Camp Life Is Paradise for Freddy
Ohio University Research in International Studies
This series of publications on Africa, Latin America, Southeast Asia, and Global and Comparative Studies is designed to present significant research, translation, and opinion to area specialists and to a wide community of persons interested in world affairs. The series is distributed worldwide. For more information, consult the Ohio University Press website, ohioswallow.com.
Books in the Ohio University Research in International Studies series are published by Ohio University Press in association with the Center for International Studies. The views expressed in individual volumes are those of the authors and should not be considered to represent the policies or beliefs of the Center for International Studies, Ohio University Press, or Ohio University.
Executive editor: Gillian Berchowitz
Southeast Asia Series consultants: Elizabeth F. Collins and William H. Frederick
Camp Life Is Paradise for Freddy
A Childhood in the Dutch East Indies, 1933–1946
Fred Lanzing
Translated by Marjolijn de Jager
Introduction by William H. Frederick
© 2017 by the Center for International Studies
Ohio University
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The title is taken from an entry in the diary of the author’s mother, written in May 1944.
The publisher gratefully acknowledges the support of the Dutch Foundation for Literature.
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Names: Lanzing, Fred, 1933– author. | De Jager, Marjolijn, translator. | Frederick, William H., writer of introduction.
Title: Camp life is paradise for Freddy: a childhood in the Dutch East Indies, 1933–1946 / Fred Lanzing ; translated by Marjolijn de Jager ; introduction by William H. Frederick.
Other titles: Voor Fredje is het kamp een paradijs. English
Description: Athens, Ohio : Ohio University Press, 2016. | Series: Ohio University research in international studies. Southeast Asia series ; no. 131 | Includes bibliographical references and index.
Identifiers: LCCN 2016048990| ISBN 9780896803077 (hc : alk. paper) | ISBN 9780896803084 (pb: alk. paper) | ISBN 9780896804968 (pdf)
Subjects: LCSH: Lanzing, Fred, 1933—Childhood and youth. | World War, 1939–1945—Concentration camps—Indonesia. | World War, 1939–1945—Prisoners and prisons, Japanese. | World War, 1939–1945—Personal narratives, Dutch. | Dutch—Indonesia—Biography.
Classification: LCC D805.I55 L3613 2016 | DDC 940.53/17598092 [B]—dc23
LC record available at https://lccn.loc.gov/2016048990
Introduction by William H. Frederick
Selected Works by Fred Lanzing
The author’s father receiving a Japanese delegation, June 1941
A Surabaya newspaper notice of author’s father, August 1939
The author with mother and sister, March 1943