Pool in Fall. Maine Guide Fly Shop
Flows in the East Outlet are generally consistent—at least in regard to the seasons. The lowest flows occur in the summer, late fall, and winter. High flows occur in the spring, late summer, and early fall. Flows below 1,200 cfs are considered low. Those in the 1,200–2,000 cfs range are considered medium. Flows above 2,000 cfs are considered high. Flows above 3,000 cfs make fishing tough. Low flows
Above. East Outlet
Dam at Moosehead
Lake. Fliesandfins.com
Left. Greg Bostater
with fall brookie.
are conducive to wading; high flows are not. The opposite applies to floating, because low flows are difficult to row. Medium flows are wadable and floatable, and usually offer the best fishing. Wading anglers should be vigilant, as the water can rise unexpectedly—and fast. Harris hydropower station at Indian Pond, water levels in Moosehead Lake, and heavy rains can all influence flows. Projected daily flows are posted in the parking area at the Route 6/15 bridge. There is also a toll- free flow information number: 800-557-3569. Wading staffs are highly recommended, as the riverbed is lined with slippery bowling ball–size rocks.
May through October is prime time on the Outlet. Fall typically produces the largest fish. The river is heavily stocked by the Maine Department of Inland Fisheries & Wildlife—the Outlet is one of the most heavily stocked stretches of river in the state. Fish are stocked in both spring and fall. There is some level of natural salmon reproduction. Artificial spawning beds have been built on the river. In the fall, large salmon can
be seen moving in and out of these beds, which are closed to fishing. There are also some resident brook trout. Trout and salmon enter the river from both Moosehead Lake and Indian Pond as well. There are also holdover fish. Trout average a foot long, though fish up to 16 inches are caught. Salmon average roughly the same, but some fish over 20 inches are caught every year.
As I mentioned in the beginning, the East Outlet represents classic landlocked salmon fishing at its finest. It is a unique fishery on a rugged and beautiful river in a remote and relatively undeveloped setting.
Fall landlocked salmon. Maine Guide Fly Shop
MIKE BUTLER guides out of Kennebec River Outfitters in Madison, Maine. He is also a nationally known maker of fine fish models, catch-and-release trophy carvings, and his signature weathervanes. He can be reached at 207-474-2500, [email protected], or www.kennebecriveroutfitters.com for guiding; or for his fish carvings at www.MikeButlerFishCarver.com.
Closest fly shops
Maine Guide Fly Shop
34 Moosehead Lake Road
Greenville, Maine 04441
www.maineguideflyshop.com [email protected]
Kennebec River Outfitters
469 Lakewood Road
Madison, Maine 04950
www.kennebecriveroutfitters.com [email protected]
Closest guides and outfitters
Maine River Guides
Portland, Maine
www.maineriverguides.com [email protected]
Penobscot Drift Boats
Glenburn, Maine 04401
www.penobscotdriftboats.com [email protected]
Northwoods Outfitters
5 Lily Bay Road
Greenville, Maine 04441
www.maineoutfitter.com [email protected]
Closest lodging
Moose Mountain Inn
314 Rockwood Road
Greenville, Maine 04441
www.moosemountaininn.com [email protected]
Wilsons on Moosehead Lake (cabins)
Route 15
Greenville Junction, Maine 04442
www.wilsonsonmooseheadlake.com [email protected]
Closest lodging
The Captain Sawyer House Bed & Breakfast
18 Lakeview