ “from one ion” [18].

       3.13.A Synopsis of Equations for Chemical and Electrochemical ET Reactions

image image image

       3.14.Correlation between the Rate Constants of Two Electron Exchange Reactions and That of Their Cross-Reaction

      It follows from Eqs. (3.1, 3.78, 3.25) that when condition (3.26) is fulfilled, the forward rate constant k12 of the cross-reaction (3.80) is correlated to the rate constants k11 and k22 of the isotopic exchange reactions (3.76)