Columbia University in the City of New York, Stephen Haweis Papers, Arranged Miscellaneous Memoirs, Box 2, letter from Eileen Gray to Stephen Haweis, 14 February 1963.
32Picasso, Pablo, Les Demoiselles d’Avignon, 1907, oil on canvas, 243.7 x 233.7 cm, New York, MoMA.
33NMIEG 2003.66, Apollinaire, Guillaume, Les Peintres Cubistes, Editions Eugène Figuière et Cie, Paris, 1913.
34NMIEG 2003.150, abstract drawing.
35NMIEG 2000.173, Tempe à Pailla collage.
36Adam, Peter, Eileen Gray: Architect/Designer: A Biography, London, Thames and Hudson, 1987, p.188.
37NMIEG 2000.176, newspaper collage.
38Gray’s carpet designs were abstract in design but the inclusion of lettering, maps and plans usually referred to a person, place or memory.
39Clapp, Susannah, With Chatwin: Portrait of a Writer, New York, 1997, p.24.
40NMIEG 2000.172, Roquebrune coastline collage.
41Polo, Roberto, Eileen Gray-Œuvres sur Papier, Paris, Galerie Historismus, 2007, p.67.
42NMIEG 2003.122, black, grey and beige gouache with architectural plan motif. NMIEG 2003.118, black and white speckled gouache and collage.
43NMIEG 2000.173, Tempe à Pailla collage. Dating from 1931-34, this collage shows Gray’s experimentation with Synthetic Cubism.
44NMIEG 2000.90, Tempe à Pailla site plan.
45NMIEG 2000.174, green, white, blue gouache and collage.
46NMIEG 2000.169, collage elements.
47NMIEG 2003.118, black and white speckled gouache and collage.
48NMIEG 2000.169, NMIEG 2003.1569, Cultural and Social Centre, Stage design for Épopée Irlandaise.
49Polo, Roberto, Eileen Gray-Œuvres sur Papier, Paris, Galerie Historismus, 2007, p.72.
50NMIEG 2000.177, black and white collage. NMIEG 2003.123, black, grey and white gouache with yellow motif. Polo, Roberto, Eileen Gray-Œuvres sur Papier, Paris, Galerie Historismus, 2007, p.77.
51NMIEG 2003.145, black with green circle gouache and collage.
52NMIEG 2003.129, black gouache with dark green and speckled motifs. NMIEG 2003.123, black, grey and white gouache with yellow motif.
53Einstein, Carl, ‘Notes sur le cubism’, Documents, No.3, Paris, 39 rue de la Boétie, June 1929, pp.146-155.
54Braque, Georges, Le Sacré Coeur, 1913, oil on canvas, 55 x 40.5cm, Lille, Lille Métropole Musée d’art moderne.
55NMIEG 2003.82, Picasso, Pablo, Guernica, London, New Burlington Galleries, October 1938.
56NMIEG 2003.65, Gleizes, Albert, and Metzinger, Jean, Du Cubisme, Paris, Editions la Cible, 1912.
57NMIEG 2000.74, lacquer panel for a door.
58NMIEG 2003.150, abstract drawing. The motifs reappear in Marine d’Abord, Ebony and Ivory, Feston, Black Magic and Collage carpet designs.
59NMIEG 2000.74,lacquer door panel.
60Apollinaire, Guillaume, Les Soirées de Paris, No.22, Paris, Editions 6 rue Jacob, 15 March 1914.
61Picabia, Francis, Danseuse étoile sur un transatlantique, 1913, watercolour on paper, 75x55 cm, private collection.
62NMIEG 2003.148, charcoal drawing.
63V&A Archives, AAD 9/6-1980 and AAD 9/9-1980. These are typed notes by Jean Badovici regarding naval design, life boats and lifesaving.
64NMIEG 2003.85, Futurist exhibition catalogue, London, Sackville Gallery, March 1912.
65NMIEG 2003.147, charcoal drawing on grid paper.
66Lewis, Percy Wyndham, Blast, issue 1 and 2, London, Bodley Head, 1914.
67NMIEG 2003.124, black, grey and beige speckled gouache with swirling lines.
68NMIEG 2003.121, black and white speckled gouache with white lightening motif.
69NMIEG 2003.125, yellow gouache with white motifs and black lines, early 1930s.
70Duchamp, Marcel, Nude Descending a Staircase, No.2, 1912, oil on canvas, 147.5x89cm, Philadelphia Museum of Art, Louise and Walter Arensberg collection.
71Polo, Roberto, Eileen Gray-Œuvres sur Papier, Paris, Galerie Historismus, 2007, p.73.