Boye Lafayette De Mente

Instant Chinese

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      (Nerng bahng woh ee-she-ah mah)


      Please write it down

      Qing xie xia lai (Cheeng shay she-ah lie) 请写下来

      Please write it in Roman letters

      Qing yong Pinyin xie (Cheeng yohng Peen-een shay) 请用拼音写


I Wo (Woh) 我

      I’m an American

      Wo shi Meiguoren (Woh shr May-gwoh-wren)


      I’m British/English

      Wo shi Yinguoren (Woh shr Yeeng-gwoh-wren)


      I am _____

      Wo shi _____ (Woh shr _____) 我是 _____

Australian Aozhouren (Ah-oh-joe-wren) 澳洲人
Canadian Jianadaren (Je-ah-nah-dah-wren) 加拿大人
French Faguoren (Fa-gwoh-wren) 法国人
German Deguowen (Duh-gwoh-wren) 德国人
Japanese Ribenwen (Ree-bern-wren) 日本人
Spanish Xibanyaren (She-bahn-yah-wren) 西班牙人

      I am from _______

      Wo shi ______ lai-de (Woh shr _____ lie-duh) 我是 ______ 来的

Australia Aodaliya (ah-oh-dah-lee-yah) 澳大利亚
Canada Jianada (Jah-nah-dah) 加拿大
Denmark Danmai (Dahn-my) 丹麦
England Yingguo (Eeng-gwoh) 英国
France Faguo (Fah-gwoh) 法国
Germany Deguo (Der-gwoh) 德国
Holland Helan (Her-lahn) 荷兰
Ireland Airlan (Ayer-lahn) 爱尔兰
Italy Yidali (Ee-dah-lee) 意大利
Japan Riben (Ree-bern) 日本
New Zealand Niuxilan (New-she-lahn) 纽西兰
Norway Nuowei (Noh-way) 挪威
Sweden Ruidian (Rway-dee-an) 瑞典
Switzerland Ruishi (Rway-shr) 瑞士
USA Meiguo (May-gwoh) 美国

      I’m here on vacation

      Wo lai dujia (Woh lie doo-jah) 我来渡假

      I’m in China on holiday

      Wo lai Zhongguo luxing (Woh lie Johng-gwoh lweesheeng) 我来中国旅行

      I’m traveling on business

      Wo zuo shengyi luxing (Woh zwoh sherng lwee-sheeng) 我做生意旅行

      I’m in China on business

      Wo lai Zhongguo weile zuo shengyi (Woh lie Johng-gwoh way-ler zwoh sherng-ee) 我来中国为了做生意

      I am traveling alone

      Wo dandu luxing (Woh dahn-doo lwee-sheeng) 我单独旅行

      I don’t understand (listening)

      Wo ting bu dong (Woh teeng boo dohng) 我听不懂

      I’ve had enough, thank you

      Wo gou le, xiexie (Woh go ler, shay-shay) 我够了,谢谢

      I know

      Wo zhidao (Woh jr-dow) 我知道

      I don’t know

      Wo bu zhidao (Woh boo jr-dow) 我不知道

      I’m not sure

      Wo bu qingchu (Woh boo cheeng-choo) 我不清楚

      I’ve (already) eaten

      Wo chi le (Woh chr ler) 我吃了


My Wo-de (Woh-der) 我的

      These are my bags

      Zhe shi wo-de xingli (Jer shr woh-der sheeng-lee) 这是我的行李

      My address is _____

      Wo-de dizhi shi _____ (Woh-der dee-jr shr_____)

      我的地址是 _____

      That is my book

      Wo-de shu (Woh-der shoo) 我的书


You Ni (Nee)* 你

      Are you Chinese?

      Ni shi Zhonguoren ma? (Nee shr Johng-gwoh-wren mah)


      Are you Japanese?

      Ni shi Ribenren ma? (Nee shr Ree-bern-wren mah)


      Do you live here?

      Ni zhu zai zhe-ge difang ma? (Nee joo dzigh jay-guh dee-fahng mah) 你住在这个地方吗?

      Are you married?

      Ni jiehun-le ma? (Nee jay-hoon-ler mah) 你结婚了吗?

      Do you have children?

      Ni you haizi-le ma? (Nee you high-dzu-ler mah) 你有孩子了吗?

      *The “you” (ni) is generally left out of sentences when it is understood from the context.


Yes / No* Shi (shr) 是 / Bu (Boo) 不

      *Yes and no are not commonly used on their own in Chinese. Yes is usually expressed by repeating the verb. The negative is expressed by putting bu (boo) or mei (may) in front of verbs and adjectives.


Names Mingzi (Meeng-dzu) 名字

      first name ming (meeng) 名

      family name xing (sheeng) 姓

      What is your first name?

      Nin gui ming? (Neen gway-meeng) 你贵名?

      What is your family name?

      Ni xing shenme? (Nee sheeng shern-mo) 你姓什么?

      My family name is _____

      Wo xing