Marisa Baggett

Sushi Secrets

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taking the course again. Unfortunately, LA was not the place for a broke, homesick Mississippi girl so I moved to Memphis and began my sushi career working as the sushi chef of a small, lounge style sushi bar. From there I branched out on my own and helped restaurants train sushi staffs, created custom sushi menus, taught private, in home sushi classes, and catered sushi for kosher events.

      I hold a special place in my heart for the first sushi I created at The Chocolate Giraffe and those wanting to make sushi in the comfort of their own home kitchen. I didn’t have many special tools or a large operating budget back then and when you’re just getting started, there is no need to spend hundreds of dollars purchasing sushi specific equipment. Access to the more common sushi ingredients were non-existent for me but with a little Internet shopping and resourcefulness, you won’t miss a beat. If I can do it, so can you! You can create stunning sushi at home.

      The focus of this book is not to present sushi recipes that are authentic in the sense of making rigid decisions about “must have” seafood and ingredients. In fact, that goes against the very spirit of Japanese cuisine. Instead, creative sushi recipes are presented that use a gamut of ingredients and seafood that can be found locally. There are also recipes included that keep the more traditional palate in mind. What you may notice what is missing is the suggested use of certain seafood such as hamachi, bluefin tuna, and freshwater eel. Making sure to use ocean-friendly seafood species that are plentiful and sustainably caught is a must, even when making sushi at home. This will ensure that sushi lovers for years to come will have plentiful seafood options.

      I hope that you will use these recipes and methods as a muse to fuel your own creativity. In keeping with the age old tradition of using what is very fresh and what is regional, I hope to inspire you to open your mind and your palate, experimenting with items from your region. Have fun!

      Happy Sushi!

      Marisa Baggett

       author of Sushi Secrets

      Getting Started–The Eight Basic Kinds of Sushi

      Chances are, you’re eager to get rolling, but first things first. Becoming familiar with the various forms of sushi, proper pantry staples, equipment, and seafood for sushi should be at the top of all aspiring home sushi chef ’s list. Having knowledge of the basic kinds of sushi can expand palates and even flexibility in the event that things don’t go as planned. Knowing how to purchase and store the essentials can save money. Having the necessary tools makes sushi preparation easy. And the benefits of selecting great seafood products easily extend beyond the realm of sushi.

      When planning to prepare sushi keep in mind all of the various forms. Most likely, the different types of sushi rolls, or maki, instantly come to mind. Consider exploring other forms of sushi. Each has its own set of preparation techniques and advantages for maximizing the selected fillings and toppings. The methods of enjoying each type of sushi vary, too. Chop-sticks are certainly a favorite method for those that are dextrous, but many forms of sushi are acceptable finger foods.

      Nigiri Sushi

      Nigiri or hand formed sushi fingers, is the crown jewel of sushi. Prime, colorful cuts of the freshest seafood are draped gracefully over thoughtfully formed beds of hand squeezed rice. Toppings such as raw seafood lay in place, but cooked seafood and many vegetables require the help of a nori “seatbelt” to hold them securely in place during the movement from dish to mouth.

      Pressed Sushi (Oshi Sushi)

      If sushi had a sandwich, this would be it. Pressed sushi is layers of Sushi Rice and various fillings. Special presses can be used to literally press the finished product through to a cutting board where it is sliced into manageable pieces. When special sushi presses are unavailable, Sushi Rice can be layered with fillings, molded in a bowl or dish, unmolded, and cut much in the same fashion.

      Battleship Sushi (Gunkan Maki)

      Battleship sushi is the translated name given to these little bites. Gunkan maki are much like nigiri in that they begin as a similar hand squeezed bed of rice. Then, a wide strip of nori is wrapped around the bed of rice to form an elongated “battleship” that is ideal for filling. Such fillings include various fish roes, chopped, or sliced seafood and other toppings that are a bit too moist or loose for inclusion inside completely enclosed sushi rolls.

      Thin Rolls (Hoso Maki)

      Thin sushi rolls are sushi simplicity. One or two fillings are rolled into small bite sized pieces. These are best for showcasing one or two flavors, like pristine cuts of seafood, grilled meat, or deliciously seasoned vegetables.

      Thick Rolls (Futo Maki)

      Thick sushi rolls present a big bite. Try these out first if you have a tendency for going overboard. Futo maki can accommodate an abundance of ingredients. Just keep in mind that thick rolls still fall under the one-bite category. No matter how thick the rolls, they should still be eaten in one bite.

      Inside-out Rolls (Ura Maki)

      Ura maki are probably the most recognizable sushi rolls. They are referred to as inside out rolls because the rice rather than the nori is on the outside. While some may think of this as a way to mask the flavor of the seaweed, I prefer to think of it as a way to showcase sushi’s vital and most essential ingredient—the Sushi Rice.

      Hand Rolls (Te Maki)

      Call it a sushi burrito or call it a sushi cone. Regardless, the method for consumption is the same. Nori is filled with Sushi Rice and desired fillings then wrapped into a personal cone. These are not meant to be cut before serving. Simply take bites from the cone and enjoy.

      Bowl Sushi (Chirashi)

      It is quite easy to understand why this is commonly considered a “sushi salad.” chirashi sushi starts off with a base of Sushi Rice in a bowl topped with carefully placed or scattered toppings. Toppings can include fresh or pickled vegetables, seafood, fruit, or even smoked meats. While easy to make, eating may require a steady hand. The mastery of chopstick use is essential as chirashi is essentially a bowl of rice and toppings. It is perfectly acceptable to use a fork if your chopstick skills are not quite there yet.

      Planning a Sushi Meal

      Sushi as a meal is not a traditional concept. However, if you’re going to invest the time into preparing wonderful sushi at home, you’ll most likely want to make a complete experience of it. A sushi meal can easily be planned according to your tastes, budget, or the amount of time you have on hand. Consider the following tips:

      • Preparation doesn’t have to be overly time consuming. Many recipes have simple methods. For those with more involved preparations, consider serving 2 or more recipes with similar preparation styles. For example, if preparing