Zion' (1933-1935)," Cahiers Parisiens / Parisian Notebooks, 5, 2009, pp. 375-391, http://dg.philhist.unibas.ch/fileadmin/histsem/user_upload/redaktion/PersonenDateien/Hagemeister/MH-Russian_Emigres.pdf.
Finding aid:
[0105] Records of the American Jewish Committee Executive Offices (EXO-29), Morris Waldman Files, 1905-1963 (bulk 1930-1945), RG 347.1.29
Location: YIVO Institute for Jewish Research, Center for Jewish History, 15 West 16th Street, New York, NY 10011-6301
Description: Morris Waldman was the Secretary of the American Jewish Committee, 1928-1943, and its Executive Vice President, 1943-1944. The Morris Waldman Files relate to all of Waldman's activities as acting executive secretary and vice-president of the AJC. Among the documents are correspondence, memoranda, minutes of meetings, statements, reports, pamphlets, publications, press clippings. Contains files on America First Committee, Anti-Semitism, Boris Brasol, Communism, Communism and Jews, Constitutional Educational League (anti-union and anti-New Deal) and its president, Joseph P. Kamp, as connected to known anti-Semites, Father Charles E. Coughlin, Council Against Nazi Propaganda and its publication, The Hour, Martin Dies, Ralph Easley and his National Civic Federation, Robert Edward Edmondson, Henry Ford, foreign affairs, Foreign Policy Association, Benjamin Franklin forgery, Group libel, Hate and Hate Merchants, Hate Literature (including correspondence on possible legal action against Pelley and his Silver Shirts), Isolationism, Knights of the White Camellia and George Deatherage, Charles A. Lindbergh, Louis T. McFadden, Militant Christian Patriots and L. Fry, Nazism - "Mein Kampf," Nazi Propaganda (on pro-Nazi German press in the US, on propaganda activities of Pelley and Silver Shirts, on ABC Legion, on anti-Nazi German-American League for Culture), Nazi Propaganda- United States, Nazism, Senator Gerald Nye, Protocols of the Elders of Zion, Steuben Society, James True, United Nations - San Francisco Conference (Dumbarton Oaks), United States Flag Association, United States Government - Congressional Investigations - Dies, Senator Burton Wheeler, and Gerald B. Winrod. Also contains correspondence between Harry Schneiderman and Fortune's editor Archibald MacLeish on the preparation of "Jews in America," Fortune 13.2 (February 1936).
Guide to the YIVO Archives, edited by Fruma Mohrer and Marek Web (Armonk, NY, M.E. Sharpe, 1998).
Websites with information:
Finding aids:
[0106] American Jewish Committee: Information & Research Service (IRS), 1930s-1940s, RG 347.8
Location: YIVO Institute for Jewish Research, 15 West 16th Street, New York, NY 10011-6301
Description: The collection includes press clippings on Jewish affairs, relating mainly to anti-Semitism in North America, England, and Europe. There are materials on Father Charles E. Coughlin; Henry Ford; Amin Al Husayni [Haj Amin el Husseini, former mufti of Jerusalem]; Oswald Mosley; Julius Streicher; the anti-Nazi boycott; and the Protocols of the Elders of Zion.
Guide to the YIVO Archives, edited by Fruma Mohrer and Marek Web (Armonk, NY, M.E. Sharpe, 1998).
Finding aid:
[0107] American Jewish Committee Records, 1917-1987 (bulk 1933-1984), MS-780
Location: American Jewish Archives, 3101 Clifton Ave., Cincinnati, OH 45220
Description: Consists of American Jewish Committee (AJC) records from 1917-1987. Series E. Civil Rights and Social Action Department. 1941-1976. Subseries 1. Director's Office. 1941-1968. Section ii. Subject Files. 1941-1968, contains subject files on American Mercury, American Nazi Party, Anti-Semitism, Harold Noel Arrowsmith, Jr., John Beaty, Christian Youth Corps, Common Sense, Federation of American Citizens, Group Research, Inc. (Wesley McCune), House Un-American Activities Committee, Ku Klux Klan, Let Freedom Ring, James Madole, Jr., Minutemen, Sir Oswald Mosley, National Renaissance Party, National States Rights Party, Neo-Fascists and hate groups, Radical right and extremism, Radical right and extremism. Greenwich conference. 1962-1965 [the Conference on Preserving the Democratic Process, sponsored by the American Jewish Committee and held in Greenwich, Connecticut, January 25-27, 1962], Radical right and extremism. Greenwich conference. Continuation Committee. 1962-1965, George Lincoln Rockwell, Gerald L.K Smith, James Venable, White Citizens Council, and Major General Charles A. Willoughby. Series G. Information and Research Services. 1947-1987. Subseries 1. September 1978 Accrual. 1947-1975. Section i. Alphabetical Files. 1947-1975, contains subject files on Incident at Massena: The Blood Libel in America, by Saul S. Friedman (1978); Jewish Defense League; and George Lincoln Rockwell. Section iii. Subject Files. 1947-1975, contains subject files on Abortion; Antisemitism; Church-State. Bible reading; Church-State. Federal aid to parochial schools; Church-State. Prayer in public schools; Codewords; Communism; Communism and Jews; Extremism; Radicals or Conservatives? The Contemporary American Right, by James McEvoy, III (1970); Radical right; Fluoridation; Fundamentalism and antisemitism; Integration; Race relations; and Intermarriage.
Websites with information:
Finding aids:
[0108] American Jewish Committee Records, Domestic and Geographic Files, 1921, 1941-1962, 1995, RG 247.17.13
Location: YIVO Institute for Jewish Research, Center for Jewish History, 15 West 16th Street, New York, NY 10011
Description: The American Jewish Committee (AJC) was founded in New York in 1906 to defend Jewish civil and religious rights throughout the world. The records consist of briefs, conference proceedings, correspondence, legal documents, memoranda, minutes of meetings, printed materials, reports, resolutions, statements, studies, and surveys. Series I: American Jewish Committee Records, Domestic and Geographic Files, 1921, 1941-1962, 1995. [Subseries]. Alabama, contains files on Integration, John Crommelin, Hate groups, and Anti-Semitism. [Subseries]. Arkansas, contains files on Little Rock and Integration. [Subseries]. California, contains files on Hate Groups and America Plus Inc. [Subseries]. Florida, contains files on Communism, Hate groups, Hate violence, and Integration. [Subseries]. Georgia, contains files on Hate and violence, Hate groups, and Integration. [Subseries]. Illinois, contains files on Beauharnais vs. Illinois, Hate and violence, and Hate groups. [Subseries]. Mississippi, contains files on Hate groups, The Petal Paper, Race, and the White Citizens Council. [Subseries]. New York, contains files on Hate groups, The Gaelic American, and The Tablet. [Subseries]. Tennessee, contains files on Hate and violence, Highlander Folk School, and Integration. [Subseries]. Texas, contains files on Extremist groups and Integration.
Finding aid:
[0109] American Jewish Committee Records, Subject Files, 1930-1973 (bulk 1941-1961), RG 347.17.10
Location: YIVO Institute for Jewish Research, Center for Jewish History, 15 West 16th Street, New York, NY 10011
Description: The American Jewish Committee (AJC) was founded in New York in 1906 to defend Jewish civil and religious rights throughout the world. The collection documents American Jewish Committee's efforts to combat all forms of discrimination against the Jews in the United States. Additionally,