Doherty, 23 June 2006. In Parkhurst SSU Joe O’Connell claimed: ‘You were in with the same people day after day, year after year. You were sort of fed up looking at each other. But we did get on fine. There were very few [problems] even with the English prisoners here was the odd falling out. Not too serious. There was the few serious falling out among the English prisoners that were in there. The pressure would get to them different ones’. Joe O’Connell, 7 June 2008.
70.Hugh Doherty, 23 June 2006.
71.Hugh Doherty, 23 June 2006.
72.Hugh Doherty, 23 June 2006. For H-Wing see Elaim Genders and Elaine Player, ‘Women Lifers: Assessing the experience’, The Prison Journal, 1990, Vol. 70, pp. 46–57.
73.Hugh Doherty, 23 June 2006.
74.Sr. Clarke, ‘Hugh Doherty’, Clarke Papers (COFLA).
75.Winnie Doherty, 7 June 2008. Doherty was assisted on her trips to prisons in the North of England by members of TOM. She was initially ‘a bit nervous of them because they were so English’ but later mused: ‘would we be so good to them?’ Ibid.
76.Guardian, 27 October 2014.
77.Shari-Jayne Boda, Real crime: four crimes that shocked a nation (London, 2003).
78.Pat Magee, ‘Comments on Leicester SSU’, MS, 19 December 1989, Private Collection (Pat Magee).
79.Eddie Butler, 21 December 2007.
80.Walmsley, Special Security Units, p. 34.
81.Joe O’Connell, 8 June 2008.
82.Tony Madigan, 7 March 2008.
83.Irish political prisoners, p. 82.
84.Leading republican Gerry Kelly stated: ‘We are as one with the ANC’. Gerry Kelly to the Editor, FRFI, May 1987.
85.AP/RN, 20 January 1983.
86.Noel Gibson quoted in AP/RN, April 1998.
87.‘Walsh-BOV Adjudications’ in A Aylett [For the Treasury Solicitor] to BM Birnberg & Co, 28 September 1990, Private Collection (Walsh).
88.Roy Walsh, 9 March 2008 and Andy Mulryan, 17 November 2008. Communication difficulties ensured that AP/RN claimed that the attempt occurred in 1978 ‘several months’ before the March 1979 roof top protest. AP/RN, 20 January 1985. Sr. Clarke noted ‘around March [19]78 Roy Walsh & Noel Gibson tried to escape from Parkhurst’. Sr. Clarke, ‘Roy Walsh’, Clarke Papers (COFLA). Sean Kinsella was the centre of a black joke when a London prisoner learned he had been a barber in Monaghan at the outset of the Long War. With reference to a heavy caliber revolver he quipped: ‘What does he part your hair with then, a forty-five?’ McLaughlin, Inside an English jail, p. 33.
89.Tony Madigan, 7 March 2008.
90.Roy Walsh, 9 March 2008.
91.Roy Walsh, 9 March 2008.
92.Noel Gibson, 24 August 2008.
93.Sean Kinsella, 3 August 2007.
94.Noel Gibson, 24 August 2008.
95.Irish political prisoners, p. 84.
96.Andy Mulryan, 17 November 2008.
97.Roy Walsh, 9 March 2008.
98.Sean Kinsella, 3 August 2007.
99.Irish political prisoners, p. 84 and ‘Walsh-BOV Adjudications’ in A Aylett [For the Treasury Solicitor] to BM Birnberg & Co, 28 September 1990, Private Collection (Walsh).
100.Report of the work of the Prison Department, 1978, p. 25.
101.Sr. Clarke, ‘Roy Walsh’, Clarke Papers (COFLA).
102.Shane Paul O’Doherty, The Volunteer, A former IRA man’s true story (London, 1993), p. 207. Jack Duggan, a Tipperary IRA man settled in Manchester, was held in solitary in Dartmoor for over two years in the 1940s ‘with nothing in the cell but a compressed paper pot and a bible’. He and other republicans on protest were forcibly dressed by guards once a week when obliged to appear before the Governor. United Irishman, February 1968.
103.O’Doherty, Volunteer, p. 207 and ‘An Irish prisoner and Home Office lies’ in The Irish Prisoner, No. 11 [1987], pp. 10–11. See also Conlon, Proved Innocent, p. 185. Whitehead also assisted Gerry Conlon of the Guildford Four. Gerry Conlon, University of Limerick, 18 March 2014.
104.O’Doherty, Volunteer, p. 209.
105.Jimmy Kelly, a West Belfast republican and occasional resident of Southampton, England, received a five-year sentence on 27 January 1976 for contravening the Firearms and Explosives Act. He progressed from Winchester to Long Lartin and Wormwood Scrubs by January 1977 and was present when O’Doherty was transferred. See Sr. Clarke, ‘James Kelly’, Clarke Papers (COFLA). In 1975 Derry republican socialist and former MP Bernadette Devlin contacted progressive London solicitor Mike Fisher to assist Kelly’s defence. Fisher, an innate liberal of Catholic and Jewish parentage and educated in Mount St Mary’s Jesuit boarding school in Sheffield, became one of the