is but his Person in action,” but for Mackintosh this idea is discernible chiefly in Christ’s “ethical supremacy”, not in his historical actions. What this means is that Christ “inspires a new ideal of character and conduct,” which we cannot possibly acquire apart from his help (Mackintosh, The Doctrine of the Person, 326).
22. On his voyage to America, Torrance brought with him Die Kirchliche Dogmatik I/1 & I/2.
23. Torrance, The Doctrine of Jesus Christ, 18.
24. Ibid., 1.
25. Ibid.
26. Ibid., 2.
27. Ibid., 4.
28. Ibid.
29. Ibid.
30. Ibid.
31. Brunner, The Mediator, 156.
32. Torrance, The Doctrine of Jesus Christ, 13.
33. Mackintosh, The Doctrine of the Person, 321.
34. Torrance, The Doctrine of Jesus Christ, 184.
35. “When it is asked in the New Testament ‘Who is Christ?,’ the question never means exclusively, or even primarily, ‘What is his nature?,’ but first of all, ‘What is his function?’” Cf. Cullmann, The Christology of the New Testament, 4.
36. Torrance, The Doctrine of Jesus Christ, 165.
37. Ibid., 18.
38. Ibid., 74.
39. Ibid., 142.
40. Ibid.
41. Ibid., 77.
42. Ibid., 78.
43. Ibid.
44. Ibid., 86.
45. Ibid., 83.
46. Ibid., 87.
47. Ibid.
48. Ibid., 78.
49. Ibid., 100.
50. Ibid., 151. In the Scottish Reformed tradition he sees these two aspects of atonement represented by R. W. Dale and John McLeod-Campbell respectively.
51. Torrance, The Doctrine of Jesus Christ, 165.
52. Ibid., 153.
53. Ibid., 151.
54. Ibid., 149.
55. Ibid., 85.
56. Ibid., 153.
57. Ibid., 168.
58. Ibid.
59. Ibid., 169.
60. Barth had stated that “the whole life and death of Jesus are undoubtedly interpreted in the light of His resurrection” (Barth, Credo, 96).
61. Torrance, The Doctrine of Jesus Christ, 189.
62. Ibid., 187.
63. Ibid.
64. Ibid., 188.
65. Brunner, The Mediator, 156.
66. Torrance, The Doctrine of Jesus Christ, 190.
67. Ibid.
68. Ibid., 191.
69. Ibid., 193.
70. Ibid.
71. Ibid., 192.
72. Ibid., 193.
73. Ibid., 194.
74. The offices of Christ have their basis in the Old Testament, but Calvin was the first to distinguish the three offices and to give them a