at her. She is slowly eyeing me from the top of my head to my tail. She swims over to me, slowly reaching out her hand, I guess afraid to touch me. I swivel my head quickly and pretend to nip at her hand. She jerks back quickly at my reaction. Her eyes are huge and I can see her heart beat quickly in her chest. I laugh, seeing her calm and smirk at me. She swims close and swats my back fin in retaliation. Hold on, beautiful. Grab onto my small back fin, I will do the rest.
I take off and I can feel her grip my fin harder to hold on. I start to swim around the edges of the kingdom, propelling us through the water. I start to swim in loops, flipping us up and down as we go around. I can hear her laughter at the flips. I can feel her lay her head on my back. It is a very soothing effect she has over me; she is able to give a calming sensation that can travel through my whole form. I stop flipping and just feel her lay atop my back, holding tight to the small fin. It is a wondrous feeling that she can trust me already; a sense of pride goes through me at the thought. We go through the realm and I can see the beautiful old arches that were part of Atlantis, coral that has grown into the sides of different buildings, and statues of different gods lying about as if guarding the realm. A large statue of Poseidon that has to be at least twenty feet high is in the middle of an underwater garden holding a trident that looks more like a pitchfork. There is different colored coral that looks like flowers surrounding the statue, and all different colors of fish making this their home. I can see a small group of dolphins playing through the archways. It seems as if they are chasing each other around the statue. This realm that has been created in the deep depths of the ocean by myr-families is beyond beautiful. I can see why these families have stayed here. Not only to serve and be protected by Poseidon but for the beauty they created and safe place for the myr-children. It has a peaceful look, along with the history of different cultures and things created by mortals.
We returned to where we started I don’t think she even realizes it. She is still nuzzled down on me and not moving, so I switch back to my smaller myr-form and have her in my arms. She is now lying on my chest. It takes only a minute to realize I have my arms loosely around her small frame, holding on to her, and she opens her eyes and looks at me. I can see the contentment in her eyes along with happiness. Then all of a sudden, it’s like she fully awakens and can see that I am in my other myr-form holding her. I am so sorry, I…I didn’t realize. She starts to move back. I capture her hand in mine.
No, don’t apologize! It is almost freeing, isn’t it, to just hang on for the ride and enjoy the water around you? To not worry about what can happen, just experience the complete joy of it.
She looks down at our joined hands. I have never swum that fast before. It was freeing and fun when you did those flips. I also felt cared for and safe for the first time in a long time.
Her words tear at my heart. I want to reach out and wrap her up in my arms. I know it is too soon. Last time I did anything similar to that was when I was a myr-babe and Delphine came to visit. He took me on the back of one of his dolphins to swim around. It seems like it has been a really long time since she was cared for. So instead of pulling her into my arms like I want to, I just pull her by our joined hands and head back to her water chamber. Come, it’s late, best we get inside.
We did not know that there was an enemy so close, watching the interaction from behind an old fallen pillar, waiting to strike when no one expects it. They are all fools to think we can’t get to them. Soon we will show them, and tear Poseidon down. First his heart, then his throne.
We swim under my water chamber into the pool and pull ourselves to the edge, sitting next to each other. I let the water drip from my tail, then conjure my gown and transform my fin to legs all within a single thought.
I look over and Tane has done the same, wearing white flowing pants with a tie at the waist. He stands and holds out a hand to help me rise. He conjures a tunic shirt to cover his beautiful tanned chest and his rippled abdomen. He walks toward my main chambers, still holding onto my hand as he reaches my door to exit. His other hand comes up and strokes my cheek. “Thank you for the wonderful evening and enjoyable swim. I hope, while I am here, we can get to know each other even more.”
Craziest thing is that was what I was hoping for. He fascinates me; he has enthralled me, has a playful side, and also didn’t look down on my suggestions. “I would love to spend more time with you,” I tell him honestly.
He smiles at that, “I will be looking forward to it.” He leans toward me, and I hope for the kiss that I have wanted since I first saw him, wanting to know the taste of his lips. He quickly kisses my lips, not hovering like I wish he would, just a quick peck. “Good night, beautiful, I will see you tomorrow.”
Then he turned and was gone out the door before I could respond.
Chapter 7
The next morning, after tossing and turning in bed all night thinking of his soft lips, I think of the kiss we shared ever so briefly that left me wanting more. I wish he would have stayed and really kissed me to help burn out the fire that was rushing through my blood just from that small tender kiss. After tiring myself out with thinking about it most of the night, I fell into a fretful sleep dreaming of him. He is holding me in his arms, and we are swimming around in the deep, where no one is, and his hands are traveling all over my body making my nipples harden at the feel of the calloused strength of his hands roaming my tender flesh. His lips travel down my neck, aiming for the throbbing of my breasts that are aching for his touch. He squeezes me so tight I feel caught in a net, my fin stuck, and all of a sudden a panic sets over me.
Jolting out of my sleep, I realize I am tangled in my sheets, and before I can get loose, not realizing I am on the edge of the bed, I fall to the floor with a hard thud.
Let’s just say I feel even more tired than when I finally fell asleep.
I walk into breakfast this morning wanting what mortals love so much: coffee! As gods and goddesses, we don’t need much rest, yet I feel as if I am a mortal today barely functioning. I grab a few things like fruit and bread with honey; they are set up at a buffet to eat for breakfast. I see Natal, Proteus, and Delphine already eating. I sit at the table next to Natal and conjure up a caramel macchiato that is so popular in the land of mortals. When I was there a few years ago I tried one and fell in love with them immediately. You’d think it was made for the gods.
“Are you okay? You look exhausted! Did you sleep at all? When was the last time you did sleep?” Natal asks me. The door behind me opens as I respond to her.
“I tossed and turned and couldn’t really rest. My mind was on overload last night.”
I look behind me and realize that the person coming in is Tane. I feel my cheeks getting warm and know I am blushing. As I avert my eyes and turn back around, I see a small smile touch his lips. Just great, he heard me. I am sure he didn’t have the same issues or the erotic dream.
Proteus and Delphine both say good morning to Tane. He greets them back as he is putting food on his plate. I am just looking down at mine, basically playing with my food. I drop my fork as Tane sits across from me and grab up my coffee for some extra courage, hoping it will bring me to a more alert state. I take a deep pull of it and my eyes close in bliss. I love the richness of the espresso and vanilla flavoring along with the caramel drizzle that is put on the top. The combination of the three things is better than sex, usually at least, until last night’s dream. The coffee is the perfect temperature, and if I conjure up at least one more of these, I will be ready to face the day. I feel Natal’s elbow against my rib and my eyes pop open. Since I am facing Tane, I see the look of lust and longing in those dilated eyes of his.
“You enjoying that…(sniff) coffee?” Natal asks me with a smirk.
I am confused by the smirk on her face. “Of course, why?”
“You were moaning out loud while sipping it with your eyes closed.” My mouth drops open, suddenly realizing what I had done. I look down, even more embarrassed that I hadn’t realized that I had been making noises even if the coffee is divine. My hands are still wrapped around the mug sitting on the table.