Markus Rudin

Molecular Imaging

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assumption made in the derivation of Eq. (3.4) for ΔF*. However, it is possible that the dielectric saturation by the anion is relatively small. For example, studies [78, 79] of the dielectric constant of aqueous salt solutions indicate less dielectric saturation in the vicinity of anions, as compared with cations. It is of interest, too, though not necessarily significant, that the ‘experimental’ free energy of solvation of anions agree reasonably well [80, 81] with those calculated from the Born formula [82]. The Born formula assumes that the dielectric is unsaturated.

      In the interest of simplicity, we shall assume that as a first approximation there is little dielectric saturation in the vicinity of the QH ion. Accordingly it follows that a will be the crystallographic radius of the oxygen group, which is about 1.4Å.”

      M. will later remove the assumption of absence of dielectric saturation.


      1.M: “κ is the probability of electron tunneling from one electronic configuration to the other, the rate constant is then proportional to κ. If one wants to phrase that in terms of the Eyring theory, since κ is not an energy dependent factor, that would contribute to the energy independent part of the free energy of activation. The energy independent part is the entropy of activation.”

      2.M: “For a typical bimolecular frequency, where we don’t have to worry about charges, the number would be of the order of 1014, so this is higher than that by a factor of 500, it is a strange because the charges would orient more, would reduce below the entropy, making the number below 1014. Now, of course, you have all sorts of ion pairing effects. . .


      9.R. A. Marcus, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. Engl 32, 1111–1121, (1993).

      12.R. A. Marcus, Phys. Chem. Sci. Res. Rep. 1, 477, (1975).