bei Leonhard Ragaz, 228.
167. Ibid., 78.
168. Ibid., 226.
169. Trotsky, Mein Leben. 217.
170. Ragaz, “Battle against Bolshevism,” in Bock, Signs of the Kingdom, 43.
171. Mattmüller, Leonhard Ragaz, 2:154.
172. Ibid., 155.
173. Ibid., 156
174. Ibid., 157.
175. Lenins Werke, 21:82, as cited by Mattmüller, Leonhard Ragaz, 2:158.
176. Ragaz, Mein Weg, 2:83.
177. Bock, Signs of the Kingdom, 43.
178. Ibid., 51
179. Ibid., 52.
180. Ibid.
181. Ibid., 53.
182. Ibid., 55.
183. Ibid., 61, 63.
184. Ragaz, Mein Weg, 2:64.
185. Harms, Christentum und Anarchismus, 104.
186. Böhm, Gottes Reich und Gesellschaftsveränderung, 195
187. Sozialismus aus dem Glauben.
188. Buber, “Three Theses of a Religious Socialism,” 259–60.
189. Ibid., 258. Cf. Gudopp, Martin Bubers dialogischer Anarchismus, 95ff.
190. Gudopp, Martin Bubers dialogischer Anarchismus, 65–66.
191. Harms, Christentum und Anarchismus, 28–29.
192. Ragaz, Mein Weg, 2:70.
193. Ragaz, Geschichte Israels, 104.
194. Mattmüller, Leonhard Ragaz, 2:251.
195. Ragaz, Mein Weg, 2:188.
196. In this regard Ragaz became an admirer and an ardent supporter of Woodrow Wilson and his idea of the League of Nations. However, in Barth’s later stage, Ragaz was friendly to Barth’s theology. Barth was satisfied with Ragaz’s agreement with him. Ragaz also regarded “Barth’s gratitude to be an act of discipleship which casts a glow of reconciliation on the remainder of my earthly days.” Busch, Karl Barth: His Life, 322.
197. Kolakowski, Golden Age, 4.
198. Ibid., 20.
199. Krupskaja, Biographie, 116–21.
200. Egger, Entstehung der Kommunistischen Partei, 71.
201. Mattmüller, Leonhard Ragaz, 2:163.
202. Ibid., 163.
203. Ibid., 72.
204. Schellong, “Barth Lessen,” 14.
205. Barth, Humanity of God, 14.
206. Busch, Karl Barth: His Life, 81.
207. Smart, Revolutionary Theology, 14.
208. Rostig, Bergpredigt und Politik, 132.
209. Cf. Thurneysen, “Sozialismus und Christentum,” 221–46.
210. Ibid., 27.
211. Schellong “Barth Lessen,” 16.
212. Karl Barth to Wilhelm Herrmann, 4 Nov. 1914, in Schwoebel, Karl Barth-Martin Rade, 115. Cf. McCormack, Critically Realistic, 113.
213. Busch, Karl Barth: His Life, 82.
214. Marquardt, “Aktuar,” 103.
215. Smart, Revolutionary Theology, 28.
216. Busch, Karl Barth: His Life, 83.
217. Here I deal with Marquardt’s report on Barth’s “Socialist Speeches.”