10: What is a Toilet?
11: Why Do People Have Toilets?
12: Toilets Flush to Throw Away Pee and Poop
13: Toilets, Pipes, and Waste Treatment Plants
14: Chairs
15: A Toilet is Not a Chair
16: It’s Safe to Sit on a Toilet
17: This is a Story About Dogs. Just Dogs
18: My Parents Take Care of Me
19: I Am Learning to Tie My Shoes
20: We Take Care of Frank the Goldfish
21: I Am Going to Start Preschool
22: Getting to Preschool
23: While I Am at Preschool
24: My Toys
25: Toys that Are Not Mine
26: Staying Close to Mom
27: Sticking Together by Staying Together
28: Sticking Together by Working Together
29: Washing My Hands
30: Taking a Shower in Ten Steps
31: Sharing a Bathroom by Taking a Shorter Shower
32: How to Take a Shorter Shower
33: Change
34: The Changes That Form Our Routine
35: A Theory about Change
36: My Theory about Change
37: The Transformers around Us (Butterflies)
38: The Transformers around Us (Frogs)
39: The Transformers around Us (Ladybugs)
40: I Am a Transformer
41: What Is a Mistake?
42: Thomas Edison and Mistakes
43: The Mistakes Survey
44: The Mistakes Survey
45: Mistakes Can Happen on a Good Day
46: Can Mistakes Happen on a Good Day?
47: The People on Trevor’s Team
48: What Is Comfortable?
49: What Is Comfortable for Me?
50: Happy Is a Comfortable Feeling
51: Looking for Smiles
52: Smile! Why?
53: What Is Uncomfortable?
54: What Is Uncomfortable for Me?
55: It’s Okay to Feel Sad, but Feeling Happy Is Better
56: Everyone Has a Fort Able
57: Welcome to Fort Able!
58: Come to Fort Able
59: The Steps to Fort Able
60: An Invitation to a Birthday Party
61: We’re Going to a Big Family Party
62: What Is a Gift?
63: Why Are Gifts Important?
64: Why Do People Wrap Gifts?
65: How to Give Someone a Gift
66: How to Open a Gift
67: Why Wait to Open My Gift?
68: Learning to Stay Calm around a Wrapped Gift
69: Some Gifts Are Disappointing
70: What to Think, Do, and Say If a Gift Is Disappointing
71: How to Greet Someone
72: Why Do People Shake Hands?
73: How to Shake Hands
74: Two-Person Hugs
75: One-Person Hugs
76: When It Is My Turn to Listen
77: Thanking People for the Nice Things That They Say
78: Thanking People for the Nice Things That They Do
79: Learning to Help Others
80: Helping People Who Haven’t Asked for Help
81: It’s Easiest to Help People Who Want Help
82: It May Be Difficult to Help People Who Don’t Want Help
83: What Is Sharing?
84: What Is Respect?
85: Saying What I Think with Respect
86: Restating with Respect
87: Using “Excuse Me” to Move through a Crowd
88: Learning to Chew Gum
89: Three Gum Manners That Matter
90: What to Do When I’m Done with My Gum
91: Games Based on Luck
92: Games Based