the polls next year. That’s how it works. Its up to their voters to determine whether or not they serve, something I will go to my grave believing in.
On a personal note, I think Antifa is a blatant waste of time, populated by a bunch of spoiled and petulant white kids who live in their parents’ basements rent free. As for Black lives Matter, I believe that is a legitimate and powerful voice for a historically oppressed and marginalized part of our American family. Why may I ask do you take umbrage with BLM? And, to explore the “why haven’t they denounced this or that subject” further, did I miss your blog post regarding the “Unite the Right Rally” in 2017 that resulted in the death of a counter protester? Did you have a problem with the President’s “good people on both sides” remark? My point, Bud, is that all humans (you and me) tend to couch our own concerns in terms of objective and universally good positions. All politics is subjective and, thankfully, our great Constitution and laws give every American (both natural born and naturalized) the latitude to express even the most passionate positions. As you know, the First Amendment is never a guarantee of ciVility (oh, how I wish it were).
Best regards,
Ms. M
Ms. M
Thanks for your response, however I must respectfully disagree with some of your assertions. To begin with I believe you failed to recognize the primary objective of the article. My critical analysis of racist, and racism, with a conclusion that they are meaningless I believe is valid. You can say the sky has color, that is meaningless; however, if you say the sky has blue color, that is meaningful. When you say racist, or racism, you are uttering meaningless terms if you are unable to define terms that are un-definable. As per my article, racist is defined by the Progressives and Dominant News Media as: “Racism is the belief in the superiority of one race over another, which often results in discrimination and prejudice towards people based on their race or ethnicity. The use of the term “racism” does not easily fall under a single definition.” To consider the phrase “America love Her or leave Her” to be racist has got to be the epitome of intellectual deficiency. The term racist, or racism, is about as impotent as a barrow (castrated hog). To accuse someone of being a racist is nothing more than malicious rhetoric.
In regard to the assertion that I suggested the “Fraudulent Four” should have their political speech suppressed is in error, as I do not consider disparaging comments about our Founding Fathers, native born Americans and white males as political speech. And as far as the comment of love America or leave is in no way expulsion, it is merely informing the ingrates of the freedom to leave if conditions are so intolerable.
I have to take you to task on your comments regarding an earlier article, the “Unite the Right Rally.” If you recall, my article was titled: “Rekindling the Civil War” and your comments were: “it was probably my best”. I did in fact address the President’s statement there were good people on both sides of the issue, and in fact there were good people representing removal of historical statues and others representing retention of the historical statues. The President denounced the White, the Black and the Brown supremacists employing hate and violence. However, because he did not take a side he has been labeled a racist and white supremacist. In actuality what he did was definitely presidential, he understands that he is the President of all the people.
If you recall, the first class you instructed me was “Critical Thinking in World Politics.” Since that time I have become much more critical in my thinking, and I also respect the fact you are also critical in your thinking. However, in a recent e-mail you indicated President Trump employed “horrible behavior.” I guess without any definitive evidence it would be reasonable for me to deduce that you are contrasting his behavior with that of the wine drinking, Brie eating, silver tongued, back stabbing Establishment Politicians. You also stated he lived for cruelty, and that was a statement not backed up by any specific evidence. If you are referencing the laws and policies that are in effect, remember he is the executive officer of the country and his duty is to enforce the laws enacted by Congress. I hope you are not falling into the “irresponsible malicious rhetoric gang,” however, I realize “hate blinds”.
I’m well aware the elitist East Coast, West Coast and Establishment Politicians have no use for the Main Stream Deplorable. But, the Deplorable most identify with President Trump simply because he speaks straight forward speak, and does not have a slimy silver tongue as do the Establishment pukes.
My best to you and Mr.M
1 Refer to an earlier post: Can Devout Islamic Be Dedicated American? 04/20/2018
2 A song very popular in the Heartland of America in the 1970’s.
Assault On Our Intelligence
House Intelligence Committee Chairman, Adam Schiff, recently on national television interpreted the transcript of a phone call between our President and the President of a foreign country, Ukraine. When you compare the actual transcript with the concocted interpretation it is like comparing honey to vinegar. Schiff is either a certifiable prevaricator, or arrogantly believes he has clairvoyant power; and is capable of knowing what a person is thinking even though not what they are speaking. Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi, the Establishment Politicians and the Mainstream News Media (MNM) share complicity in the egregious assault on our intelligence. Their behavior is despicable and totally unacceptable. It is common knowledge that Schiff has a hobby writing screenplays, so I suggest he rip up his congressional shingle, save the “drama for his Mama” and pursue his inherent qualities of fiction and fake. The interpretation presented was without a doubt an assault on the intelligence of the people of this country.
The concerted effort fabricating elements to establish grounds to impeach President Trump is unfathomable. Not only the phony impeachment, but also the attack on the Constitutionally valid vote of the people for President Trump constitutes a total disregard of the people. It is quite evident that “Party” and power supplants people. Further, the entire “impeachment cabal” and the MNM have not only insulted our intelligence they have egregiously assaulted our Constitution.
I am an “Old Codger” and was introduced to reading comprehension 78 years ago (3rd Grade), so I fully understand what I read. There is no need of a flannel mouthed politician spewing jabberwocky, or debased irresponsible MNM informing as to what I have read. Frankly, the whole damned bunch has insulted my intelligence and I truly believe Mainstream America, “Fly Over Country”, is in agreement with my assertions.
As always:
October 9, 2019
Can A Devout Islamic Be A Dedicated American?
The current war, War on Terrorism, is being fought against Radical Islamic Fundamentalists and it is quite evident that this group of people being driven by religious fanaticisms is no different than any group of zealots intent on forcefully imposing their beliefs and ideologies on others. It is quite obvious that the Radical Islamic Fundamentalists refuse to accept any people who do not subscribe, nor will subscribe, to the Religion of Islam; and the solution in overcoming this non-subscription is total annihilation of the non-believers. These people can be dealt with head-on in open battle.
The dilemma I perceive is whether a group of non-fanatical people fervently adhering to their religion, a religion that expresses non-acceptance of any other religion, will ever be compatible in a nation where religious tolerance was one of the founding blocks of our structure; and will these people ever be able to swear an allegiance to the United States if their religion dictates that their allegiance is to Mecca. It is questionable whether a devout believer of Islam is able to obey the United States Constitution (The Supreme Law of the Land) that is based on Biblical Principles, as he believes the Bible to be corrupt and the Quran is the ultimate authority. Further, devout followers subscribe to a Theocratic form of government, a government totally contradictory to the form of government established by the Founding Fathers of this country.
I do not believe any person should be required to alter their faith