Limited supply
Special offer or concession
Alteration of product
Trial offer
Bringing in help for the close
Changing the course of the interview
The direct appeal
Special techniques for closing
Prevention of objection
Narrowing the choice
Emphasizing key features
Handling a third party
Getting the signature or approval
What to do if the prospect doesn’t buy
Chapter 12: Customer Relations
How to develop good relations with customers
Serve rather than sell
Postsale instructions and helpful suggestions
Reassure the customer
Look for unrelated ways to help the customer
Express appreciation
Remember and recognize customers
Develop a professional reputation
Handle complaints properly
Holding accounts
The salesperson’s responsibility to the consumer
The salesperson’s responsibility to her company
The salesperson’s responsibility to her competitors
The salesperson’s responsibility to her fellow salespeople
The salesperson’s responsibility to the government and society
The salesperson owes something to herself and her family
SMEI’s International Code of Ethics for Sales and Marketing
Chapter 14: Personal Planning and Control
Establishing work goals
Controlling selling time and energy
Daily plans
Controlling expenses
Record keeping
Use of off-the-the job time
Subjective evaluation
Maintain good health
Basic processes and purposes
Approaching the retail customer
Methods for increasing retail sales
Know your merchandise
The store
Substitution selling
Express appreciation and give the customer something
Handling different types of customers
Just-looking type
Hurried type
Uncertain type
Confused type
Know-it-all type
Talkative type
Quiet type
Easily distracted type
Think-it-over type
Argumentative type
Handling more than one customer
Handling complaints
Handling returns
Chapter 16: Industrial Selling
Classification of industrial products
Characteristics of industrial selling
The industrial salesperson’s requirements and qualifications
Industrial buying practices
Industrial sales presentations
Differences between sales management and other types of human resource management (HRM)
Major responsibilities of the sales manager
Should the sales manager also sell?
Sales forecasting
Management consensus
Sales force summary
User estimates
Using past and current sales as basis for prediction
Taking account of changing economic and