Edgar Cayce

The Power of Your Mind

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      Then, is the path chosen to lead to light and hope and faith—in what? Self or others?

      This is the answer ye must make within thine own self.

      Each soul finds itself in body, in mind, in that place in which it—itself, as an entity, as a whole—is meeting only its own self!

      Who is able then? Who hath promised then, that when ye are in doubt, when ye are set about by fears and doubts that He will answer, that He will direct?

      Is it self? No—for self is inclined to forget the promises and look for the moment alone.

      But thy body is the temple of the living God, and He has promised to meet thee in thine own tabernacle; for the kingdom is within and there He hath promised to meet thee!

      Then seek while He may be found!

      For as He hath given, “If ye will but be my children, I will be thy God—and though ye wander far, when ye call I will hear, and will answer thee speedily!”

      That there are duties, that there are problems is because promises have been made within thine own conscience! and these confront thee now!

      But in Him and in His ways with thee, ye may find the answer to all of thy promises, to all of thy problems, to all of thy fears, to all of thy doubts.

      For indeed in Him ye live and move and have thy being.

      As to whether or not ye acknowledge this, as to whether or not ye show forth by thy dealings with others that ye appreciate same, is thine own answer—and ye alone may find the answer, with Him who has promised, “If ye will but open the door of thy consciousness, of thy heart, I will enter and abide with thee.”

      This is not a fancy, this is not hearsay. Ye may experience such. For it is the law, it is the way, it is life itself!

      For He is life, and the author of same; yet He offers Himself as a way in which ye may approach that throne of grace and mercy in the loving Father—about Whom He has told thee! He has shown thee the Father by the manner in which He presented Himself.

      Then, open thy heart, thy mind, that thy body and thy service and thy activities before thy fellow men may indeed be as the beauty of the opportunities that lie before thee in thy relationships to others.

      “For as ye do it unto these ye do it unto me, saith the Lord.”

      Ready for questions.

       (Q) What shall I do, that will be best for my husband and children, and for myself?

      (A) Analyze all of these situations, and in the light of that which has been indicated here choose thou—if that indicated answers to that something within thine own self that is eternal. If it answers, then it answers as to what ye shall do respecting them as well as respecting one that to thee would make thy life—now, in the material—a glory, at least for the moment. But analyze them all.

      Then act; not as in duty, not as merely fulfilling an obligation, but as in love! For what thy Friend, thy Savior, thy Lord, thy Master has been, He is and ever will be! For He hath given, “Lo, I am with thee always—even unto the end of the world.”

      So act, then, in regards them—thy children, thy husband, thy neighbor—yea, thy enemy—that ye may be able to live with that choice—for ever and ever and a day!

       (Q) Would I be justified in getting a divorce?

      (A) This can only be answered within self. If there are only destructive forces brought by the environs, by the activities, by the thoughts, by the purposes, by the desires in the present—then it is well to change! But think on these things in that way which has been here opened, at least, to thee.

       (Q) Would it be possible for me to find emotional satisfaction and contentment here?

      (A) It is! For He hath promised, “I will be all things!” This does not mean, nor indicate, nor signify that ye are to become a recluse, or that ye are to forget the joys of the material world! These ye look upon, these ye enjoy—but not as the end of thy joy, of thy purpose! For how did He give? Not as of old, as they who shut themselves away; but in their laughter, in their sorrows, in their joys, in their pleasures did He join. He ate, He drank, He lived among them—in such ways and manners that all—whether they were of the street or in palaces—were blessed by His very presence.

      And so may the life of thyself be in this material plane! For there be no group, no individual that may not be blessed by thy very presence with same—if He, thy Lord, abides in thy heart, thy purpose, thy desire!

       (Q) Is it this emotional conflict which is the basic cause of my headaches?

      (A) This is only a contributory cause to the effect. As has been indicated, we find that there is a physical body with its attributes—some of these, the attributes of the physical, are deflected to be sure by the emotional upset. But there needs to be the physical corrections made, and a balancing in the mental attitudes, in the mental approach to not only the body of self but to the relationships of self to other bodies. And know that each body is a temple of the living God, and thus is holy! Desecrate it not!

       (Q) Should I take injections of vaccine recently made from cultures? Would it help to cure headaches?

      (A) We would not—until the suggestions as we have indicated have been given a thorough test, a thorough trial; with thy body, thy mind attuned to a purpose, a desire, a hope that is holy before thy own conscience and before thy Maker.

      As ye take the Radio-Active Appliance, that is to quiet, that is to unify thy mental and thy physical emotions, let this be the manner of thy meditation, thy prayer, but in thy own words:

      “O Father, God! Let my body, my mind, be opened to the beauties of thy purposes with me! Let it be as a shining light before me!!!

       “Create within me a new revelation! Renew the righteous spirit within me!”

      Not only say that but see it, know it is taking place! and ye will find thy life, thy purpose—yea, thy friends, thy foes, thy brethren will grow and grow in beauty before thee; and Life—as the expression of the Father—will not only become more precious but more beautiful, because of all the beauty and joy and love and hope that is thine—if ye will but embrace it!

      We are through for the present.

       TEXT OF READING 1947-3 F 31

       (Piano Teacher, Protestant)

      This Psychic Reading given by Edgar Cayce at his home on Arctic Crescent, Virginia Beach, Va., this 4th day of September, 1939, in accordance with request made by the self—Mrs. [1947], Associate Member of the Ass'n for Research & Enlightenment, Inc.


      Edgar Cayce; Gertrude Cayce, Conductor; Gladys Davis, Steno. Mrs. [1947].


      Time of Reading 3:30 to 4:30 P. M. Eastern Standard Time.…, N.C.

      GC: You will have before you the body and enquiring mind of the entity, [1947], present in this room. You will give a mental and spiritual reading for this entity, advising her especially at this time regarding the development and expression of her own psychic abilities for service to others and her work as suggested by a previous Reading through this channel. You will answer the questions which she presents, as I ask them:

      EC: Yes, we have the body, the enquiring mind, [1947], present in this room.

      In giving an interpretation of the mental and spiritual abilities, and the use to which such may be put, it is very well—first—that there be indicated for the entity the premise from which such information may be given.
