Thomas Suarez

Early Mapping of Southeast Asia

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rel="nofollow" href="#ulink_ca8f6d1a-3401-5842-97f9-1628e565ebc6">'T-O' world map, Anonymous, pg. 37, fig. 17. 1475 World map from the Rudimentum Novitorium, Lübeck, pg. 67, fig. 34; pg. 73, fig.39 (detail). 1478 Southeast Asia, Claudius Ptolemy (Rome edition), pg. 64, fig. 32. 1482 World map after Ptolemy, Francesco Berlinghieri, pg. 83, fig. 41. 1492 Martin Behaim (facsimilie by Greaves &; Thomas), pg. 95, fig. 48. 1493 The expulsion from Paradise, from the 'Nurmeberg Chronicle', Hartman Schedel, pg. 71, fig. 38. 16th Century ca. 1500 World map, Macrobius, pg. 68, fig. 35. 1503 World map after Ptolemy, Gregor Reisch, pg. 84, fig. 42 1506-22 Asia and the Pacific, Alessandro Zorzi/Bartolomeo Columbus, pg. 98, fig. 51. 1507 The Malay Peninsula, detail from the world map of Martin Waldseemüller, pg. 91, fig. 45. 1507 Sumatra, detail from the world map of Martin Waldseemüller, pg. 119, fig. 65. 1507 World map, Johann Ruysch, pg. 102-103, figs. 55 (detail) &; 56. 1510 The eastern coastline of the Malayan Peninsula, Anonymous, pg. 112, fig. 58 (detail). 1511 Southeast Asia after Ptolemy, Bernard Sylvanus, pg. 85, fig. 43. 1513 Asia, Martin Waldseemüller, pg. 110, fig. 57. 1513 World map, Martin Waldseemüller, pg. 113, fig. 60. 1522 World map (detail), Lorenz Fries, pg. 97, fig. 50. 1522 Detail of Lamai from the map of Asia, Lorenz Fries, pg. 14, fig. 61. 1522 Southeast Asia, Lorenz Fries, pg. 115, fig. 62. 1522 China and Japan, Lorenz Fries, pg. 118, fig. 63. 1524 World map on a north polar projection, Peter Alpianus, pg. 91, fig.46. ca. 1525 Cebu and Mactan, Antonio Pigafetta, pg. 125, fig. 69. ca. 1525 Molucca Islands, Antonio Pigafetta, pg. 125, fig. 70. 1528 Java Minor (Sumatra), Benedetto Bordone, pg. 119, fig. 64. 1528 Various Southeast Asian islands, including locaz, Benedetto Bordone, pg. 120, fig. 66. 1528 The Southeast Asian islands of inebila and imangla, Benedetto Bordone, pg. 120, fig. 67. 1531 World map, Oronce Fine, pg. 94, figs. 52 &; 53 (detail). 1532 World map, Sebastian Münster/Hans Holbein, pg. 122, fig. 68. 1532 Extract from the Novus Orbis Reginnum, Huttich, pg. 160, fig. 82. 1534 Various islands of Southeast Asia, Oronce Fine, pg.126, fig. 71. 1538 Asia, from the Polyhistory, Sebastian Münster/Solinus, pg. 95, fig. 49. 1540 Asia and America, Sebastian Münster, pg. 128, fig. 72. ca. 1544 Map of the world, Battista Agnese, pgs. 92-93, fig. 47. 1544 Cordiform world map, Gemma Frisius, pg. 197, fig. 113. 1547 Terra Jarva, from Vallard Atlas, Vallard, pg. 13, fig. 3. 1548 Southeast Asia, Giacomo Gastaldi, pgs. 132-33, fig. 73. ca. 1550 World map after Strabo/Pomponius Mela, pg. 62, fig. 29. 1553 World map, al-Idrisi, pg. 55, fig. 27. 1553 Southeast Asia, al-Idrisi, pgs. 56-57, fig. 28. 1554 Southeast Asia, G. B. Ramusio, pgs. 134-35, fig. 74. 1554 Lake Chiang Mai, G. B. Ramusio, pg. 153, fig. 79. 1556 Sumatra, G. B. Ramusio, pg. 148, fig. 77. 1561 Marianas with Samar superimposed over Guam, Giacomo Gastaldi, pg. 168, fig. 87. 1569 World map (detail), Gerard Mercator, pg. 141, fig. 76. ca. 1570 Southeast Asia, Giralomo Olgiato, pgs. 136-37, fig. 75. 1570 Map of the North Atlantic, Abraham Ortelius, pg. 17, fig. 4. 1570 Detail of the general map of Asia, Abraham Ortelius, pg. 165, fig. 85. 1570 Southeast Asia, Abraham Ortelius, pg. 166, fig. 86. 1581 Asia as Pegasus, Heinrich Bunting, pg. 99, fig. 54. 1584 China, Abraham Ortelius, pg. 170, fig. 88.