Field, Martin

Creating Community-Led and Self-Build Homes

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account for how the UK’s housing and property markets have emerged as even more expensive and unaffordable to many households in the years following the financial crash – as Bob Colenutt has recently highlighted, there is a real naivety in the simplistic belief that having more housing units available will by itself reduce market prices, when so much of the UK market context is controlled by the interests of the biggest housing suppliers. The Affordable Housing Commission4 contains some excellent contemporary analyses of what ‘affordable’ may now mean to UK households and other stakeholders, but it has been quiet on macroeconomic considerations that could inform a critique of why there is such an apparent shortage of properly affordable dwellings and how to respond so that future households will not see housing costs consume such an unsustainable proportion of their finances.

      It is pertinent to recall observations made more than a century ago on the history of inequalities in socioeconomic conditions between social classes in the UK and their respective access to political and economic power:

      One of the less well-publicised responses to the UK’s financial crisis of 2007–8 is that a number of UK organisations representing housing and neighbourhood interests at the ‘grassroots’ level saw the opportunity to raise discussion beyond a narrative that would focus solely on a ‘crisis’ and promote a broader debate about the holistic nature and accountability of the UK’s housing future.

      The coherence between the common interests of different forms of activities and organisations within the ‘community-led housing sector’ was also clarified in a working definition of what principles constitute the practical workings of such projects:

      The legal form and activities of each community-led housing scheme depend on the outcomes needed, but share common principles:

      a)the community is integrally involved throughout the process in key decisions like what is provided, where, and for who. They don’t necessarily have to initiate the conversation, or build homes themselves;

      b)there is a presumption that the community group will take a long-term formal role in the ownership, stewardship or management of the homes;

      •meaningful community engagement and consent occurs throughout the development process (The community does not necessarily have to initiate and manage the process, or build the homes themselves, though some may do);

      •the local community group or organisation owns, manages or stewards the homes and in a manner of their choosing;

      Core motivations

      Table 1.1: Key drivers behind local people creating their own homes in the UK

•to build new property for individuals, groups or neighbourhood organisations
•to extend choice and variety within local housing provision
•to provide affordable housing, for rent or sale, for allocation to local people
•to have a collective or communal ownership of dwellings by the residents
•to be influential over local housing management and maintenance services
•to meet a change in household needs (like ‘downsizing’ for senior residents)
•to renovate and rehabilitate under-used or vacant