N, V, ADJ smell, smelly; berbau V to smell, have connotations of
baut N bolt
bawa V to take, bring, carry; to conduct; membawa V to take, bring, carry; to conduct; terbawa ADJ (accidentally) taken away
bawah PREP below; di ~ below, under; di ~ umur underage
bawang N onion; ~ putih garlic
baya N age; setengah ~ middle-aged
bayam, bayem N spinach
bayang N shadow, image; bayangan N shadow; terbayang ADJ imagined, conceivable
bayar V to pay; membayar V to pay; pembayaran N payment
bayi N baby
béa N tax, duty, excise; ~ cukai customs
béasiswa N scholarship, bursary
beban N burden, load; responsibility
bébas ADJ free
bébék N duck
beberapa ADJ several, a number of → apa, berapa
becak N pedicab, rickshaw tricycle; tukang ~ bécak driver
bécék ADJ muddy, wet
béda ADJ different; ~nya ... the difference is, ...; berbéda ADJ different; membédakan V to discriminate, differentiate between, consider different; perbédaan N difference
bedah N surgery
bedak N powder
begadang V to stay up all night; to sleep late
begini ADV like this, in this manner → ini
begitu ADV like that, in that manner → itu
béha N bra
bekal N provisions
bekas ADJ used, old, former (for objects)
bekerja V to work; ~ sama to co-operate, work together → kerja
beku ADJ frozen; membeku V to freeze
bél N bell
béla V defend; ~ diri self-defense; membéla V to defend
belah N crack, fissure, divide, splinter; belahan N half, side; membelah V to split in two; sebelah PREP next to; N half, side; (din kanan) on the right (side)
belajar V to learn, study → ajar
belakang PREP, N behind; back, rear; belakangan ADV recently; after others; ~ ini recently
belalang N grasshopper, locust
Belanda N the Netherlands, Holland; bahasa ~; orang ~ Dutch
belanja V to go shopping; belanjaan N shopping; berbelanja V to go shopping; perbelanjaan pusat ~ shopping center, mall
belas N number between 10–20; lima ~ fifteen; belasan N dozens; sebelas N, ADJ eleven
belérang N sulfur
Bélgia N Belgium
beli V to buy; membeli V to buy, purchase; pembelian N purchase
beliau PRON he, she; him, her (respectful form of dia)
belimbing N starfruit
bélok turn; bélokan N bend, turn in the road; berbélok, membélok V to bend, turn
belum ADV not yet; ~ pernah until now, never (but possibly in the future); sebelum ADJ before; sebelumnya ADV previously, before
belut N eel
benang N thread
benar, bener ADJ true, correct, right; benar-benar ADV truly, really; kebenaran N truth; membenarkan V to confirm, verify; to justify; sebenarnya ADV in fact, actually
bencana N disaster, catastrophe
benci V to hate; membenci V to hate
bendéra N flag
béndi N two-wheeled horse-carriage
bendung: bendungan N dam
bener → benar
bengkak ADJ swollen
béngkél N garage; workshop
béngkok ADJ bent, crooked
bening ADJ clear, transparent, clean (of glass, water etc)
bénjol, bénjolan N mole, lump, tumor
bénsin N petrol, gasoline
bénténg N fort, fortress
bentrok V to clash head-on; bentrokan N clash, conflict
bentuk N shape, form; berbentuk ADJ shaped, with the shape of; membentuk V to form, set up something (eg. committee); terbentuk ADJ formed, shaped, created
benua N continent
bepergian V to travel, be away → pergi
beracun ADJ poisonous, containing poison → racun
berada V to be somewhere; ADJ well-to-do, well-off → ada
beragam ADJ various → ragam
beragama ADJ religious; V to have a religion
bérak V to poo, defecate; N poo, feces
berakhir V to end → akhir
beralkohol V containing alcohol; minuman ~ alcoholic drink → alkohol
berambut ADJ hairy; V to have hair
beranak V (of animals) to give birth to, have offspring → anak
beranda N veranda, balcony; home (on webpage)
berang ADJ furious, enraged
berangkat V to depart, leave; keberangkatan N departure → angkat
berani ADJ brave, courageous; keberanian N bravery, courage
berantakan ADJ messy, in a mess → antak
berantas, memberantas V to wipe out, fight against
berantem V, COLL to fight, scuffle → antem, hantam
berapa INTERROG how many? what number?; ~ harganya? how much is it?; umur ~ how old; beberapa ADJ several, a number of → apa
berapi ADJ burning, fire-producing (of volcanoes) → api
berarti V to mean; ADJ meaningful → arti
beras N rice (husked and uncooked, as sold in shops)
berasal V to come from → asal
berasap ADJ smoky → asap
berat heavy, severe, difficult; weight; keberatan N objection; V to object
beratap V to have a roof → atap
berawal V to begin with → awal
berawan ADJ cloudy, overcast → awan
berbagai ADJ various, several → bagai
berbagi V to share → bagi
berbahagia V to be happy → bahagia
berbahasa V to (be able to) speak or use a language → bahasa
berbahaya V to be dangerous → bahaya
berbakat ADJ talented, gifted → bakat
berbaris V to line up → baris
berbatasan V to be adjacent to → batas
berbatu ADJ rocky, stony → batu
berbau V to smell, have connotations of → bau
berbéda ADJ different → béda
berbelanja V to go shopping → belanja
berbentuk ADJ shaped, with the shape of