href="#litres_trial_promo">94, 98 (top), 102, 105, 107, 108, 109, 110, 111, 112, 113, 114, 116, 117 (bottom), 119, 120, 122, 123, 124, 131, 132
Claire Nash – pages xiv, 21, 60, 61, 140
Colleen Dieter – pages 6, 97, 99, 125, 126
Shawna Coronado – page 54
David Fenton – page 65
Layanee DeMerchant – page 69
Helen Johnstone – page 115, 117 (top), 118
Holly Rosborough – pages viii, 22, 62, 65, 68, 82, 84, 96, 104, 127
Paul Kelly – pages 43, 92, 98, 103
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To Bill, who made all my garden dreams come true.
Small Space Gardening with Containers
Chapter One – Sunshine, Soil and New Beginnings
laying out a container garden for deck or patio . . . types of containers . . . potting soil and watering . . . “Project Salad Bowl” . . . plants or seeds? . . . deciphering a seed packet
Chapter Two – Three Seasons of Plenty
extending your container growing season . . . how to start seeds indoors . . . increase veggie and herb diversity . . . why use organic fertilizer? . . . rotating container crops . . . getting the container garden ready for winter
Chapter Three – The Year of Achieving Container Wisdom
outsmarting your climate . . . the bad bugs and the good bugs . . . tomatoes . . . about hybrids and heirloom plants . . . beyond veggies: growing your own fruits and fruit trees in pots
An Edible and Ornamental Garden in Your Front or Backyard
Chapter Four – Looking at Design
beyond pots: a new, expanded garden plan . . . how to create a raised bed . . . integrating flowers with your veggies . . . starting an herb garden . . . a Top 10 list of beautiful edibles
Chapter Five – Keeping Small and in Charge
adding ornamental plants . . . dwarf fruit trees . . . “gardening up” with vertical planting . . . more about tomatoes . . . a recipe for manure tea . . . extending your growing season
Chapter Six – Stay the Course, but Try Something New
new veggie varieties . . . cloches . . . espaliered fruit trees . . . deterring critters from your crops