McCartney, 12 April 2008.
21.‘John McCluskey part two: Gartree 1978’ in FRFI, February 1985, p. 14.
22.Ronnie McCartney, 12 April 2008.
23.‘McCluskey part two: Gartree 1978’ in FRFI, February 1985, p. 14.
24.Times, 7 October 1978.
25.Callan, Gartree, pp. 48, 54–5.
26.Eddie O’Neill, 19 July 2007.
27.Ronnie McCartney, 12 April 2008.
28.Hill, Stolen years, p. 201.
29.Times, 3 November 1978.
30.Ronnie McCartney, 12 April 2008.
31.Times, 7 October 1978.
32.See Home Office Statement on the Background, Circumstances and Action Subsequently Taken relative to the Disturbance in D Wing at HM Prison Wormwood Scrubs on 31st August 1979; Together with the Report of an Inquiry by the Regional Director of South East Region of the Prison Department (London, 1982), Appendix 8. A Circular Instruction issued on 29 May 1979 cited Prison Rule 44 and Standing Order 3E to advise on tactical aspects of MUFTI utilization. Ibid., p. 62. The units comprised a ‘Section’ of five men under the command of a Senior Officer. The use of more than one ‘Section’ entailed the formation of a ‘Team’ under the command of a Principal Officer. Ibid. The decision to disband MUFTI units was taken in November 1988. Times, 22 November 1988.
33.IRIS, 10 November 1979. See also Guardian, 2 November 1979.
34.Report of the work of the Prison Department, 1978, p. 24.
35.‘McCluskey part two: Gartree 1978’ in FRFI, February 1985, p. 14.
36.‘McCluskey part two: Gartree 1978’ in FRFI, February 1985, p. 14.
37.See Irish Times, 7 October 1978.
38.Hill, Stolen years, p. 201.
39.‘McCluskey part two: Gartree 1978’ in FRFI, February 1985, p. 14.
40.McLaughlin, Inside an English jail, p. 47.
41.See Coggan and Walker, Deaths in British prisons, p. 204 and Times, 24 August 1978.
42.McLaughlin, Inside an English jail, p. 46.
43.HC Deb 14 November 1978 vol 958 c136W.
44.Sunday Times, 22 October 1978.
45.HC Deb 22 November 1978 vol 958 c597W.
46.Guardian, 24 May 1979.
47.Times, 2 November 1978.
48.Peter Evans, ‘Why prison reform is long overdue’ in Times, 3 November 1978. See also Times, 24 August 1978.
49.Times, 7 October 1978.
50.Times, 21 October 1978.
51.Economist, 7 October 1978.
52.Guardian, 15 November 1978.
53.Irish political prisoners, p. 94. Republicans believed that IRA men Brendan Dowd, Eddie Byrne and Paul Holmes had been drugged against their wishes on various occasions. Byrne claimed that he had been given Paraldehyde after the Albany ‘riot’ which rendered him unconscious for three days and left him disorientated for a further ten. See The Irish Prisoner, No. 6, September/ October 1979 and McLaughlin, Inside an English jail, p. 25. Byrne further claimed he was in 1977 ‘administered an unknown drug which resulted in experiencing hallucinations and feelings of suffocation. Since then I have refused to accept drugs which I fail to identify’. Eddie Byrne to the Editor, 25 July 1982, Irish People, 25 September 1982.
54.Times, 6 October 1978. Around 500 prisoners in Dartmoor, which then contained no IRA members, were locked down by staff on 6 October who feared a possible ‘flashpoint’ situation. Times, 7 October 1978.
55.Report of the work of the Prison Department, 1978, p. 23.
56.Martin Brady, 12 April 2008.
57.Republican News, 10 March 1979.
58.AP/RN, 29 July 1982.
59.Republican News, 25 November 1978. Brady found that his mail was subject to an extremely high level of censorship. Monthly ‘closed’ visits permitted to F Wing inmates were also conducted with an exceptionally intrusive staff presence. He felt obliged to refuse visits under the circumstances. Ibid., 21 January 1979. See also IRIS, 15 November 1978. Hill caught a glimpse of Brady taking exercise on his own and was buoyed to him walking ‘with a cocky Belfast dander’. Hill, Stolen years, p. 203.
60.Hill, Stolen years, p. 202.