Copyright © 2020 Gerard G. Nahum.
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ISBN: 978-1-4808-8896-8 (sc)
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Library of Congress Control Number: 2020909417
Archway Publishing rev. date: 06/04/2020
To the prodigious science fiction writers of the nineteenth
and twentieth centuries, whose seminal works inspired
generations toward innovation and progress
I would like to thank nine individuals who selflessly reviewed early versions of this manuscript to provide challenges, questions, suggestions, and technical assistance that helped to improve its readability, scientific validity, and social plausibility: Dr. M. Kremliovsky (San Diego); D. Flaminz (Toronto); Dr. B. Jick (Los Angeles); Dr. K. Q. Pham (San Francisco); Dr. R. Lynen (Philadelphia); P. K. Michael, Esq. (Cheyenne); T. Donk (New York); J. A. Crittenden, Esq. (Pittsburgh); and R. E. Nahum (Chapel Hill). I am indebted to all of them for their insightful comments, thoughtful critiques, and instrumental guidance. In addition, I would especially like to thank two of these individuals for their unique expertise and invaluable contributions that went far beyond my most optimistic expectations: Dr. M. Kremliovsky for his scientific review and constructive criticisms of the book’s technical content and D. Flaminz for her spiritual insights as well as her superior talent in creating the images that accompany the text to help explicate some of the book’s more technical concepts. Of course, any errors, oversights, misstatements, or mistakes are the sole responsibility of the author.
IT WAS A LOVELY SPRING DAY, AND MR. GREGORY WAS about to leave for a meeting at the White House. He’d become a fixture there in recent months, advising the president and his cabinet on a host of issues. This was not how he’d imagined his life would be. Now, at the age of forty-two, he was acting as a trusted adviser to the president of the United States as well as to other heads of state.
As a young man, Mr. Gregory had been interested in science. It was at a time when everything seemed organized and well ordered, except for a few anomalies that appeared at the smallest and largest scales of the universe. No one had to deal with the strangeness that they created, aside from a few people who worked in special realms of science, such as in high-energy physics and cosmology. Not many people were involved in those fields, so everyone else could simply march along blithely without even noticing.
Mr. Gregory came of age at a unique time. Information systems were becoming a hot topic, and engineers of all kinds were in high demand. That was when he started to work on his project. No one knew exactly what it was, and when he tried to explain it to people, they got lost in the details. It had something to do with