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with another.

      Hence there come those injunctions as of old, “There is today set before thee good and evil, life and death—choose thou.”

      For He, thy example, thy mediator—yea, thy mentor is life, the father of life, the giver of peace, the giver of harmony.

      These then are as conditions in all the relationships, in the home, in the associations, in the domestic relations, in the activities. Whatever thy choice is, let these be ever with an eye single to service to that living influence of being a better, a greater channel of blessings to someone.

      Not of self-choosing an easier way; not of self attempting to escape that as is necessary for thine own understanding, thine own soul development; but rather ever, “Thy will, O Lord, be done in and through me—Use me as Thou seest I have need of, that I may be a living example of thy love, of thy guidance in this material experience.”

       [Background: Widow, podiatrist, Christian. This was a joint reading with (707) regarding their upcoming marriage and healing work together, connections in past incarnations, and spiritual and mental guidance. They married the next day and had a very happy union.]

       Reading 688-4

      EC: Yes, we have the entities here, [688] and [707]; their associations, their activities through the experiences in the earth; their relationships in the present that, as we find, may be made—by their associations and activities—as a unison of purpose in such measures, in such manners as to become those influences, those forces for helpful experience to themselves and as an aid, as a blessing to others . . .

      First, as in making then the application of same, we see that in their development they have ideas individually; yet basically, centrally, their ideals are one. As they each make their individual application of that which motivates their influences in giving expression of these, patience, persistence, consistency must be the basic influence, the basic truth, the basic force that would make for that which would make or bring into the experience of each, not what is ordinarily termed as development “down the road of life together” but rather up the road, back to those influences and imports towards the light.

      Each giving, each taking; each realizing the whole necessity of their making their expressions to be compatible with the purposes not of self, not of self-glorification, not for self-indulgences, not for self-aggrandizements that they may be in any instance just well-spoken of by others; but rather that the glory of the Lord, that the purposes which have prompted the heart of each, may be manifested. And this means first tolerance as one to another.

      There is the realization in the experiences materially of each of the shortcomings here and there. Yet self must be effaced as to any conditions that make for fear, that would unseat the principles within self.

      How, then, is asked, can these be made more and more compatible in their activities? Realizing the short-comings in each, how may they be made as a union of purposes in such measures, in such manners that they become then as one in their expression?

      Show forth in thine own life, each as one preferring the other! How hath He given? Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, thy mind, thy soul, thy body; and thy neighbor, thy brother, as thyself.

      In what manner may these souls, as one, find then expression in bringing to those that are troubled in body, in mind?

      They have their individual methods or manners of approach. To one it is innate and finds expression by the laying on of hands, by holding within self the abilities for the replenishing, the quickening of life itself in the very activity; by the means of subjugation of those influences in and about others. To the other it is an activative force; one reaching or gaining its access through its spiritual development and spiritual import, yet means not only by implication but by the applying of that which may be termed as the use of energies in nature itself—that is the handmaid to every individual that not only dedicates itself but that makes application within its experience of the glories that the Lord hath poured into the minds and hearts of the children of men, that they may know!

      Then unifying these, let both in their own method, in their own manner apply same; yet knowing deep within self that the source of power, the source of might, the source of grace, the source of mercy, the source of life, the source of health comes only from the living God!

      And each then becomes as a stay one for the other; becoming as a prop, as a brace, as a helpmeet.

      In these manners, through the effacing of self, these influences may be wrought in such manners that many, many will call them blessed, many will give the glory to God; not to them, not to their efforts, but that they make themselves channels through which the glory and the might and the power of the Lord may be made manifest!

      Not that turmoils, not that strifes oft, not that disappointment in the activities of men and of individuals here and there will not make for hardships. But even then, if their purposes are only that they may—as one, effacing self—show forth the glory of God, they may become—through such experiences—a strengthening influence one to another.

      Through that which has been given each in their experiences in the earth is shown how they have had this or that in their experiences which has created, has builded the present conflicting influences. Meet them! In what? He, thy King, thy Lord; yea, thy Brother hath shown thee the way! “I am the way; I am the water of life.” Drink ye deep of same, that the healing you each may administer to others may flow as His love through thee! For love healeth the wounded; it binds up the brokenhearted; it makes for understandings where differences have arisen. For God is love.

       [Background: Hebrew, singer. She and her husband-to-be became strong supporters of the Cayce work and had many personal readings. She also had a very challenging relationship with her future mother-in-law.]

       Reading 938-1

       (Q) Am I justified in my dislike for the woman who upsets me so much?

      (A) Justified by what? “As ye do it unto those, my children, ye do it unto me.”

      There should be more love, more loving indifference shown by self, in respect to the individual. For ye have much to meet together. Let Him—let Him direct thy justifying. “I will repay saith the Lord.”

      Then, art thou justified? Stand rather justified before Him, in thy dealings, in thy judgements, in thy activities.

      For to think, to act, as if thou art lord or master is to belittle and degrade thine better self.

      (Q) Has she any real reason for talking and acting the way she does?

      (A) These arise from experiences where associations have made for the abilities of the self being such that the lauding by others has brought torments to the other. Hence be patient; be loving with those that would do thee harm. It is but pouring coals of fire upon their heads, and will bring to thee the greater satisfaction.

      For if thou dost conduct thyself, thy thoughts, thy acts, so that the Lord be on thy side, who can be against thee?

      Act the more often, then, that though they make for discourteous, unkind remarks, the Lord loveth rather him that can speak gently to those that would do thee harm.

       (Q) Will she aid or interfere with my future happiness?

      (A) Dependent upon the manner in which the self meets those experiences. Turn—turn the other cheek, when thy enemy, thy friend, would smite thee. Let the Lord have His way, and ye will find it will turn to a helpfulness in the experience.

       [Background: Project auditor, Protestant. This was a check life reading on an Egyptian incarnation