ZERO TO FIVE. Copyright © 2014 by Tracy Cutchlow.
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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication has been applied for
ISBN-13: 978-0-9960326-5-0
Designed by Nick Johnson/Cima Creative
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Peace and quiet, please (at first)
Know you can’t truly be prepared
Comfort newborn with the familiar
Read together
Say, “You worked so hard!”
Teach sign language
Plan playdates in a second language
Sleep, eat & potty
Guard your sleep
Guard baby’s sleep, too
Help baby sleep better at night
Give baby chances to self-soothe
Crying it out, for a time, is fine
Preserve preschoolers’ naps
Make bedtime less crazy
Be laid-back about breastfeeding
“Eat food. Not too much. Mostly plants.”
Let baby decide how much to eat
Offer the opportunity to potty
Let baby touch that
Save the box
Make music with baby
When kids snatch toys, wait and see
Play at self-control
What makes a great playroom
Nurture creativity
Ask “Why?” and “What if?”
Ask for help
Choose empathy first
Create more ups than downs
Know your child
Hold weekly family meetings
Put down your phone
(Almost) no TV before age 2
A little TV after age 2
Make screen time social
Allow mistakes, discomfort, and boredom
Be firm but warm
Follow four rules about rules
Emotion first. Problem second.
Label intense emotions
Teach instead of punish
Consider the consequences
Plan ahead to avoid trouble
Rock your routines
Call a calm-down,