Markus Rudin

Molecular Imaging

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      “where m satisfies the equation


      and where

      In these equations, Δe = e* − e, the charge transferred to the electrode in reaction (4.19); a denotes the effective radius of the central ion, discussed earlier; R/2 is the distance of the ion to the electrode surface in the state X*; w* and w denote the work required to transport the central ion from the body of the solution to a distance R/2 from the electrode surface when the ion is its initial and final state, respectively; the remaining quantities have been defined previously” [2, pp. 190–191].

      I want to stress that ΔF* = ΔF*(R), i.e., ΔF* depends, through λ, on the distance of the central ion from the electrode.

      “The term w* can be evaluated by solving the usual Poisson–Boltzmann equation [3] when the central ion is in the body of the solution, and then introducing these solutions for the electrostatic potential into the appropriate equations for the electrostatic free energy of the system (Eqs. (4.16) and (4.18)). The difference in electrostatic free energy is w*. Similarly, w can be computed from analogous equations for the central ion B.

      4.15.Dependence of χ on Mean Electrode Charge Density

      Marcus considers then the possible modification of the theory for the case in which χ is not just a constant, but a function image and concludes that “when a few electrons are transferred in some process” as in our case “the average electrode charge density is affected only to a negligible extent. In such cases, χ is a constant for all states in the process.” M. then shows that χ considered either constant or depending on image does not appear in the final Eqs. (4.31)–(4.33).

      “Accordingly, we infer that any effect of a change in degree of orientation in the solvent layer next to the electrode is a more indirect one. It might affect the ‘dielectric constant’ in the vicinity of the electrode, particularly the contribution from orientation polarization. But, we observe from Eq. (4.33), unless DS is close to Dop, changes in the former have very little effect on ΔF*.

      Again, it might affect to some extent the distance of closest approach of the central ion. In some studies of the equilibrium properties of the electrode double layer, Grahame [22, 23] has shown that a self-consistent interpretation of the data can be obtained assuming such an effect. Extremely interesting inferences were drawn about the behavior of the solvent in this region toward ions of different size. It is clear that an analogous study of the electrode kinetics of simple electron transfers at various electrode charge densities should be very interesting. At certain charge densities, it appeared from the equilibrium studies, there is no oriented solvent layer. The interpretation of kinetic data obtained under such conditions would be correspondingly simplified” [2, pp. 204–205].

       4.16.Presence of Fixed, Adsorbed Ions in the Electrical Double Layer

      If fixed adsorbed ions are present in the double layer [3], one should consider their contribution to the electrostatic free energy image

      “If qk denotes the charge of the kth fixed ion and if rk and image denote the distance from the kth ion and from its image to the field point, then the contribution to the potential arising from all fixed ions is, in an equilibrium polarization system,

      the summation being over all fixed ions.

      This can be shown to add the following terms to image in Eq. (4.16):

      where ak is the radius of the kth fixed ion; Rk, rjk, Rjk, ρk, and image denote the distance from this ion to its electrical image, to the jth fixed ion, to the latter’s electrical image, to the central ion and to the latter’s electrical image, respectively. The first term in Eq. (4.35) describes the interaction of the mobile ions with the fixed ions.

      In Eqs. (4.17) and (4.18), φS now represents the potential in the body of the solution due to all ions, fixed and mobile, of the double layer and so includes Eq. (4.34). Accordingly, S in Eqs. (4.17) and (4.18) now includes the last term of