Eriko Sato

Basic Japanese

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      To say ‘I went by train,’ you can say either of the following sentences:


       Densha de ikimashita.

      I went there by train.


       Densha ni notte ikimashita.

      I went riding on a train.

      The verb norimasu ‘gets on board, rides,’ like the verbs imasu, arimasu, and sunde imasu, takes the particle ni, here implying a change of position. Doko de fune ni norimashita ka ‘Where did you board the ship?’ Notice the difference between Mainichi densha ni norimasu ‘He rides the train every day,’ and Mainichi densha ni notte ikimasu ‘He goes (there) on the train every day.’ To get off (or out of) a vehicle, you use the verb orimasu (orite): Kuruma o orimashita ‘I got out of the car.’ (Basu o) doko de orimashō ka ‘Where shall we get off (the bus)?’ Orimasu! ‘Coming out! Getting off!’

      A common way to say ‘as soon as’ is to use the gerund followed by kara ‘after …ing,’ and then begin the next clause with sugu ‘right away, immediately.’ Go-han o tabete kara sugu sanpo ni ikimashita ‘I went for a walk as soon as (right after) I ate dinner.’ Sometimes the gerund is followed directly by the next clause without the particle kara. Heya ni haitte sugu sensei ni hanashimashita ‘As soon as I entered the room, I spoke to the teacher.’

[cue 03-3]


      Takeshi (T) and Shizuka (S) are talking.

      T: 昨日は仕事をしましたか。

       Kinō wa shigoto o shimashita ka.

      Did you work yesterday?

      S: いいえ, 休みでした。

       Īe, yasumi deshita.

      No, I didn’t have to work.

      T: ああ,そうですか。

       Ā, sō desu ka.

      Oh, really.

      S: ええ。仕事は月曜日から木曜日までなんです。

       Ē. Shigoto wa Getsuyōbi kara Mokuyōbi made na n desu.

      Right. My job is from Monday to Thursday.

      T: ああ,いいですね。じゃあ,家にいたんですか。

       Ā, ii desu ne. Jā, ie ni ita n desu ka.

      That’s nice! Then, were you at home?

      S: いいえ。昨日は大阪から友達が来ていたんです。

       Īe. Kinō wa Ōsaka kara tomodachi ga kite ita n desu.

      No. I had a friend visiting me from Osaka yesterday.

      T: 友達とどこかへ行ったんですか。

       Tomodachi to dokoka e itta n desu ka.

      Did you go somewhere with your friend?

      S: ええ。いっしょにディズニーシーに行きました。

       Ē, issho ni Dizunīshī ni ikimashita.

      We went to Disney Sea together.

      T: 何で行きましたか。

       Nani de ikimashita ka.

      How did you go there?

      S: 車で行きました。

       Kuruma de ikimashita.

      We went there by car.

      T: あしたも休みですね。

       Ashita mo yasumi desu ne.

      You don’t have to work tomorrow, either, right?

      S: ええ。あしたは秋葉原に行きます。パソコンを買うんです。

       Ē. Ashita wa Akihabara ni ikimasu. Pasokon o kau n desu.

      Right. I’ll go to Akihabara tomorrow. I’m buying a PC.

      T: 僕も行きたいな。

       Boku mo ikitai na.

      I want to go there, too.

      S: じゃあ,秋葉原の駅の前で待ち合わせをしましょう。

       Jā, Akihabara no eki no mae de machiawase o shimashō.

      Okay, then let’s meet in front of Akihabara train station.



      I. Fill in the blanks with either de or ni. Do it all aloud.

      1. 山田さんはどこ —— 働いていますか。 Yamada-san wa doko —— hataraite imasu ka.

      2. 銀行 —— 勤めています。 Ginkō —— tsutomete imasu.

      3. 会社にはバス —— 行きますか。 Kaisha ni wa basu —— ikimasu ka.

      4. 電車 —— 乗ります。 Densha —— norimasu.

      5. 家は東京 —— あります。主人と東京 —— 住んでいます。 Ie wa Tōkyō ——— ari-masu. Shujin to Tōkyō —— sunde imasu.

      II. Fill in the blanks with either ga or o.

      1. 私はアメリカの映画 —— 好きです。