William Gwee Thian Hock

Baba Malay Dictionary

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anak raja prince; child of royalty

      ■ anak rambot fine hair lining the forehead

      ■ anak seng [寵] a spoilt child

      ■ anak suak boey [績尾] the last-born child

      ■ anak sudara nephew, or niece or both

      ■ anak sulong the first-born child

      ■ anak sundal child of a harlot

      ■ anak sungei tributary; stream

      ■ anak tangga rung of a ladder

      ■ anak tiri step-child

      ■ anak tunggal only child

      ■ anak udang young shrimp / prawn

      ■ anak udang udang jugak, mana sama anak tenggiri, anak orang orang jugak, mana sama anak seniri no adopted child can replace one's one child; i.e. one's own flesh and blood

      ■ anak wayang cast members of film or stage; actor or actress

      ■ beranak give birth

      ■ peranakan popular reference to members of the Baba community; local born

      ■ peranakan jati thoroughbred Baba Peranakan

      anam / enam / nam (enam) six

      ■ anam belair sixteen

      ■ anam puloh sixty

      ■ anam ratus six hundred

      ■ anam ribu six thousand

      anaya (aniaya) to betray; to betray by false accusations

      anchak (ancak) square plait-work of attap leaves on which offerings to malevolent spirits are placed

      anday (handai) SEE sobat anday

      ang cho [紅棗] Chinese red dates

      ang kak [紅麴] red yeast

      ang ki [紅柿] persimmon

      ang kong sai [紅公獅] the first line of a quatrain which denotes an uninvited guest ang kong sai [紅公獅] pek bak bai [白目眉] bo lang chian [無人請] ka ki lai [自己来]

      ang ku / hang ku [紅龜] turtle

      ■ ang ku bak [紅龜肉] turtle meat

      ang lang [呆人蒙人] a simpleton; an insensitive person

      ang lo [拱爐] (anglo) a charcoal or firewood-burning stove

      ang pau [紅包] red packet containing money given as gift during social events

      ang su [紅事] an auspicious celebration

      ang su pek su [紅事白事] the auspicious and the mournful events together

      angat (hangat) lukewarm

      anggek SEE onggak-anggek

      angget (hangit) the smell of burnt rice

      anggok (angguk) to nod

      anggor (anggur) grapes

      angin (angin) breeze; wind; mentally unstable

      ■ angin beranak ailments that occur one month after having given birth; post-natal syndrome

      ■ angin kenchang strong breeze or wind

      ■ angin laot sea breeze

      ■ angin menderu roaring wind

      ■ angin pasang-pasang hernia; accumulation of serous fluid in the scrotum

      ■ angin ribot very strong wind; storm

      ■ angin skalo apoplectic stroke

      ■ angin taon baru a breezy, dry wind that blows before and during the Chinese New Year

      ■ angin yang lalu a passing relationship of no importance

      angkat (angkat) to lift; to carry

      ■ angkat bodek to ingratiate [rude; vulgar] ; to curry favour

      ■ angkat kepala to achieve success

      ■ angkat sumpah to take an oath

      angkok-angkok (angkut-angkut) mason bee

      angsa (angsa) goose

      angus (hangus) burnt up; scorched; singed

      anjing (anjing) dog

      ■ anjing gila dog that has rabies

      ■ anjing kepala busok to be ignored and unwanted

      ■ anjing sama kuching incompatible [like cats and dogs]

      ■ anjing utan wild dog

      anjong (anjung) in kite flying, the process of throwing up the kite in the air to gain flight

      ano (anu)

      ■ si-ano si-polan so-and-so

      antair / antar / hantar (hantar) to send; to deliver

      ■ antairan what has been sent [as gift]

      ■ antair sireh to personally deliver a wedding invitation in the form of a tiny folded bundle of sireh leaf

      antar SEE antair

      anteiro (antero) all over; throughout

      anting-anting (anting) earrings

      ■ anting-anting kerabu stud earrings

      ■ anting-anting olek drop earrings

      ■ anting-anting panjang drop earrings

      antok / hantok (antuk) to knock against; to collide

      ■ terantok to bump into; in collision

      antu / hantu (hantu) devil; evil spirit; ghost; demon

      ■ antu bantair evil and scheming daughter-in-law

      ■ antu bulan tuju the hungry ghosts; gluttonous [like the hungry ghosts]

      ■ antu galah demon as tall as a long pole

      ■ antu tanah earth demon

      ■ antu tetek demon with pendulous breasts

      anyam (anyam) plaiting; braiding

      ■ anyam tikair making mats

      anyot / hanyot (hanyut) adrift

      apa (apa) what

      ■ apa adat under what ruling

      ■ apa angin what fair wind

      ■ apabila times when

      ■ apa baik it is wiser; it is advisable; it is for the good

      ■ apa arang itu abu dia like father like son

      ■ apa boleh buat what can one do?; it can't be helped

      ■ apa boleh jadi what can possibly happen?

      ■ apa guna what's the use?

      ■ apa jerman once in a blue moon

      ■ apa jerman baru sekali once in a blue moon

      ■ apa khabair what news? how are you?

      ■ apa kita apa orang like everyone else; likewise

      ■ apa kurang what is lacking?

      ■ apa lagik what's more; besides; moreover

      ■ apa sebab why; the reason

      ■ apa tak all the reason more

      ■ apacham SEE amcham

      ■ apakala when

      ■ apasair / apasal why

      ■ tak apa SEE takpa
