Maurizio Cattelan

Maurizio Cattelan: All

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and I thank her for her early faith in this project. Jessica Ludwig, Managing Director of Exhibition Management, skillfully and gracefully supervised the logistical details, from the budget to the coordination of all departments involved in the installation, aided by the expertise of Jason Phoel, Financial Analyst. Maria Paula Armelin, Associate Registrar for Exhibitions, ably coordinated the intricate details of transporting the works in the exhibition. Eliza Stoner, Assistant Registrar for Collections and Exhibitions, provided essential support in this area. Jaime Roark, Senior Exhibition Designer, offered inestimable technical and aesthetic expertise on how best to achieve the artist’s concept. The unparalleled installation team, comprising David Bufano, Director of Art Services and Preparation; Derek Deluco, Exhibition Technician; Christopher George, Chief Fabricator; Richard Avery, Technical and Production Specialist, Fabrications; Doug Hollingsworth, Chief Cabinetmaker; Barry Hylton, Senior Manager, Exhibition Installations; and Peter Read, Director of Fabrication, worked diligently to create this engineering feat of an installation. I am continually inspired by their amazing skills and their dedication to the museum. Nathan Otterson, Conservator, Objects, provided important oversight throughout the installation process to ensure the long-term safety of the works on view, aided by the valuable contributions of Julie Barten, Senior Conservator of Collections and Exhibitions; Jeffrey Warda, Associate Conservator, Paper; and Esther Chao, Assistant Conservator, Objects, under the guidance of Carol Stringari, Deputy Director and Chief Conservator. Mary Ann Hoag, Chief of Lighting Design, worked adeptly with the artist to properly illuminate his site-specific installation. Maria Celi, Managing Director of Visitor Services and Retail Operations, embraced this unusual project with characteristic zeal.

      My sincere gratitude is due to the Guggenheim’s talented Publications Department, in particular Elizabeth Levy, Director of Publications and Website, who oversaw the creation of this catalogue with unfailing grace and dedication, adeptly supported by Elizabeth Franzen, Associate Director of Publications, Editorial, and Stephen Hoban, Managing Editor. Melissa Secondino, Associate Director of Publications, Production; Minjee Cho, Associate Production Manager; and Suzana Greene, Production Associate, expertly shepherded the catalogue through the production process. Kamilah Foreman, Associate Editor, and Project Editor for the catalogue, coordinated all aspects of both the English and Italian editions with meticulous attention to detail, while Domenick Ammirati, Senior Editor, ably edited my essay, and Helena Winston, former Associate Editor, carefully and systematically edited the exhibition history and bibliography.

      Domenick Ammirati; Kamilah Foreman; Suzana Greene; Laura Kleger, Associate Director, Website; Jennifer Otten, Senior Interactive Designer; and Maria Slusarev, Website Project Manager, supervised by Elizabeth Levy, produced the multimedia app developed for the project with enthusiasm and efficiency. Our warmest thanks are also due to the individuals who contributed richly informative interviews for the app: Vince Aletti, Francesco Bonami, Nicolas Bourriaud, Fabio Cavallucci, Germano Celant, Bice Curiger, Massimo De Carlo, Tom Eccles, David Ganek, Ida Gianelli, Massimiliano Gioni, Marian Goodman, Jens Hoffmann, Carsten Höller, Laura Hoptman, Chrissie Iles, Udo Kittelmann, Andrew Kreps, Paola Manfrin, Emmanuel Perrotin, Anda Rottenberg, Beatrix Ruf, Ali Subotnick, and Rein Wolfs.

      Marcia Fardella, Director of Graphic Design and Chief Graphic Designer, carefully created the brochure accompanying the exhibition, with beautiful drawings supplied by Pierpaolo Ferrari. David Heald, Director of Photographic Services and Chief Photographer, assisted by Kristopher McKay, Assistant Photographer and Digital Imaging Specialist, provided images for the catalogue and documentation of the exhibition preparations for the app.

      Christina Yang, Associate Director of Education, Public Programs; Rachel Sirota, Manager of Public Programs; and Sharon Vatsky, Associate Director of Education, School and Family Programs, helped create a rich menu of programs to accompany the exhibition. We are grateful to Michael P. Lavin, Theater Director, for ensuring that all public programming would be successfully presented. Helen Warwick, former Executive Director of Individual Development, helped establish this exhibition’s Leadership Committee, which provided essential funding for the project, and thanks are also due to John L. Wielk, Deputy Director, Corporate and Institutional Development; Bronwyn Keenan, Director of Special Events; and their teams. Marianna Horton, Assistant General Counsel, compiled all the contractual agreements pertaining to the exhibition.

      In External Affairs, we collaborated closely with Eleanor R. Goldhar, Deputy Director and Chief of Global Communications; Betsy Ennis, Director of Media and Public Relations, and Lauren Van Natten, Senior Publicist; as well as Laura Miller, Director of Marketing, and her staff.

      Lastly, and again, I must thank Maurizio Cattelan for his profoundly serious art, which, at first glance, may seem humorous, but in the end, will make you cry. This contradiction is at the heart of his work and thus forms the very core of his Guggenheim presentation, Maurizio Cattelan: All.

      Nancy Spector

       Deputy Director and Chief Curator

       Solomon R. Guggenheim Foundation


      fig. 1 Untitled, 2001
