Kyubyong Park

Essential Korean Vocabulary

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alt=""/>깨어나다 kkae·eo·na·da to come around, become conscious again

      깨어나 보니 병원 침대에 누워 있었다. kkaeeona boni byeongwon chimdaee nuwo i­sseotda. When I came around, I was lying in a hospital bed.

      낫다 nat·da to be cured, recover from

      암은 쉽게 낫는 병이 아니다. ameun swipge nanneun byeongi anida. Cancer is not something that can be easily cured.

      회복 | ~하다 hoe·bok | ~·ha·da recovery | to recover from

      수술 후에 그 환자는 아주 빨리 회복했다. susul hue geu hwanjaneun aju ppalli hoebokaetda. After the operation, the patient recovered very quickly.

      극복하다 ≒ 이겨내다 geuk·bo·ka·da ≒ i·gyeo·nae·da to overcome

      그녀는 암을 극복했다/이겨냈다. geunyeo­neun ameul geukbokaetda/igyeonaetda. She fought against cancer and won.

      퇴원 | ~하다 toe·won | ~·ha·da leaving the hospital | to be discharged

      하루 빨리 퇴원하시기를 바랍니다. haru ppalli toewonhasigireul baramnida. I hope you get out of the hospital soon.

      진료 ≒ 진찰 | ~하다 jil·lyo ≒ jin·chal | ~·ha·da (medical) treatment | to give medical treatment

      진료/진찰 시간은 오전 10시에서 오후 5시입니다. jillyo/jinchal siganeun ojeon nyeolsieseo ohu daseotsiimnida. Office hours are from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.

      치료 | ~하다 chi·ryo | ~·ha·da treatment, cure | to treat

      어머니는 약물 치료를 받고 계세요. eomeoni­neun nyangmul chiryoreul batgo gyeseyo. My mother is undergoing medical treatment.

      검사 | ~하다 geom·sa | ~·ha·da examination, test | to examine, check

      방금 검사 결과가 나왔습니다. banggeum geomsa gyeolgwaga nawatseumnida. We just got your test results.

      진단 | ~하다 jin·dan | ~·ha·da diagnosis | to diagnose

      나는 폐렴 진단을 받았다. naneun pyeryeom jindaneul badatda. I was diagnosed with pneumonia.

      처방 | ~하다 cheo·bang | ~·ha·da prescription | to prescribe

      항생제 처방을 받으면 지정된 복용량을 정확히 지키세요. hangsaengje cheo­bangeul badeumyeon jijeongdoen bogyong­nyangeul jeonghwaki jikiseyo. If you receive prescribed antibiotics, follow the dosage instructions exactly.

      건강검진 geon·gang·geom·jin checkup, physical examination

      마지막으로 건강검진을 받으신 게 언제죠? majimageuro geonganggeomjineul badeusin ge eonjejyo? When was the last time you had a checkup?

      청진기 cheong·jin·gi stethoscope

      의사가 청진기를 이용해 진찰했다. uisaga cheongjingireul iyonghae jinchalhaetda. The doctor used the stethoscope in his examination.

      체온 che·on body temperature

      체온을 재겠습니다. cheoneul jaegetseumnida. Let me check your temperature.

      맥박 maek·bak pulse

      혈압 hyeo·rap blood pressure

      맥박과 혈압은 정상입니다. maekbakgwa hyeo­rabeun jeongsangimnida. Your pulse and blood pressure are normal.

      엑스레이 ek·seu·re·i X-ray

      뼈가 골절되었는지 엑스레이를 찍어 봅시다. ppyeoga goljeoldoeeonneunji ekseureireul jjigeo bopsida. Let’s get it X-rayed to check if the bone is broken.

      내시경 nae·si·gyeong endoscope

      엠알아이 e·ma·ra·i MRI

      수술 | ~하다 su·sul | ~·ha·da operation, surgery | to operate

      수술 전에는 아무것도 드시면 안 됩니다. susul jeoneneun amugeotdo deusimyeon an doemnida. You’re not allowed to eat anything before the operation.

      마취 | ~하다 ma·chwi | ~·ha·da anesthesia | to anesthetize

      국소 마취는 몇 시간이면 풀립니다. gukso machwineun myeot siganimyeon pullimnida. The local anesthetic will wear off in a few hours.

      주사 ju·sa injection, shot

      독감 예방 주사는 맞았어요? dokgam yebang jusaneun majasseoyo? Did you get a flu shot?

      마사지 | ~하다 ma·sa·ji | ~·ha·da massage | to massage

      마사지가 통증을 줄이는 데 도움이 될 거예요. masajiga tongjeungeul jurineun de doumi doel geoyeyo. Massages will help reduce the pain.

      응급처치 eung·geup·cheo·chi first aid

      소방관이 현장에서 부상자에게 응급처치를 했다. sobanggwani hyeonjangeseo busangjaege eunggeupcheochireul haetda. The firefighters gave the wounded first aid at the scene.

      인공호흡 in·gong·ho·heup mouth-to-mouth

      심폐소생술 sim·pye·so·saeng·sul CPR

      소독 | ~하다 so·dok | ~·ha·da disinfection | to disinfect

      일단 상처 부위를 알코올로 소독하겠습니다. ildan sangcheo buwireul alkoollo sodokaget­seumnida. First, I’ll disinfect the wound with alcohol.

      5.3 Medicine

      약 yak medicine, drug

      약 기운이 나타나는 것 같아. yak giuni nata­naneun geot gata. I feel the medicine is starting to take effect.