Richard Feltoe

Upper Canada Preserved — War of 1812 6-Book Bundle

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Vol. 1, 220, 65–66; and W. James, A Full and Correct Account of the Military Occurrences, 391.

      Selected Bibliography

      Primary Sources


      1. Library and Archives of Canada

      Manuscript Groups (MG)

      MG10A: U.S. Department of State, War of 1812 Records.

      MG11(CO42): British Colonial Office, Original Correspondence, Canada.

      MG11(CO47): Upper Canada Records, 1764–1836, miscellaneous.

      MG13 (WO62): Commissariat Department, Miscellaneous Records 1809–1814.

      MG19/A39: Duncan Clark Papers.

      MG24/A9: Sir George Prevost Papers.

      Research Groups (RG)

      RG5-A1: Civil Secretary’s Office, Upper Canada Sundries, 1791–1867.

      RG8-I: British Military and Naval Records, 1757–1903.

      RG9-I: Pre-Confederation Records, Military.

      RG10: Indian Department Records.

      RG19/E5A: Department of Finance, War of 1812, Losses Board.

      2. Archives Ontario

      MS35/1: Strachan Papers.

      MS74/R5: Merritt Papers.

      MS501: Thorburn Papers.

      MS58: Band Papers.

      MS500: Street Papers.

      MS519: Joel Stone Papers.

      MS 520: Solomon Jones Papers.

      MS502/B Series: Nelles Papers.

      MU2099: A.A. Rapelje Papers.

      MU527: Duncan Clark Papers.

      MU2034: Events in the Military History of the Saint Lawrence River Valley, 1779–1814.

      MS74.R5: Henry Ruttan Papers.

      Microfilm B91/Reel 1: Table of Statutes, Upper Canada Legislature 1792–1840.

      3. Metro Toronto Reference Library

      Hagerman, C.: Journal of Christopher Hagerman.

      MacDonell, G.: MacDonell Papers.

      Prevost Papers, 7 Volumes, S108, Cub 7.

      4. Detroit Public Library Archives

      Kirby, J.: James Kirby Papers.

      5. Buffalo and Erie County Historical Society Archives

      A. Conger Goodyear War of 1812 Manuscripts, 1779–1862, Mss. BOO-11, 16 Volumes.

      Early Secondary Publications

      Armstrong, J. Notices of the War of 1812. New York: Wiley & Putnam, 1840.

      Boyd, J.P. Documents and Facts Relative to Military Events During the Late War. Privately published, 1816.

      Brackenridge, Henry. M. History of the Late War Between the United States and Great Britain. Cushing & Jewett, 1817.

      Davis, Paris M. An Authentick History of the Late War Between the United States and Great Britain. Ithica, NY: Mack & Andrus, 1829.

      __________. The Four Principal Battles of the Late War Between the United States and Great Britain. Harrisburg, NY: Jacob Baab, 1832.

      Hitsman, J.M. History of the American War of Eighteen Hundred and Twelve. Philadelphia: W. McCarty, 1816.

      James, W. A Full and Correct Account of the Military Occurrences of the Late War Between Great Britain and the United States of America. London, UK: William James, 1818.

      Johnson, Frederick H. A Guide for Every Visitor to Niagara Falls. Niagara Falls: Self-published, 1852.

      Lossing, Benson. Pictorial Field Book of the War of 1812. New York: Harper and Brothers, 1868.

      McCarty, W. History of the American War of 1812. Philadelphia: William McCarty & Davis, 1817.

      Merritt, William Hamilton. Journal of Events: Principally on the Detroit & Niagara Frontiers During the War of 1812. St. Catharines, ON: Canada West Historical Society, 1863.

      Morgan, J.C. The Emigrant’s Guide, With Recollections of Upper and Lower Canada During the Late War Between the United States of America and Great Britain. London, UK: Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme & Brown, 1824. New York: Leavitt, Lord & Co., 1836.

      O’Connor, T. An Impartial and Correct History of the War Between the United States of America and Great Britain. Belfast: Joseph Smyth, 1816. Reprint of the John Low edition, New York, 1815.

      “Proceedings and Debates of the House of Representatives of the United States.” 12th Congress, 1st Session (1812). U.S. Government Records.

      Ripley, E.A. Facts Relative to the Campaign on the Niagara in 1814. Boston: Self-published, 1815.

      Scott, Winfield. Memoirs of Lieut.-General Scott. Sheldon & Co., 1864.

      Thomson, J.L. Historical Sketches of the Late War Between the United States and Great Britain. Philadelphia: Thomas Delsilver, 1816.

      Van Rensselaer, Solomon. A Narrative of the Affair at Queenston in the War of 1812.

      Wilkinson, J. Diagrams and Plans Illustrative of the Principal Battles of the War of 1812. Philadelphia: Self-published, 1815.

      Secondary Sources

      Later Secondary Publications

      Buell, W. “Military Movements in Eastern Ontario During the War of 1812.” Ontario Historical Society, Papers and Records, Vol. 10 (1913) and Vol. 17 (1919).

      Carnochan, Janet. “Reminiscences of Niagara and St. David’s.” Niagara Historical Society, Paper No. 20 (1911).

      Cruickshank, Ernest. “Campaigns of 1812–1814.” Niagara Historical Society, Paper No. 9, 1902.

      _________. “Letters of 1812 from the Dominion Archives.” Niagara Historical Society, Paper No. 23, 1913.

      _________. “A Memoir of Colonel the Honourable James Kerby, His Life in Letters.” Welland County Historical Society, Papers and Records, No. 4, 1931.

      Currie, Honourable James G. “The Battle of Queenston Heights.” Niagara Historical Society, Paper No. 4, 1898.

      “Family History and Reminiscences of Early Settlers and Recollections of the War of 1812.” Niagara Historical Society, Paper No. 28, 1915.

      Government of the United States. “Causes of the Failure of the Army on the Northern Frontier.” Report to the House of Representatives, February 2, 1814, 13th Congress, 2nd Session, Military Affairs.

      “Historic Houses.” Niagara Historical Society, Paper No. 5, 1899.

      Kilborn, John. “Accounts of the War of 1812.” In Thaddeus W.H. Leavitt. History of Leeds and Grenville Counties from 1749 to 1879. Brockville, ON: Recorder Press, 1879.

      Leavitt, T.W.H. History of Leeds and Grenville Counties from 1749 to 1879. Brockville, ON: Recorder Press, 1879.

      Niagara Historical Society Papers, No 28, c.1916. Recollections of the Late Hon. James Crooks.

      “Reminiscences of Arthur Galloway.” Cornell University Library, Ithaca, NY. New York State Historical Monographs, Historical Literature Collection, Anonymous collection, circa 1850.
