or early spring pruning. It is also easier to see what needs to be pruned when leaves are absent. Remember, though, to prune spring-blooming plants right after they flower, not before, or no flowers will exist.
Proper staking is done to prevent the root ball from rocking; it is not intended to prevent the top of the tree from being blown about by the wind. A stable root ball is necessary for good root development. But almost all staking should be removed after one year; many times staking is not even warranted.
List of 65 Desirable Trees
Deciduous Trees
1. Acer buergerianum—Trident Maple
2. Acer griseum—Paperbark Maple
3. Acer pensylvanicum—Striped Maple; Moosewood; Snake Bark Maple
4. Acer rubrum—Red Maple; Swamp Maple
5. Acer saccharum—Sugar Maple; Rock Maple; Hard Maple
6. Aesculus octandra—Yellow Buckeye
7. Aesculus parviflora—Bottlebrush Buckeye
8. Aesculus pavia—Red Buckeye
9. Amelanchier spp.—Serviceberry; Juneberry; Sarvisberry; Saskatoon; Shadblow; Shadbush
10. Asimina triloba—Common Pawpaw; Custard Apple
11. Betula nigra—River Birch
12. Carpinus betulus—European Hornbeam; Common Hornbeam
13. Carpinus caroliniana—American Hornbeam; Musclewood; Blue Beech; Ironwood
14. Cercidiphyllum japonicum—Katsuratree
15. Cercis canadensis—Eastern Redbud
16. Chionanthus virginicus—White Fringetree
17. Cladrastis kentukea—American Yellowwood
18. Cornus alternifolia—Pagoda Dogwood; Alternate-leaf Dogwood
19. Cornus florida—Flowering Dogwood
20. Cornus kousa—Kousa Dogwood; Chinese Dogwood
21. Cornus mas—Corneliancherry Dogwood
22. Fagus sylvatica—European Beech
23. Franklinia alatamaha—Franklinia; Franklin Tree
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