Terutoshi Iwai

Miniature Bonsai

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and round in this “winding super-mini bonsai.” It’s a project just right for beginners (see page 34).

      The fun of creating them

      Part of bonsai’s special appeal is the process of guiding the trunk and other parts of the plant into whatever shape you like. It’s easy to get started on super-mini bonsai.


      The fun of growing them

      Left uncared for, super-mini bonsai immediately start to weaken, Properly looked after, they will grow for years, and their various changes over time will be a source of pleasure.


      Trim branches with the desired form in mind. Once you get used to it, this becomes an enjoyable pastime (see page 48).


      At the left is a one-year-old pine tree, while the trees on the right have two years of growth. While they’re small, over time their characteristics start to show.

      The fun of displaying them

      Super-mini bonsai have a sweet appeal. They can be easily displayed to great effect in containers you have in hand such as small transparent cases and little dishes.


      The more plants you line up, the more fun and varied the effect. Display them on window ledges, on top of shelves, in the kitchen and anywhere else you like.

      Making Super-mini Bonsai


      Although super-mini bonsai are much easier to create than larger bonsai, they cannot be completed in just a day or two. But the process is a big part of the appeal. Dedicate some time to making super-mini bonsai, appreciate their transformation and have fun as you go.

      Start by growing a seedling

      The kinds of little potted plants used for super-mini bonsai are not sold in stores, so you will need to prepare them yourself. Broadly speaking, there are two ways to do this. The first is by taking cuttings and planting them in soil to encourage root growth. The other way is to grow plants from seed.

      Some plants that are used for super-mini bonsai, such as ivy and other creepers and vines, can be used immediately after gathering, but for the most part, it takes anywhere from a month to a year until a plant grown from a cutting or from seed is ready for use.

      Potted plants don’t have to be made into supermini bonsai straight away—it’s fine to grow some simply as potted plants. But if you have a few potted plants ready-grown, you can make as many supermini bonsai as you like, whenever you like.

      Creating, growing and displaying your super-mini bonsai

      Once the seedlings have been propagated, it’s time to create super-mini bonsai, starting with transferring the plants into small pots. Regular bonsai require years to reach the stage where they can be displayed, but once super-mini bonsai have been transferred into their pots, they are complete. What’s more, they offer all the charms unique to bonsai, such as allowing their branches to be shaped and bearing flowers and fruit.

      Watered daily, fertilized and disinfected regularly, and with proper maintenance of branches and roots, bonsai can be enjoyed for years. They are not common houseplants, though. They should be grown outdoors and, once potted, should spend as much time outdoors as weather and other conditions will allow.


      Don’t Little Bonsai Grow Bigger?

      Super-mini bonsai planted in little pots do not grow big as they would if planted outdoors. Even garden trees that can grow as tall as a person remain small when grown in a little pot.

      However, to keep raising them for a long period of time, it’s necessary to repot super-mini bonsai regularly. Removing them from the pot, maintaining the roots and replacing the soil allows even these small plants to properly put out roots and absorb nutrients that ensure robust growth.


      Grown in a little pot, this super-mini Japanese maple tree bonsai stays small.

      Growing the Plant Prior to Creating the Super-mini Bonsai


      Potential super-mini bonsai can be grown from cuttings or from seed. Cuttings can be taken from garden trees, potted plants and so on, while seeds can be found in gardens, parks and wooded areas along with acorns, pine cones and the like (see page 18).


      Depending on the type of tree or plant used, a seedling can put out strong roots within as little time as one month to be ready for use as a supermini bonsai. Grow a few potted plants at a time so that you can turn them into super-mini bonsai whenever you like (see pages 20–24).


      Once the potted plant is ready, making a supermini bonsai takes no time at all. A simple supermini bonsai is complete as soon as it’s been transferred into a little pot! For authentic trained trunks and branches or to create interesting shapes, use wire and position as desired (see chapter 2).


      Acorns being grown into seedlings.


      A Japanese box tree cutting taken from the garden.


      Seedlings grown from acorns. These have been grown with the acorns above ground.


      The Japanese box tree seedling is transferred to a pot to create a supermini bonsai.


      Super-mini bonsai should be grown outdoors. With some effort, a suitable growing environment can be created on a balcony or even smaller space, or of course in the garden. Fertilizing and disinfecting the plants, killing insects and pests, caring for the branches and looking after the roots and soil by transferring the plants regularly will encourage healthy growth (see chapter 3).


      Watering super-mini bonsai. They require little space for maintenance.


      Display your super-mini bonsai indoors when you want to add some greenery to your everyday life. Although they’re small, they have a presence that calms and soothes (see chapter 4).


      It’s fun thinking of ways to display your work.

      Materials and Tools


      Necessary materials and tools can be assembled from items on hand, hardware stores, gardening centers and online vendors.

      Finding materials and tools suited