Kevin J. Todeschi

Edgar Cayce on Auras & Colors

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colors, and personal vibrations; and many readings explore the connection between spiritual growth, the evolution of personal vibration, and the specific colors associated with various levels of consciousness. From his own conscious state, Cayce described auras as follows:

      An aura is an effect, not a cause. Every atom, every molecule, every group of atoms and molecules—however simple or complex, however large or small—tells the story of itself, its pattern, its purpose, through the vibrations which emanate from it. Colors are the perceptions of these vibrations by the human eye. As the souls of individuals travel through the realms of being, they shift and change their patterns as they use or abuse the opportunities presented to them. Thus at any time, in any world, a soul will give off through vibrations the story of itself and the condition in which it now exists. If another consciousness can apprehend those vibrations, and understand them, it will know the state of its fellow being, the plight he is in, or the progress he has made. (See Auras booklet, Appendix I)

      In addition to his conscious perceptions regarding the aura, many of Edgar Cayce’s readings also describe this vibrational energy field in greater detail. There are also hundreds of readings that examine the connection between spiritual growth and consciousness development. When a group of Cayce’s contemporaries asked for readings on the process of psychic development, the readings suggested instead that the real goal should become one of spiritual development which would, in turn, facilitate intuitive development as a natural by-product. Two collections of these readings explore this premise in greater detail—the Study Group readings (known as the “262 series”) and the Prayer Group readings (known as the “281 series”). This material proposes that as individuals grow in consciousness, they raise their own personal vibration and are able to perceive higher states of intuitive or spiritual awareness. For example, when a forty-one-year-old member of the study group asked for a dream interpretation reading in which she saw the aura of herself and her sister, Cayce told her that the dream was “a glimpse of self-awakening.” (262-8) Her work with spiritual growth was facilitating her intuitive talents. Similarly, when a twenty-eight-year-old member of the prayer group had begun to frequently see flashes and shapes in her line of sight, Cayce informed her that she was seeing the “higher vibrations” and “spiritual forces” of higher levels of consciousness. He also stated that her growth in spiritual development was prompting the phenomenon of “beginning to see auras.” Connecting this to her own spiritual transformation, he added: “. . . As life, light, and love with understanding—is reflected in self, so may there be seen those of the same reflection from others.” (281-4)

      As discussed previously the readings for the prayer group also explored the colors associated with each of the seven major spiritual centers or chakras, which Cayce correlated with seven endocrine glands in the physical body. Each of the colors may correspond with both a positive and a negative level of consciousness.

      Cayce reminded the prayer group: “. . . vibration is the essence or the basis of color . . .” (281-30) and stated that the color and energetic vibration associated with each of these levels of awareness would come to consciousness through practices such as meditation. Various approaches to personal relaxation can also help to elicit intuitive experiences. The rationale is that relaxation can enable the individual to set aside the personality self and draw instead upon attributes of the real soul self, which remains in tune with higher levels of consciousness.

      Ironically, Cayce once told a thirty-four-year-old female artist who was extremely intuitive that one of her greatest challenges was her vibration. It was so high that she often had a hard time trying to understand and empathize with others. He suggested lowering her own vibration “. . . sufficient to comprehend the needs of many . . .” through the use of her artwork. His recommendation was to attune to others and to create drawings that would utilize color and harmony depicting their daily activities and concerns in a way that would provide inspiration. Cayce advised that she “. . . become the colors as well as the forms depicted.” (2450-1) The premise in the readings is that an individual’s consciousness grows and expands, which enables that person to see higher states of consciousness. That development of consciousness allows an individual to better assist people displaying diverse levels of personal development.

      When a twenty-seven-year-old man asked for more information on what an aura was as well as what the specific colors signified, Cayce replied that the aura was essentially the vibratory “emanation” that surrounded an individual and changed continually, based upon the influences, activities, and ideas with which the individual was involved. The reading went on to describe the man’s own aura and provided additional information for using both the intellectual mind and the intuitive mind working together as a means of developing his own psychic ability:

      For the self, as we find . . . {the color is predominately} blue . . . and is that of a seeker; indicating the geniality, pleasantness, the abilities to often pour oil upon troubled waters and quietness ensues with the advent of the body-consciousness into associations of most every nature or kind, and these—consequently—are well, and well to be cultivated.

      Aura changes, to be sure, to the temperament. Just as we may see, iron may be heated to hot; it also may be heated to white heat. The vibrations, see? (Q) Give detailed directions for developing the intuitive sense. (A) Trust more and more upon that which may be from within. Or, this is a very common—but a very definite—manner to develop:

      On any question that arises, ask the mental self—get the answer, yes or no. Rest on that. Do not act immediately (if you would develop the intuitive influences). Then, in meditation or prayer, when looking within self, ask—is this yes or no? The answer is intuitive development. On the same question, to be sure, see?


      Understanding the connection between spiritual growth and intuitive development is important. When Carol Ann Liaros was directing the Project Blind Awareness program, she would have the program volunteers arrive a half hour early to form a circle and meditate on raising the vibrations within the room in which the program met. According to Carol Ann, “When the blind arrived, their energy fields would immediately be raised to a higher vibration. The results of our efforts were verified over and over again by the feelings of love that emanated from the participants.”

      As one means of testing the vibration of color Carol Ann Liaros and the volunteers of Project Blind Awareness devised a study working with local blind associations and Professor Douglas Dean, an electrochemist and parapsychologist at the New Jersey Institute of Technology. Twenty blind participants were recruited and put through one hundred color selection trials both before and after they had undergone twenty hours of Project Blind Awareness training. During these seasons, the blind participants were asked to run their hands over various colored sheets while the following questions were asked:

      a) Did the colored sheets feel the same or different?

      b) Could the blind individual differentiate between black and white?

      c) Could the blind individual differentiate between red and blue?

      d) Could the blind individual differentiate between a set of black and white sheets and a set of red and blue?

      Because each individual participated in one hundred color selection trials, and because the laws of chance would entail a fifty-fifty “guess” on items a-c, and a 25 percent “guess” on item d, just by chance the following collective accuracy score would occur:

      True enough, after the first one hundred color selection trials and prior to undertaking the intuitive training, the blind participants scored within the range of chance, as follows:

      Over the next seven weeks the participants were led through a series of exercises for both relaxation and intuitive development. At the end of the training a number of the participants reported being able to “see”