Phan Van Giuong

Tuttle Concise Vietnamese Dictionary

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sue someone

      kieän töôùng n. champion, star, ace

      kieâng v. (= cöû) to avoid, to abstain from: kieâng laøm vieäc naëng to avoid heavy work

      kieâng deø v. to economize, to save, to be cautious

      kieâng neå v. to have regard and consideration for, to respect

      kieàng 1 n. iron tripod used as stove 2 n. necklace, bracelet

      kieång n. gong

      kieãng v. to stand on tiptoe

      kieáp n. existence, life [as something inevitable, according to Buddhism]: soá kieáp destiny

      kieát 1 n. dysentery 2 adj. poor, penniless: kieát cuù/kieát xaùc stingy, penniless

      kieät 1 adj. stingy, miserly, mean 2 adj. exhausted, worn out; no more

      kieät löïc adj. to be physically exhausted

      kieät queä adj., v. [of finances, economic situation] being at the lowest ebb; to be worn out

      kieät taùc n. masterpiece

      kieät xuaát adj. outstanding, preeminent

      kieâu adj. arrogant, proud, vainglorious: kieâu haõnh to be proud of

      kieâu ngaïo adj. arrogant, haughty

      kieáu v. to refuse, to decline

      kieàu n. R (= caàu) bridge

      kieàu baøo n. compatriot [abroad], overseas national

      kieàu daân n. immigrant, resident [alien]

      kieàu dieãm adj. graceful, charming, attractive

      kieàu loä n. bridges and roads

      kieåu n. model; fashion, style

      kieåu caùch adj. affected, unnatural

      kieåu maãu n. model, example

      kieäu 1 n. sedan chair, carriage 2 n. pickled scallion 3 n. trot

      kim 1 n. needle, pin; [clock] hand: xoû kim to thread a needle 2 n. R gold (= vaøng); metal: baïch kim platinum; hôïp kim alloy 3 adj. R present, modern; now (= nay) [opp. coå]: töø coå chí kim from ancient times up to now

      kim baêng n. safety pin

      kim chæ n. needlework, sewing

      kim chæ nam n. compass; guide, handbook, manual

      kim coå n. the past and the present

      kim cöông n. diamond

      kim hoaøn n. goldsmith, silversmith

      kim khí n. metal

      kim loaïi n. metal

      kim ngaïch n. turnover

      kim tieàn n. money

      kim tinh n. Venus [the planet]

      kim töï thaùp n. pyramid

      kim vaên n. modern literature [as opp. to coå vaên]

      kìm 1 v. to restrain, to rein 2 n. pincers, pliers

      kín adj. tight, covered, secret: ñaäy kín to be covered [pot, container]; hoäi kín secret society

      kín ñaùo adj. secretive, secret: caát vaøo nôi kín ñaùo to keep in a secret place

      kín mieäng adj. discreet, undis-closed: giöõa kín mieäng khoâng noùi vôùi ai to keep secret

      kinh 1 adj. terrified, frightened 2 n. capital city, metropolis 3 n. prayer-book, sacred book, the Bible 4 n. Viet nationality [as opp. to ethnic groups in Vietnam]

      kinh bang teá theá v. to govern the state and help humanity

      kinh doanh v., n. to carry on business; trade, commercial enterprise

      kinh ñieån n. classics, canonical books

      kinh ñoâ n. capital city

      kinh haõi adj. frightened

      kinh hoaøng adj. frightened, scared

      kinh hoaûng adj. frightened, scared

      kinh hoàn adj. frightened out of one’s wits

      kinh keä n. Buddhist prayer books

      kinh khuûng adj. frightful, awful, horrible

      kinh kyø n. capital

      kinh lòch n. experience

      kinh luaân n. supervision, administration; administrative skill

      kinh lyù v., n. to inspect; inspection

      kinh ngaïc adj., v. astounded; to be stupefied

      kinh nghieäm v., adj., n. to experience; experienced; experience

      kinh nguyeät n. menses

      kinh nieân adj. chronic: beänh kinh nieân chronic illness

      kinh phí n. expenses: kinh phí ñi laïi traveling expenditures

      kinh qua v. to undergo, to suffer

      kinh sôï adj. afraid, frightened

      kinh söû n. classics and history

      kinh teá n. economy: kinh teá hoïc economics

      kinh thaùnh n. the Bible

      kinh thaønh n. capital, metropolis

      kinh tuyeán n. longitude, meridian

      kinh vieän n. academic

      kính 1 n. glass [the material]; eye glasses [CL ñoâi, caëp]; optical instrument: ñeo/mang kính to wear glasses; cöûa kính glass window 2 v. to respect, to honor: toân kính to honor

      kính aùi adj. loving and respectful

      kính baåm v. to report respectfully [used in addressing superior]

      kính caùo n. respectfully yours [at the end of leaflet]

      kính caån adj. respectful, deferential

      kính chuùc v., n. to treat someone respectfully; respectful wishes

      kính daâng v. to present offers respectfully

      kính hieån vi n. microscope

      kính môøi v. to invite respectfully

      kính neå v. to have regard and consideration for

      kính phuïc v. to admire

      kính raâm n. sun-glasses

      kính taëng v. to present respectfully

      kính thieân lyù n. telescope

      kính thieân vaên n. telescope

      kính thænh v. to invite respectfully

      kính thöa v., n. to report respectfully; particle of address to senior or elderly

      kính trình v. to report respectfully

      kính troïng v. to respect

      kính vieãn voïng n. telescope

      kính vieáng v. to pay one’s last tribute/respects

      kính yeâu adj. revered and loved

      kình 1 n. whale 2 v. to be in conflict, to be opposed

      kình ñòch v. to be in opposition, to be at enmity with

      kíp 1 adj. urgent, pressing, hurried 2 n. (= ca) shift: kíp laøm ñeâm night shift

      kòp v. to be or act in time, to be on schedule

      kòp thôøi adv. in time, timely

      kòt adj. dark, black, dense: ñen kòt all black