air, look
hình daïng n. appearance, bearing, carriage
hình dung n., v. appearance, form; to visualize, to imagine
hình haøi n. skeleton
hình hoïc n. geometry
hình khoái choùp n. pyramid
hình laêng truï n. prism(atic)
hình laäp phöông n., adj. cube; cubic
hình luaät n. penal code, criminal law
hình luïc giaùc n. hexagon(al)
hình luïc laêng n. hexagon(al)
hình maïo n. face, physiognomy
hình nhaân n. effigy
hình nhö v. to seem, to look like
hình oáng n., adj. cylinder; cylindrical
hình phaït n. punishment, penalty
hình saéc n. See hình maïo
hình thaùi n. shape, form
hình thang n. trapezoid
hình theá n. position, situation
hình theå n. exterior, physical appearance, body
hình thoi n. lozenge; diamond-shape
hình thuø n. shape, figure, form
hình thöùc n. form, formality
hình traïng n. exterior, aspect
hình troøn n. circle
hình truï n., adj. cylinder; cylindrical
hình töôïng n. image, likeness
hình voùc n. stature
hình vuoâng n. square
híp adj. [of eyes] swollen [because of sleep, fatness or bump]: híp maét blinded
hít v. to breathe in, to sniff
hiu adj. melancholic, gloomy, sad
hiu haét v. [of wind] to blow lightly
hiu hiu v. [of wind] to blow very lightly
hiu quaïnh adj. deserted and melancholic
ho v. to cough: côn ho fit of cough
ho gaø n. whooping cough
ho he v. to speak up, to move, to stir
ho lao n. tuberculosis
hoø v. to shout, to yell
hoø heùt v. to shout, to yell
hoø khoan intj. Heave ho!
hoø reo v. to acclaim
hoï 1 n. extended family, clan; family name, last name 2 pron. they, them
hoï haøng n. relation, relative, family to be related [vôùi to]
hoa 1 n. (= boâng) flower; blossom: vöôøn hoa flower garden, park; caùnh hoa petal 2 v. to wave one’s hands as in talking, to gesticulate
Hoa n. Chinese, Sino: ngöôøi Hoa Chinese; Trung Hoa China
hoa caùi n. cranium, skull
hoa ñeøn n. lamp wick
hoa haäu n. beauty queen, Miss
hoa hoeø adj. loud, gaudy
hoa hoàng n. commission; rose [flower]
hoa khoâi n. beauty queen, Miss
Hoa kieàu n. overseas Chinese resident
Hoa Kyø n. America, the U.S.A
hoa leä adj. glamorous, exquisite, resplendent
hoa lieãu adj. venereal: beänh hoa lieãu venereal disease
hoa lôïi n. income
hoa maét adj. dazzled
hoa maàu n. crop, harvest
hoa nguyeät n. love, flirtation
hoa nieân n. bloom of youth, prime youth
hoa quaû n. fruits, various fruits
hoa raâm adj. gray, gray-haired
hoa tai n. earring
hoa tay n. dexterity, skill in handwriting, drawing
Hoa Thònh Ñoán n. Washington
hoa tieâu n. pilot
hoa vieân n. flower garden
hoaù 1 v. to become, to get, to grow, to be transformed into: hoaù ra to change; hoaù daïi, hoaù ñieân to go berserk; caûi hoaù to change [conduct, person]; ñoàng hoaù to assimilate; phong hoaù customs and manners; Taïo hoaù the Creator; tieâu hoaù to digest; vaên hoaù culture; daân chuû hoaù to democratize; thaàn thaùnh hoaù to deify 2 n. merchandise, goods: ngoaïi hoaù foreign goods; noäi hoaù native goods
hoaù coâng n. the Creator
hoaù ñôn n. invoice, bill of sale
hoaù giaù n. price, cost: hoäi ñoàng hoaù giaù Price Control Commission
hoaù hoïc n. chemistry, chemical
hoaù phaåm n. merchandise, goods
hoaù trang v. to disguise oneself, to make up
hoaø 1 v. to mix, to blend [vôùi with] 2 v. to [come to a] draw, to tie [in game, sport or contest]; to be square; to break even 3 n., adj., v. peace, harmony, accord; peaceful, be harmonious; to har- monize: ñieàu hoaø regular; giaûng hoaø to mediate, hieáu hoaø peace-loving; khoan hoaø easy, nice
hoaø aâm n. chord; harmony
hoaø bình n., adj. peace; to be peaceful
hoaø giaûi v. to mediate, to conciliate, to reconcile
hoaø hoaõn v. to be at ease, to relax, to be moderate
hoaø hoäi n. peace conference
hoaø hôïp v. to be in accord [with]
hoaø khí n. harmony, concord
Hoaø Lan n. (= Ha Lan) Holland/ the Netherlands, Dutch
hoaø nhaõ adj. amiable, courteous
hoaø nhaïc n. concert: ñi nghe hoaø nhaïc to go to a concert
hoaø thuaän adj. harmonious
hoaø thöôïng n. Buddhist monk, the most venerable
hoaø öôùc n. peace treaty
hoaø voán v. to recover capital [after a sale or a game]
hoaû n. fire, flame: lính cöùu hoaû fireman; boác hoaû/phaùt hoaû to catch fire; phoøng hoaû to prevent fires
hoaû dieäm sôn n. volcano
hoaû ñaàu quaân n. cook [in army mess]
hoaû hoaïn n. fire, blaze [the accident]
hoaû loø n. charcoal stove, brazier
hoaû Iöïc n. fire power
hoaû mai n. firelock, rifle
hoaû phaùo n. gun, cannon
hoaû sôn n. volcano
hoaû tai n. fire [the accident]
hoaû taùng v. to cremate
hoaû tieãn n. rocket, flaming arrow
Hoaû tinh n. Mars
hoaû toác adj. very urgent, pressing