John M. Yumoto

Samurai Sword

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Three tanto 44 6. A straight sword in ken mounting 45 7. A long sword in jindachi-zukuri mounting 45 8. A long sword in jindachi-zukuri mounting 45 9. Painting of a mid-Edo period samurai 46 10. Daito and wakizashi in buke-zukuri mounting 63 11. Kozuka (utility knife), kogai (skewer), and wari-bashi (chopsticks) 63 12. Shira-saya (plain wood scabbard) 63 13. Kyu-gunto (proto-army sword) 64 14. Police or parade saber 64 15. Two shin-gunto (neo-army sword) 65 16. Shin-gunto (neo-army sword) 65 17. Three kaigunto (naval sword) 66 18. Shikomi-zue (sword cane) 66 19. A tang with four rivet holes 75 20. A tang with an inscription 75 21. Blade with shortened tang 76 22. A tang with the results of a cutting test inscribed 76 23. Two tanto with scabbard pockets 77 24. A pair of matched tsuba 77 25. Tsuba with inlaid design 77 26. A collection of tsuba 78 27. Tsuba with gold filling 87 28. Hilts for buke-zukuri mountings 87 29. Habaki (collar) 87 30. Seppa (spacer) 87 31. A collection of fuchi and kashira (pommels) 88 32. A collection of menuki (hilt ornaments) 89 33. A set of fuchi and kashira 90 34. Purification rites by master swordsmith 103 35. Praying before the deity shelf 103 36. Heating and flattening of iron 104 37. Piling of the iron pieces 104 38. Heating of the iron pieces 104 39. Pounding of the iron 105 40. The sakite (aids) and master 105 41. Steel pieces fitted together with borax 106 42. The shaping of the sword 106 43. The rough blade is shaped 107 44. Coating of clay determines tempered pattern 107 45. Plunging the blade into water 108 46. Correcting the curvature of the blade 108 47. Grinding the blade 109 48. The tang is inscribed 109 49. A standard certificate issued by the Honnami family 110

      List of Figures

1. Map of Japan showing old provinces and modern prefectures 22
2. Swordsmiths at work 27
3. Sword-bearing official of the mid-Heian period 29
4. Warriors of the Old Sword period 30