and anti-Communist newsletters.
Finding aid:
[0049a] Alliance for Life Fonds, R3172
Location: Social and Cultural Archives, Manuscript Division, Library and Archives Canada, 395 Wellington Street, Ottawa, ON K1A 0N4, Canada
Description: Alliance for Life Canada, founded in 1968 in Ottawa, was an umbrella group for more than 200 local and provincial right-to-life organizations and Canada's first national anti-abortion organization. Alliance for Life Canada ceased operations in the late 1990s. The series Briefs - Reports - Submissions contains documents on abortion, euthanasia, in vitro fertilization, population, Roe vs. Wade, and assisted suicide. The series Publications includes copies of Actualité Vie, Alliance for Life - Bulletin, Alliance for Life - National Newsletter, Alliance for Life - Press Release, Alliance for Life - Report, Alliance for Life Resource Manual for the 90's, Pro-Life News, and The Uncertified Human. The series Subject Files contains files on Abortion, Canadian Physicians for Life, Pro-Life Brochures, and Abortion scrapbook.
Finding aid:
[0049b] Records of the "Alliance Raciste Universelle," Berlin Branch (fond 1299), 1933-1935, RG-11.001M.14 [microfilm]
Location: United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, 100 Raoul Wallenberg Place, SW, Washington, DC 20024-2126
Description: This collection contains organizational information about this pro-Nazi alliance, also known as European Union of Racists, whose purpose was to repulse purported Jewish influence on national life in various countries. Included are organizational bylaws, samples of the alliance periodical Judenkenner, materials on Jews and Freemasons, correspondence with local branches of the alliance and with Munich NSDAP headquarters, announcements of lectures, reports from sympathetic visitors to Germany who repudiated "Jewish hate propaganda," membership lists, and proofs of racial purity. Files on World Union of the Alliance of Racists; European Union of Racists; and Federation of European Nationals, whose purpose was to assist Aryans throughout Europe to avert foreign nationalist and particularly Jewish influences on their cultural life.
Websites with information:
Finding aid:
[0049c] Alliance to End Repression records, 1969-1986, M1973.0056, M1975.0005, M1975.0
055?, M1976.0026, M1981.0019
Location: Research Center, Chicago History Museum, 1601 North Clark Street, Chicago, IL 60614-6038
Description: The Alliance to End Repression, created in 1970, was a fifty-member consortium of politically liberal or leftist organizations, including churches, labor unions, and human relations and community groups, which chose to work together to change government practices that threatened civil liberties. The Alliance addressed issues such as opposition to the death penalty, protection of prisoners' rights, gay rights, constitutional rights, and opposition to police surveillance for political purposes. The records consist of correspondence, memos, announcements, meeting minutes, topical files, and constituent organization files. Series 1. Operating files, 1969-1986. Subseries 1. General administrative and topical file, 1969-1986, contains files on "America's secret police network" by George O'Toole 1976 [George O'Toole, "America's Secret Police Network," Penthouse (December 1976) [on the Law Enforcement Intelligence Unit], online at]; Hate groups; Hate groups Nazism; impeachment of Richard M. Nixon; and school desegregation. Series 5. Legislative Efforts, 1971-1979, contains a file on Prayer in Schools.
Finding aid:
[0049d] Dorothy Allison Papers, 1965-2010
Location: David M. Rubenstein Rare Book & Manuscript Library, Duke University, Box 90185, 103 Perkins Library, Durham, North Carolina 27708
Description: Dorothy Allison (1949- ) is an author and feminist. The Dorothy Allison Papers include drafts and manuscripts of her writings, personal and professional correspondence, research materials and subject files, her personal journals, photographs, electronic files, and oversize materials. Subject Files Series, 1974-1998 and undated, contains files on Paul de Man pro-Nazi writings; Jesse Helms; Homophobia; Firing Line transcript: William Buckley, Andrea Dworkin and Harriet Pilpel; and Meese Report [Attorney General's Commission on Pornography].
Finding aid:
[0049e] Edward M. Almond Papers
Location: U. S. Army War College Library and Archives, U.S. Army Heritage and Education Center, U.S. Army Military History Institute (MHI), 950 Soldiers Drive, Carlisle, PA 17013-5021
Description: Edward Mallory "Ned" Almond (1892-1979) was a United States Army general during World War II and the Korean War. He was a member of conservative organizations such as the American Security Council, the American Conservative Union, Americans for Constitutional Action, and the John Birch Society.
Michael E. Lynch, "'Sic 'em Ned': Edward M. Almond and His Army, 1916-1953" (Ph.D., Temple University, 2014),
Websites with information:
[0050] Selected Papers of Lieutenant General Edward M. Almond, USA, 1946-1951, RG-38
Location: Archives and Library, MacArthur Memorial, 198 Bank St, Norfolk, VA 23510
Description: Almond (1892-1979) served as MacArthur's Chief of Staff, SCAP, and Commander of X Corps in the Korean War. In the 1950s Almond was a member of the national policy committee of For America. He was among the high-ranking officers who endorsed John Beaty's anti-Semitic Iron Curtain over America (1951). These papers include facsimiles of correspondence and reports covering Almond's service under Douglas MacArthur, from the collections of the U.S. Army Institute of Military History.
Michael E. Lynch, "'Sic 'em Ned': Edward M. Almond and His Army, 1916-1953" (Ph.D., Temple University, 2014),
Websites with information:
[0051] J. Lindsay Almond, Jr., Papers 1850-1987, Mss1 AL685 a FA2
Location: Virginia Historical Society, 428 North Boulevard, Richmond, Virginia 23220
Description: James Lindsay Almond, Jr. (1898-1986) was governor of Virginia from 1958 until 1962.and a United States federal judge. Correspondence, 1925-1983; speeches, 1927-1979; financial and legal papers, 1948-1978; scrapbooks, 1934-1963; newspaper clippings, 1931-1987; miscellaneous volumes; certificates and awards. Series 1 contains correspondence with Harry Flood Byrd and James O. Eastland. Series 2 contains speeches concerning school desegregation, 1958-1960. Series 4 includes scrapbooks, 1934-1963, containing chiefly newspaper clippings from Richmond and Roanoke, Va., newspapers documenting Almond's fight against court-ordered desegregation of public schools. Series 5 contains newspaper clippings, 1931-1987, arranged chronologically, chiefly from Roanoke and Richmond, Va., papers, on the "massive resistance" movement.