kính n. cellophane
giaáy loän n. waste paper
giaáy nhaùm n. sand paper
giaáy nhaät trình n. newsprint; old newspapers
giaáy pheùp n. permit, license
giaáy saùp n. wax paper, stencil
giaáy thieác n. tin foil
giaáy thoâng haønh n. passport
giaáy veä sinh n. toilet paper
giaãy 1 v. to clean [a field]: giaãy coû to weed 2 v. to wriggle, to strive, to struggle
giaãy giuaï v. to struggle
giaãy naûy v. to start up, jump, to surprise
gieøm v. to berate, to slander
gieøm pha v. to backbite, to vilify, to talk down
gieo v. to sow, to cast
gieo maï v. to sow rice seeds
gieo mình v. to throw oneself
gieïp adj. flat, flattened, collapsed
gieâng n. the first month of the lunar year, January: ra gieâng next January, early next year
gieáng n. well: ñaøo gieáng to drill a well
gieáng maïch n. artesian well
gieáng phun n. artesian well
gieát v. [SV saùt] to kill, to murder, to assassinate; to slaughter
gieãu v. to tease, to kid, to jest
gieãu côït v. to tease, to joke
gìn giöõ v. to keep, to preserve, to guard: gìn giöõ saïch seõ to keep clean
gioù n. [SV phong] wind [CL côn, traän]: trôøi gioù to be windy
gioù hanh n. dry and cold wind
gioù loác n. whirlwind
gioù luøa n. draft
gioù muøa n. monsoon
gioø 1 n. meat paste [wrapped in banana leaf] 2 n. foot [of pig, chicken], leg
gioø luïa n. lean pork ham
gioø thuû n. pig’s head ham
gioû n. market basket, flower basket
gioøi n. worm, maggot
gioûi adj. good, adept, skilled, clever, capable: hoïc gioûi to be smart or to do well in school; maïnh gioûi well, in good health
gioøn adj. crispy, brittle, [of laugh] hearty, tinkling
gioøn tan adj. very crispy
giong 1 v. to go away, to travel 2 n. bamboo branch, bamboo twig
gioùng 1 n. stump, section of bamboo tree or sugar cane: gioùng mía sugar cane stick 2 v. to prod [goad, urge] with beatings
gioøng 1 n. line 2 n. current, flow, stream: gioøng nöôùc water flow
gioïng n. voice, tone; intonation; tone of Vietnamese word [SV thanh]; accent, voice pitch
gioïng kim n. soprano
gioïng löôõi n. lingo, tongue
gioït n. drop: gioït maùu blood drop; töøng gioït drop by drop
gioït leä n. tears
gioã n. [SV kî] anniversary of death, memorial day: gioã chaïp, gioã teát festivals
gioã teát n. anniversaries and festivals
gioái v. (= troái) to make the last recommendations; to write a will: lôøi gioái giaêng last will
gioài n. (= nhoài) blood pudding
gioãi v. to get angry, to get upset
gioäi v. to pour water on something/someone
gioâng n. storm, rainstorm: gioâng baõo thunderstorm
gioâng gioáng adv. somewhat similar, alike
gioâng toá n. hurricane, storm, tem- pest (= baõo toá)
gioáng 1 n. species, breed, strain, race; sex, gender: haït gioáng seeds; noøi gioáng race 2 v. to resemble, to look like, to be similar
gioáng caùi n. feminine
gioáng ñöïc n. masculine
gioáng heät adj. to be as alike as two peas
gioáng ngöôøi n. mankind, human race
gioáng nhö v. to look like
gioáng noøi n. race
gioáng vaät n. animal
gioàng v. (= troàng) to plant, to cultivate, to grow
gioäp v. to blister [because of burn, scalding, sunburn]
giô v. to raise [hand, foot]; to show: giô maët to show oneself
giôø n. time; time of the clock; hour: Baây giôø laø maáy giôø? What time is it now?; baây giôø now; moät giôø ñoàng hoà one hour; hai giôø röôõi saùng 2.30 a.m.; ba giôø keùm naêm five to three; giôø aên saùng breakfast time
giôø ñaây n. at the present time
giôø giaác n., v. time; schedule; to stick to a schedule
giôø laâu adj. long, long time
giôû 1 v. to alter, to change 2 v. to untie, to unwrap, to open
giôû chöùng v. to change one’s conduct
giôû daï v. [of woman] to begin to have labor pains
giôû gioïng v. to change one’s tune
giôû giôøi n. change of weather
giôû maët v. to change one’s line of conduct, to overturn; to turn one’s face
giôû mình v. to turn over in bed
giôû reùt v. to become cold, to be cold again
giôi n. bat
giôùi n. sex; world, circles
giôùi haïn n., v. limit, limitation; to limit
giôùi nghieâm n. curfew, martial law: ban haønh leänh giôùi nghieâm to declare martial law/curfew
giôùi thieäu v. to introduce [socially]: Toâi xin giôùi thieäu baïn toâi vôùi oâng. May I introduce my friend to you.
giôùi tuyeán n. demarcation line
giôøi (= trôøi) sky, heaven; weather, climate; God, Lord, Providence, Heavens; R long: ba thaùng giôøi three long months; treân giôøi in the sky; chaàu giôøi to die, to pass away; Giôøi ôi! Good heavens!; Chuùa Giôøi God; maët giôøi the sun
giôøi ñaùnh n. God’s punishment
giôøi ñaát n. nothing at all [in negative statements]: Noù say, chaúng bieát giôøi ñaát gì. He was dead drunk and wasn’t conscious of anything.
giôøi giaùng v. to have a nasty fall
giôøn v. to flit, to flitter about, to wander
giôõn v. to play, to romp
giôïn v. to feel a thrill
giuõ v. to shake the dust or water off
giuõa v. to file; to smooth, to polish: giuõa moùng tay to file one’s finger-nails
giuïc v. to urge on, to incite/motivate someone to do something