Stephen K. Hayes

The Ninja Defense

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a first line of training to show people how to defend against these assaults. Begin your adventure with a look at how to win in the twelve assault types most likely to occur in a dangerous confrontation, how to work in those twelve threat situations to rescue yourself or other people, how to use twelve natural body self-defense tools, and how to develop the grounded presence of focused command in high-pressure situations.

      I am first to acknowledge the training scenarios in this book are not the breathtaking exotic stuff of martial arts fantasy movies. I also do not hide the fact that seven of the twelve attacks covered in this book would be unlikely to show up in a prize fight arena, ring, or cage. The material here is neither for entertainment nor contest. These skills and insights are what you would want your loved ones to know if they ever had to walk some mean streets or make their way home from realms of predators. Less cool. More tool.

      I admit my ego had to struggle with choosing a reality premise for this book. It is so tempting to just show off. I do have plenty of amazing tricky techniques I teach at my martial arts school, and a few friends urged me to make this an edgy and over-the-top book to impress others and celebrate my own decades of training for mastery.

      I nonetheless chose to go with the ground of reality for this volume. A few of my other books teach some of my martial art’s more advanced skills, and my purpose in writing this book now after a lifetime of practice is not to show off or impress other martial arts masters. I have been asked by many people to present the distilled truth of what makes up the most important lessons in how to protect the good and the pure from the cruel and brutal. This then is indeed that. Here is the curriculum I wish I could have studied in my early days of passion for the martial arts when I began my training odyssey back in the 1960s.

      The self-training program in this book gives you a solid and reliable foundation for learning how to prevail over violent aggressors. There are three sections to each lesson.

      First, you will study a fundamental response for each problem. What do you do when you suddenly must intervene to protect yourself or someone else? These fighting hits and grabs are called “the basics” in English, or kihon in the original Japanese language, and are your primary fighting tools.

      Next, you will study a defense against each of these rescues gone bad. What if a confused or violent person uses the same skills to attack you or another? Practice each kata, or “fight scenario form,” over and over as a way to learn to recognize the problem, condition yourself to find the right answer for the problem every time, and internalize how it feels to win.

      Finally, you will practice your skills full-power and full-speed against training targets to advance your fighting attributes. How powerfully, quickly, and precisely can you move? You need to build muscle strength and flexibility, improve effective balance when you move quickly, and develop more fitness, finesse, and focus.

      Depending on your level of expertise, you can practice each kata defensive action sequence with training partners approaching from appropriately progressing degrees of challenge:

      “I’m new at this” - Practice the defense from a set place against a stationary simulated aggressor with a designated right or left attack

      “I’m learning this” - Practice the defense from a set place against a stationary simulated aggressor who sends an attack from right or left without predesignation

      “I’m getting this” - Practice the defense from a set place against a moving simulated aggressor who continuously changes position around you and then sends an attack at you from right or left

      “I’m good” - Practice the defense while you move and change position against a likewise moving simulated aggressor who sends an attack from right or left

      “I’m really good” - Practice the defense while on the move against a moving simulated aggressor who moves against you from right or left, and in multiple movement flow combinations with additional techniques from the same block of three lessons in the chapter

      “I’ve got this down” - Practice the defense while on the move against one or more moving simulated aggressors who attack from right or left, as part of a multiple strike flow combination with additional strike or grab attacks from the entire series of twelve lessons.

      This program delivers the twin benefits of efficient training for overcoming dangerous people and situations along with effective foundation building for personal self-development and well-being. If you are less vulnerable to humiliation or damage, you are more likely to be at ease in more situations with more people. The more at ease you are in more situations, the more likely you are to experience more peace in life. The more inner peace you find as a result of increased outer security, the more likely you are to cultivate enhanced health and happiness from less stress and tension. The healthier and happier you appear to be, the more other healthy and happy people will want to be around you. You win.

      Author Stephan K Hayes’ wife Rumiko demonstrates a classical bojutsu long staff defense against the Japanese sword from the historical ninja martial arts at root of To-Shin Do as modern self-protection training.

      Chapter Two


      Ever found yourself in a situation where others had gained the upper hand dealing with you? You were strategically at a disadvantage. They may have been physically superior; they were bigger, better trained, or holding deadlier weapons. Their tactics may have been superior; they had a plan to confuse you or hook your emotions. They may have held a psychological advantage; they commanded fear based on reputation or a fierce and crazy spirit ready for conflict, or they hid behind some disguise of weakness to get you to drop your guard.

      You felt trapped. Initially, you did not recognize the need to take command of the situation, and then it was too late to get away. With escape now impossible, you were forced into action with only two choices. One possibility was to give in and let them take what they wanted. Such a choice is called submitting. The other possibility was to move to stop them from succeeding in their assault. That choice is called fighting.

      Why fight when winning is not important?

      Fighting is not the only way to respond to attackers, of course. You do not have to beat everyone who wants to fight. Some confrontations have no compelling power over you, and submitting has no cost because you perceive no threat of loss. A guy rants insultingly about a team you do not know in a sport you do not follow. So what? A driver cuts you off for the last parking space near the mall entrance as you drive around to the rear package pickup door. So what? An office sneak plots to cheat you out of your job as you finalize plans for early retirement in a new dream home. So what?

      Why fight in such cases where animosity directed against you has no effect on the quality of your day? There is no point in resisting hostility just for the sake of resisting. There is no need to bark back at barking dogs. Compulsive competitive retaliation for the sole purpose of defeating someone else regardless of the prize is a pathetic form of neurotic behavior.

      There are as well non-resisting ways to avoid the harm of directly hostile people. Walk away from the loudmouths. Let the guy butt into line. Ignore the one pumping his obscene hand gesture at you in traffic. You are morally bigger than they are. Your life is better than theirs. You can graciously give a break to an occasional low-life clod.

      Though non-resistance can be a viable way to handle aggression from others, you will eventually reach a limit as to how far you can go without having to take a stand on something. It is also true that non-resistance to hostility against you will have a price, even if it is only a subtle psychic cost. When antagonism would indeed affect your life, something of importance must always be given up for non-resistance to do the job of returning life to a peaceful condition.

      What about those situations where you can not afford to give away what is demanded? What about times you do not dare give another control over your resources? What about when you cannot tolerate a bully victimizing your child? What about when you cannot let your body be savaged by an abuser?