4.5Information Worksheet
4.6Primary Functions
4.7Secondary Functions
4.8General Equipment Features that Typically Warrant Secondary Functions
4.9Tips Regarding Functions
5.Functional Failures
5.1What Is a Functional Failure?
5.2Two Types of Functional Failures
5.3Composing Functional Failures
6.Failure Modes
6.1What Is a Failure Mode?
6.2Failure Modes and the Information Worksheet
6.3Composing Failure Modes
6.4What Failure Modes Should Be Included in an RCM Analysis?
6.5How Detailed Should Failure Modes Be Written?
6.6Identifying Failure Modes for Each Functional Failure
6.7Tips for writing Failure Modes
7.Failure Effects
7.1What Is a Failure Effect?
7.2Failure Effects and the Information Worksheet
7.3Composing Failure Effects
7.4Writing Failure Effects for Protective Devices
8.Failure Consequences
8.1What Is a Failure Consequence?
8.2Introduction to the Decision Diagram
8.3Classifying Failure Modes as Evident or Hidden
8.4Identifying Failure Consequences
9.Proactive Maintenance and Intervals
9.1Proactive Maintenance in the Context of RCM
9.2Criteria for Assigning a Proactive Maintenance Task
9.3Scheduled Restoration and Scheduled Replacement Tasks
9.4On-Condition Tasks
9.5Combination of Tasks
9.6Synchronizing Initial Task Intervals
10.Default Strategies
10.1Procedural Checks
10.2Failure Finding Tasks
10.3Synchronizing Initial Task Intervals
10.4No Scheduled Maintenance
10.5Other Default Strategies
10.6Important Notes Regarding Default Strategies
11.Analysis Validation and Implementation
11.1Frequently-Asked Questions About the Validation Process
11.2Implementing RCM Analysis Results
12.How to Initiate and Successfully Sustain an RCM Program
12.1The Steps to Initiate an RCM Program
12.2Sustaining an RCM Program
13.Frequently Asked Questions and Common Misconceptions about RCM
13.1RCM FAQs
13.2Common Misconceptions Regarding the RCM Process
14.RCM Is Only Part of the Solution
14.1Two Fundamental Realities of Asset Management
14.2The Application of Processes Less Robust than RCM
14.3The RCM Solution
Steps to Initiate an RCM Program
Steps to Successfully Complete RCM Pilot Projects
There are so many people who have come into my life offering friendship, guidance, advice, and support that have made this book possible. Your significant impact is woven into these pages. Some of you I am no longer in contact with, but the spirit of what you brought to my life and to my work remains with me always.
To my beloved husband, Dr. Dennis Fernandez, for embracing my dreams as you do your own.
To my Mother, whose love follows me wherever I go, whatever I do. Your job is not yet done.
To Sister, my sibling, my confidant, and my friend. Thank you for your unfailing encouragement, love, and understanding. I love you.
To my memory and my best friend in all the world, Mitchell Friedman. Your friendship, encouragement, and collaboration are some of the greatest blessings of my life. What would I do without you?
To the late John Moubray for being instrumental not only in learning my craft, but for your encouragement and guidance in launching The Force.
To Christina Thomas-Fraser for lighting the way.
To Michelle Duvall who proves every day that not all angels have wings.
To Campbell Fraser for your guidance. I am smarter, wiser, and more aware because of you.
To Mark Samuelson. From the first moment at Fort Campbell your kindness, patience, friendship, and advice meant more to me than you may ever know. Thank you for every mile we’ve run together.
To John Sims for sticking with me through long facilitation sessions and for being such a staunch advocate of our work.
To the CH-47 Cargo Helicopters Project Management Office, Redstone Arsenal, Huntsville, Alabama. Thank you for your unfailing support of RCM and The Force, and for your willingness to use RCM in so many unique and varied ways.
To Julie Haralson for your dedication to The Force, Inc. and your assistance with this manuscript.
To Colonel Jay Montgomery, USMC, for recognizing what RCM can do for asset management and for promulgating RCM wherever possible.
To AFCM Sam Campbell (Retired) for teaching me to never forget where I came from. The experiences you provided shaped my understanding of how critical the skill and knowledge of the user and maintainer are. I carry our friendship in my heart.