Philip Yungkin Lee

Periplus Pocket Mandarin Chinese Dictionary

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核武器 n nuclear weapon

      hézi 盒子 n box (cardboard)

      hézī qǐyè 合资企业 n joint venture

      hēzuì 喝醉 v to be drunk

      hóng bái xǐshì 红白喜事 n wedding and funeral

      hóng pútaojiǔ 红葡萄酒 n red wine

      hóngbāo 红包 n red paper containing money as a gift, bribe

      hóngchóugǔ 红筹股 n red chip stocks

      hóngményàn 鸿门宴 n feast or meeting set up as a trap

      hōngkǎo 烘烤 adj roasted, grilled, toasted

      hóngsè 红色 n, adj red

      hóngshí zìhuì 红十字会 n the Red Cross

      hóngshuǐ 洪水 n flood

      hóngshùlín 红树林 n mangrove

      hòu 厚 adj thick (of things)

      hòuhuǐ 后悔 v to feel regretful/remorseful

      hòulái 后来 conj afterwards, then

      hòulái jū shàng 后来居上 v to catch up from behind

      hóulóng 喉咙 n throat

      hòumiàn 后面 n back, rear, tail

      hóushé 喉舌 n spokesperson

      hòutiān 后天 n day after tomorrow

      hòuyì 后裔 n descendant

      hóuzi 猴子 n monkey

      hú 壶 n jug, pot

      hú 湖 n lake

      huā 花 n flower

      huà 画 v to draw

      huábǎnchē 滑板车 n kick scooter

      huábiǎo 华表 n marble pillar (Chinese)

      huācài 花菜 n cauliflower

      huādiàn 花店 n florist

      huàgōngchǎng 化工厂 n chemical plant

      huàhuàr 画画儿 v to paint a picture

      huái 踝 n ankle

      huài 坏 adj bad

      huàile 坏了 adj broken, does not work, off (gone bad)

      huáiyí 怀疑 v to suspect

      huáiyùn 怀孕 adj pregnant

      huàn 换 v to change, switch (clothes)

      huánbǎo diànchí 环保电池 n environment-friendly battery

      huángdǔdú 黄赌毒 n pornography, gambling, drug abuse and trafficking

      huángguā 黄瓜 n cucumber

      huánghūn 黄昏 n dusk

      huángjīn shíduàn 黄金时段 n prime time

      huángsè 黄色 n, adj yellow

      huángyóu 黄油 n butter

      huánjìng 环境 n surroundings, environment

      huánjìng bǎohù 环境保护 n environmental protection

      huánrǎo 环绕 v to go round, around

      huánràolì tǐshēng 环绕立体声 n surround (sound)

      huànshèn 换肾 n kidney transplantation

      huánsú 还俗 v to resume secular life

      huántàipíngyáng dìqū 环太平洋 地区 n Pacific Rim

      huānyíng 欢迎 v to greet; exclam welcome, welcome!

      huāpíng 花瓶 n vase

      Huāqí yínháng 花旗银行 n Citibank

      huāqián 花钱 v to spend (money)

      huàr 画儿 n painting

      huāshēngmǐ 花生米 n peanut

      huāyàng yóuyǒng 花样游泳 n synchronized swimming

      huāyuán 花园 n garden, yard

      huāyuán chéngshì 花园城市 n garden city

      huàzhōnghuà 画中画 n picture-in-picture (PIP)

      huàzhuāngpǐn 化妆品 n cosmetics

      húdié 蝴蝶 n butterfly

      hùdòng guǎnggào 互动广告 n interactive advertisement

      hùdòng yǎnshì 互动演示 n interactive demonstration

      hūhǎn 呼喊 v to shout

      huìbào 汇报 v to report

      huīchén 灰尘 n dust

      huídá 回答 v, n to answer, res­pond (spoken); reply, response

      Huìfēng yínháng 汇丰银行 n Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation, HSBC

      huīfú 恢复 v to recover, resume

      huìhuà 会话 n conversation

      huìhuà 绘画 n painting

      huíjiā 回家 v to go home

      huíkòu 回扣 n kickback, rake-off

      huílái 回来 v to come back

      huīlǐng 灰领 n gray-collar

      huíqù 回去 v to return, go back

      huīsè 灰色 n, adj gray

      huítóu jiàn 回头见 phr see you later!

      huítóukè 回头客 n regular customer

      huíyì 回忆 n memories

      huìyì 会议 n meeting

      hūjiào děngdài 呼叫等待 n call waiting

      hūjiào zhuǎnyí 呼叫转移 n call forwarding

      hūlāquān 呼啦圈 n hula hoop

      hùliánwǎng fúwù tígōng­shāng 互联网服务提供商 n ISP (Internet Service Provider)

      húluóbo 胡萝卜 n carrot

      hùnhé 混合 v to mix

      hùnhéde 混合的 adj mixed

      hūnjièsuǒ 婚介所 n dating agency, marriage agency

      hūnlǐ 婚礼 n wedding

      hùnluàn 混乱 adj confused (in a mess)

      hūnnèi qiángjiān 婚内强奸 n marital rape

      hùnnítǔ 混泥土 n concrete

      hūnqián xìngxíngwéi 婚前性行为 n premarital sex

      hūnshā shèyǐng 婚纱摄影 n wedding photo

      hūnwàiliàn 婚外恋 n extramarital affair

      hùnxiáo 混淆 v to confuse

      hūnyīn zìyóu 婚姻自由 n freedom of marriage

      huǒ 火 n fire

      huò duō huò shǎo 或多或少 adv more or less

      huǒbàn 伙伴