Steven Sieden

A Fuller View

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Pluto’s 3,600 or Mercury’s 3,010. The first letter of all the other planets’ names we honor with capital letters. I am confident that those who spell Earth with a small ‘e’ are not yet ‘seeing ourselves as others can see us’ from elsewhere than aboard our cosmically miniscule planet.”

      12. One aspect of our language that continues to confound me is what I label the “he / she conundrum.” When writing about generalized people, an author has to choose either “he,” “she” or the now more popular but plural “they.” None of these options appeal to me, so throughout this book you will find “he” or “she” used randomly when necessary.

      13. “Guest Commentators” were initially not part of this book. Now, they represent nearly half of the content, and I am extremely grateful for the generous contributions these people have made to the world and this book in particular.

      The idea for Guest Commentators was a “cosmic fish” that I feel was sent floating through my mind by Bucky several times before I noticed it and several more times before I took action. I now feel that he wanted his friends to once more come together in creating a synergistic whole much greater than its parts and supporting an eternally regenerative Universe and Spaceship Earth.

      When I approached the publisher Michael Wiese with the idea of Guest Commentators, he was thrilled and wrote it into our formal agreement. At the time, I reluctantly agreed in writing to find at least twelve Guest Commentators. Then, the process began and the floodgates of support opened. People I invited were extremely supportive and began writing back, “Have you asked my good friend _________. She should really be part of this.”

      The result was 130 invitations made over the course of only a few months and the 42 Guest Commentators who generously responded with 32,000 words of wisdom for us all. Some of the most rewarding gifts I have received since this process began have been these essays arriving in my inbox.

      Reading them as they arrived inspired me to continue what has often felt like running a marathon, and I am grateful beyond words to these very generous people. I’m also grateful to everyone else who responded to the Guest Commentator Invitation because nobody said “no” or even “no thank you.” Almost everyone who declined did so because they could not fit participating into their busy schedule. In other words, they said “not now,” which left me thinking about Volume #2.

      14. Selecting the quotes included in this volume from the tens of thousands possible was both challenging and flowing, especially once the Guest Commentators began sending in contributions. Then, it became a question of which quotes and my commentaries that had already written would be edited out. In the final analysis, 30,000 plus words and quotes were set aside for another day. In other words, I edited out half of my own writing. Again, Volume #2.

      I also felt guided by Bucky’s voice, hand and spirit throughout this process. As a few of the Guest Commentators have mentioned, it feels like Bucky is continuing to share his wisdom even through he no longer operates through the physical body we labeled Buckminster Fuller. It’s just a matter of tuning into the frequency of that pattern integrity known as Bucky Fuller.

      As Dr. Cherie Clark wrote in her essay,

      “I started writing my doctoral dissertation, 12° Of Freedom: Synergetics and the 12 Steps to Recovery, on nights and weekends from 1996 – 2001… There were countless times that I’d think, ‘I know Bucky said … about this.’ I could hear him saying it, and wanted to make sure I had the exact quote. I’d reach over to my pile of ‘Bucky books,’ pick up one and open it to the exact quote I was looking for. At first, it startled me. Then, it became a game. Usually around 3 a.m. I would hear Bucky’s distinctive voice, with a suggestion for how to more clearly respond to a question I was wrestling with earlier. He was right beside me the whole time I was writing, more than 13 to 18 years after he had departed this life, guiding, coaxing, teasing me to understand what he had said.”

      14. Each chapter ends with a “Conclusion” quote and commentary. These are by no means meant to be a summary of the chapter, but rather a “final thought” that may provide a sense of direction for the reader. The same is true of the initial quote, which is designed to set context for the balance of the chapter. It is not necessary to read either the initial or final pieces in order to receive the full benefit of any of the material in between.

      15. Dr. R. Buckminster Fuller preferred to be called “Bucky.” This was a choice he made at a very young age, and he continued on with that tradition even in the last years of his life when many of us felt moved to call him Dr. Fuller, Sir, Mr. Fuller or something that demonstrated our respect for him as a wise elder. Still, he always asked to be called Bucky, so that’s the name I use most often in this volume.

      16. This book is designed to be enjoyable, inspiring and educational. Please, don’t take it too seriously. We’ve reached a time in our evolution when “we the people” can take charge, and every individual does make a difference. Still, it’s also necessary to relax, enjoy and let go. Then, each of us can go with Nature’s flow as Bucky did for most of his life.


      1.1 “I look for what needs to be done and then try to work out how to do it best. After all, that’s how Universe designs itself.”

      img DOING WHAT NEEDED TO BE DONE WHILE ADHERING TO Nature’s principles was the strategy that Buckminster Fuller used to support the creation of his vision of “a world that works for everyone.” By employing trial and error experimentation and making lots of “mistakes” (i.e. learning experiences), he was able to achieve a great deal, and even today nearly thirty years after his death, his legacy continues to make a difference in the lives of millions of people.

      If each of us would adopt even a tiny fraction of what Bucky learned and shared throughout the eighty-eight years of his lifetime on Spaceship Earth, then our world would be a much better place to live. If we can simply begin to notice how Universe / Nature / God / Higher Power / Great Spirit / Allah designs itself and follow just a small portion of that design, we will markedly transform ourselves as individuals and as a global society.

      This is the primary cause that Bucky championed throughout his “56-Year Experiment” in which he himself was “Guinea Pig B,” the subject of the experiment to discover and document what difference the “average little man” could make on behalf of the most people. He used the classic trial-and-error method of discovery so that we no longer have to go down that ineffective path in doing our part to make a difference on Spaceship Earth. He allowed himself to be subjected to some severe ridicule in order to discover and display how Universe designs itself and what needs to be done to create a sustainable environment for future generations and ourselves.

      He also planned and completed his initiatives so that he could do the most with the least amount of resources using the natural principle he labeled “trimtab” to be as effective and efficient as possible. Thus, everything he did appeared nearly effortless, beautiful, and in harmony with all life. The key to his success was discovering how Universe/Nature responded to an idea or action, and then he would follow Nature’s template rather than follow the path put forth by most “leaders.”

      Today, we are blessed with having his ideas and experiences as a guide for our actions. We don’t have to reinvent the wheel. Following in his footsteps and deciding from our personal experience what works, each of us can do what needs to be done in the most effective, efficient way possible. We can function with complete integrity knowing that Universe always supports what needs to be done so that if our actions and projects are in harmony with the sustainability of all life we will succeed just as Bucky was able to do.


      1.2 “Start with Universe.”