Fold in the left side top and bottom edges to the horizontal crease. Unfold.
3 Repeat with the right side edges.
4 Fold in all four edges while folding the top and bottom edges in half.
5 Fold middle corners to the left. Fold the left corner around the back and to the right.
6 This is the classic Fish Base.
Designed by Michael G. LaFosse
1 Fold in half, corner to corner. Unfold.
2 Fold in the bottom edges to meet at the center crease.
3 Fold in the bottom edges to meet at the center crease. Fold down the top corner.
4 Mountain-fold in half.
5 Fold top half down.
6 Open and flatten the cobra’s hood.
7 Mountain-fold the sides of the hood to the back. Rotate, hood up.
8 Mountain- and valley-fold the tail.
9 The finished Cobra.
Designed by Michael G. LaFosse
1 Begin color side up. Fold in half, corner to corner, and unfold.
2 Fold in the bottom edges to meet at the center crease.
3 Fold out the middle edges to the outside edges. Inside-reverse-fold the short edges to fold the square corners in half.
4 Mountain-fold the top edges to the back.
5 Mountain-fold in half. Pinch in mountain creases on each side of the head corner. Crimp the tail.
6 The finished Lizard.
Tiger Mask
Designed by Michael G. LaFosse
1 Use a piece of paper that is red on one side and white on the other. Fold in half, top corner to bottom.
2 Fold left and right corner down to the bottom corner.
3 Fold top corner down, about one quarter.
4 Fold bottom corners up and to the sides for ears.
5 Fold tips of ears down. Turn over.
6 Fold the bottom corner of the top layer up. Look at step seven for the shape.
7 First, fold down the top corner to touch the folded edge, below. Then, fold up the bottom corner to cover part of the upper corner.
8 Mountain-fold top edge behind. Fold down top layer corner at the folded edge to make the lower lip.
9 Fold up the tip of the lower lip triangle. Mountain-fold bottom corners of the lower jaw behind.
10 Mountain-crease down the center of the mask then valley- and mountain-fold for the eyes.
11 The finished Tiger Mask.
Designed by Michael G. LaFosse
1 Begin with the Fish Base.
2 Fold up the front corner and fold down the back corner, forming the tail. Cut “teeth” into the jaws.
3 Pull the tail papers away from each other to make the jaws open and close.
4 The finished Piranha.