Without motivation from within, you will not go far.
We have to have enough love, liking, interest, ability, talent for what you choose to do, or it will be a stressful road ahead. A road to perdition with no joy, no satisfaction, no reward save for an empty monetary benefit if not all that is achieved. The price of pursuing something you have no interest or love for can lead to undue stress, which can impinge upon one’s health and rob one of one’s happiness.
The reverse is different. With right motivation, sincerity, self-discipline, hard work, right and clear goal setting, we are more likely to be more productive and lead a more fulfilling life. As such, the dividends go beyond monetary benefits. It becomes a life of fulfillment in more ways than one.
The Purpose of Our Existence
The purpose of our existence is to make God a reality in our daily life, to enjoy life, and not just to endure it. God not as male or female, but God as the highest, all-encompassing, loving, neutral force from whence all life emanates, therefore, fittingly referred to as It, not he or she. The injustices that appear are merely a balancing of what we already put in motion; we caused them. And that is what is called Karma, for which there is good and bad. No matter how bad one’s karma might be, it is not punitive, it is designed to teach us about love, freedom, and wisdom.
We can live a karmaless life by doing everything in the name of God. Instead of doing something for merely selfish reasons, we do it for God. The purpose of our existence is to manifest the God qualities lying latent in us. To grow in our awareness of who we are as conscious children of God. To recognize our divinity irrespective of our bank account, social standing, ethnicity, or age, or physical condition. To serve life selflessly. To cultivate our talents, interests, hobbies, and use them for the good of all and make life a joy to live for ourselves and others. To do the best we can under all conditions. To awaken to the fact that though our outer physical home may be sweet, it is indeed temporary and pales in comparison to our real permanent heavenly home.
Our true home is in the heavens, far beyond the lower heavens right into the pure God worlds, to the very hallowed home of God. So our purpose is indeed a noble one despite our humble outer conditions. And that is to realize and live an uplifting life, with a conscious knowingness that we are God’s children and for that, we are eternally blessed and grateful.
It sounds superficial when someone compliments another on how well, youthful or good the other person looks. But is it in reference to one’s physical state, the outer physical temple? Or is it in reference to how positive one appears in a spiritual sense? If in reference to the spiritual side, implicit in that is that one may be magnetic, thus may have a positive disposition, aura, presence, vibes, or whatever you wish to call it. This implies beauty that transcends the physical bounds, coming from a place within one, from an inner core within our innermost self.
Therefore it is an inner radiance that is permeating through our entire being and yielding a good blending and coloring of one’s outer physical self. In other words, an outflow of Divine Spirit permeating through one’s physical beingness. A beingness characterized by love, an open heart, a loving heart,, an embracing heart, an unselfish heart, or a giving heart. With that as an integral part of our outlook, one will be looking good from within and without.
Cycles of Life
Life situations, experiences that are critical to our growth come in cycles. The end of one cycle often heralds the coming of a new cycle. The question is; if we have not successfully completed one cycle, does the new one begin? Or is it delayed till completion of an outgoing one, so can two cycles run concurrently. One whose eyes and ears are open may become aware of forewarnings or insights beforehand when a major cycle is about to start with prompts to start preparing for it so as to make smooth transition. Therefore, a new cycle may begin before the preceding one ends. For a new one is supposed to be built on the outgoing one.
They are not independent and isolated experiences, but more of a continuum.
Effective preparation, paying close attention to divine guidance, taking up necessary steps can result in a smooth transition through inevitable changes in one’s life. So a certain level of flexibility is required whereby you are willing to let go of the past to allow in the new. With this type of attitude you will be able to transition more smoothly from one cycle to the next. Keep in mind that in due course, changes will happen anyway, but it is either you are dragged along if you resist the necessary changes or stay flexible and go along smoothly with the new changes ushered in by the new cycle.
How do you turn on a new leaf so as to move forward in life? It is to our benefit to make time to fulfill our life goals. We think about the goals, plan them, but never seem to get time to follow through with them. We plan that we will start afresh some day, maybe next month, maybe at the beginning of the new year. But time never seems to come; we always find something else to do. Divine spirit has time and again showed us time to set new goals and start working toward achieving them. But time never seems to come. There seem to be not enough time. Yet there’s always enough time to fritter away on unproductive things. There is always enough time to chill on the couch under the convenient belief that we need to rest, get some rest after a hard day’s work even when we are not necessarily tired. Or sometimes we sit and think about what to do next instead of actually doing it. Before we know it, it’s too late. Because we spent part of the free time brooding, planning, watching too much TV, making phone calls out of need to fill time. Kill time! By killing time, we are wasting an aspect of our valuable life.
It is in our best interest to attend to our talents, interests, hobbies instead of sitting around and doing nothing productive. Our valuable time goes underutilized, losing it, wasting it. We are left with nothing to show for the time spent in unproductive activities. Little or nothing is gained from unproductive activity or inaction. What is needed is a clear daily plan, daily recommitment to our life goals, doing them well and seeing them through to completion.
We can start with small manageable goals in the initial stages, progressing toward bigger goals and making adjustments as needed. Before we know it, we would have gotten where we set out to go and beyond if we let divine spirit guide us and we stay proactive. So it behooves us to move from planners to doers. With that, doors of new opportunities will begin to swing open. This is due to right action fueled by our selfless goals done for the good of all.
Let us change gears. Turn on a new leaf, waste no more time. If we plan our days and nights well, there will be enough time to fulfill our goals and some time left for leisure as well. Time well planned and spent is time well invested and enjoyed.
A Sense of Clarity
Whether we know it or not, we all have a God given mission here on earth, small or big. Therefore it is incumbent upon us to find out what it is and work towards fulfilling it. Many people fail because they try to copy other people’s dreams instead of identifying and pursuing their own. Where we are going is not always clear. Often we are going in all sorts of directions. What our goals are—our spiritual goals—we are not always sure. Often we set goals, if at all, that are influenced by fear, material gain, and sometimes we try to copy someone else’s dream instead of pursuing our own. How to achieve the selfless goals, we’re not always sure. Often we proceed in the most convenient way possible, with little effort, or in some instances so we can just to get by in life. The choices we make, are not always spiritually right. Often our choices are driven by material gain only, for most part. If we make choices that do not lead to a better place, to greater spiritual wealth, to a bigger room,