Edgar Cayce

Reincarnation & Karma

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lesson: That often the self, mentally, spiritually, physically, should take stock of self, as is seen in department stores run on the correct basis, and that the loves for certain or for particular conditions that exist in the life, whether the mental or the desire of flesh, or of the spiritual forces, all must be weighed well, and as the Voice is given, the test is that entity keeps the standard in that manner that gives the progressive forces to self and abilities to give out in service, as is necessary for advancement in every phase of the phenomenized life, see?

      Q: Does this refer to [136] in any way, in my failure to live up to the test in relation to herthat is the test of being in the flesh what God is in the Spiritual, that I may attain that Spiritual conditionand being this in the flesh in every condition of lifeevery phase?

      A: This rather that of self than of relations with others, save that as is given, see?

      Q: Explain this particular reference of failure to so exemplify the perfection of the Whole in the individual phenomenized formthat is the secret of the whole message“That The Individual Phenomenized Being, possessing all the Elements of the Whole, shall in phenomenized form manifest the Perfection of the Elemental Wholethus proving Christproving Itself ready for the Work, Power, Action, Peace and Eternal Life One with the Wholeready for the Kingdom of God” This is the kernel of the whole message of [900] is it not? Where or in what phenomenized relation of life is [900] not measuring up to this test?

      A: In only that manner as is given, see? All of these, when measured by that as given in the mind of [900] as necessary for the readiness to present that force as draws men closer to the Kingdom, see? Then measure the standard—not measure self by self, but as to the standard set in the one as exemplifies God in the flesh.

      Q: The subconsciouscosmic consciousnesssuper-consciousnessspiritual forces, which reflect in symbolic form in our physical life. Correct?

      A: Correct.

      Q: Let the light represent the Spiritual, the film the physical faculties of senses (mind), and the moving picture on the screen this physical lifetalking, feeling, lasting, thinking, emotion, etc., and one has a good comparison. Changing pictures, but One Fixed Light.

      A: Correct.

       Q: Explain this phenomena shown to [900] objectively and co-relate with Edgar Cayce in psychic state and with dreams and voice heard when asleep by [900].

      A: As is seen, and as may be given in the physical, as has been explained before. One, Edgar Cayce, working from within, see? [900] working from the objective forces, yet gaining from within the resounding, or the re-projection through voice, through dream, through the co-relation of all of these faculties that are guided by spiritual forces from within, while that as is obtained through Edgar Cayce guided by that from without, through another force than self, see?

       Q: “Saw numbers 127 and others higher but can’t remember. Recall, interpret, co-relate and explain how they should be used.”

      A: This as already given, relating to the L & N in its advance, and is given that the entity, [900], may begin to understand numbers in their co-relation one with another, see?

       Q: Sunday Night, Nov. 1, 1925, at home, while reading Isis Unveiled by H. P. Blavatsky. “Dozing over that part of the book regarding Reincarnation, the following: Saw a book case with a glass door of which the glass was cracked. The Voice: ‘We have drapes to cover that here.’”

      A: This, as we find, the mind of the individual, [900], co-relating with subconscious and with cosmic forces those portions of truths gathered in that just read. This, then, presented as bookcase, as knowledge—covered, see? As conditions show break, the film over same, the presentation of the various conditions, shows how these must be studied by the entity and gained in a way that the entity will bring the perfect understanding to self concerning, relating to, that phase of the conditions not yet understood by many, for this, as we see, turns to the phenomenized conditions as are existent in the earth’s plane, and through the study of same will the entity gain the knowledge pertaining to reincarnation and its effect on the lives, on the conditions existent in the earth’s plane.

       Q: Does this indicate I am to get for myself, from my own experience the knowledge of reincarnation?

      A: This, as given, the entity will gain this conception for self of the phenomenized forces of reincarnation in the earth’s plane.

      Q: Is indicated that I should give my versionmy own understanding in my own simple way—for although I understand what is meant, I don’t understand the theosophical terminology. Give then simply, in my simple way (use phenomena of gas for example) for all minds to grasp, rather than just students of theosophy or any one branch of study. Is that what is meant?

      A: That is what is meant, for as we see, we may use that terminology from gas; from the whole there arises that power, that force, in another form to work wonders in the various mechanical devices made by man, see? Power of an individual object (if choose to be termed so) giving of self in another form, yet that same form. Same may be applicable from the terminology of the electrical unit. As the force and power of the turbine is manifested in its rotation, the same is given off in many channels, for the electrical units, which may be added to or taken from, to give service to man. Or as may be termed in the vegetable kingdom, a grain of wheat is sown. It dies, that the fruit of same may germinate into other fruit, see? The same Spirit—not the same Body, yet with all the potential faculties of reproduction within itself and of the ability to supply food in the same proportion, dependent upon its environment throughout its fruition, same as man, as man passes through one environment gaining that knowledge, that force necessary for the body-mind, the spiritual forces, pertaining to the physical conditions as manifest in same, see? Then the spiritual elements of same gaining in the phenomenized form in a world those things necessary to make the entity One with the Whole, see? All of these, then, may be co-related, may be brought under one head, one phraseology, one terminology, by the mental forces and abilities of [900], and given in the simple form and manner to the public, the world, that they may understand that these forces ever manifest their God’s spiritual forces in the world, manifesting through the same entity—spiritually.

      We are through for the present.

       Editor’s Note: The same dreamer got the following reading from Cayce on a different reincarnation dream.

       Reading 900–273

       Q: This morning, or this morning’s dream had regarding reincarnation, the details of which are here written.

      A: In this there are presented the fundamentals, as it were, of many various experiences as the entity will pass through by the concerted effort of the body conscious mind, for in the presentation of the vision as is seen, these become those properties of the physical mind, obtained from a vision, as it were, of the various forces as are loosed in the Universal Forces by disintegration, and by re-integration, as it were, of various forces manifesting individually and collectively, and as these various forces are presented, we will find the various phases of re-incarnation, its fundamentals, its application to that of the various conditions as present themselves to man, in the developing of the mental abilities of man to understand conditions as are seen in the world today—for, as we see presented here an individual well in years, yet just presenting the first phases of a renewed life, and then we see the same phases as are termed by individuals know to the entity, and changed again into realities by the presentation of various forms of an intelligent force, acting dependently yet independent in their reaction, see? meaning as in this: That, as each force in the reincarnation of the elements begin as in this—in creation, see—now we are beginning from first principles, see? from the first principles, we find these are separated into integral parts. For instance, as we take that as the most elemental conditions—water-separated into two