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      Konstantin KOROTKOV

      Ph.D., Professor






      Be governed by your knowledge, and proceed

      I’ the sway of your own will

      William Shakespeare

      King Lear IV, 7

      Also by the author in English

      Aura and Consciousness - New Stage of Scientific Understanding. 1998

      Light after Life. 1998

      Human Energy Fields: Study with GDV Bioelectrography. 2002

      Measuring Energy Fields: State of the Art. Korotkov K. (Ed.). 2004

      Spiral Traverse. 2007 and 2011

      The Energy of the Home. 2011

      You may order these books from www.korotkov.org and www.ktispb.ru

      Konstantin Korotkov



      Copyright 2012 Konstantin Korotkov,

      All rights reserved.

      Published in eBook format by eBookIt.com


      ISBN-13: 978-1-4566-0568-1

      No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means including information storage and retrieval systems, without permission in writing from the author. The only exception is by a reviewer, who may quote short excerpts in a review.

      This book presents the state of the art, principles and ideas of Electrophotonic analysis based on Gas Discharge Visualisation (GDV) technique, known as well as Electrophotonic Imaging (EPI). This approach, celebrating now 15 years after developing the first GDV instrument, has a strong scientific foundation with thousands of researchers, doctors and practitioners using it in the world. Electrophotonic methods allow to study Energy Fields of humans, water, materials and environment. Conceptual background and practical approaches are presented in this book.

      Translated from Russian by the author

      Edited by Berney Williams and Lutz Rabe


      In this book we use the following abbreviations:


      The current manual is for those who are actively working with EPI/GDV technology. It is assumed that readers are acquainted with the book Human Energy Field: study with GDV Bioelectrography and have experience in using the basic EPI programs. The manual therefore omits many details which have been previously described at length. In recent years, continuing research has accumulated a large volume of experimental data, and doctors have created patient databases with detailed analysis. This data makes it possible to formulate a number of new approaches and ideas. The main purpose of this book is to help experts, doctors, psychologists and researchers to interpret EPI Bioelectrography data. Considering the diverse levels of training and qualifications among our readers, we have tried to present the information simply and directly, and without the use of specialized terms and mathematical expressions wherever possible. For this reason, we only touch briefly on the question of EPI parameters and their use when interpreting data. This book is written in the style of a study aid aimed at learning and consultation rather than for light reading. The material is reviewed with many examples. They are collected on the CD which accompanies this book. By reading the book and looking at the on-screen images, you will easily assimilate the principle of EPI data analysis. This book summarizes the work of hundreds of people busy with development, research and practical work in EPI Bioelectrography. It is not possible to name all those involved in this work, and it is difficult to single out individual contributions, which is why we would like to thank all those who gave of their energy, knowledge and spirit to create and develop the method of EPI Bioelectrography. Each year the circle of professionals using the EPI method in their work widens, and new research opens undreamt of horizons. We are sure that these are but the first steps in the vast new continent which is opening itself up to us. From 1996 every July in Saint-Petersburg Russia International Scientific Congress “Science, Information and Spirit” hosts hundreds of professionals and interested people from all over the world. Several workshops dedicated to GDV technology are being held every year in different countries. As Professor Albert Krashenjuk sad: “We can name quite a few new scientific lines which may host scientific congresses every year for 15 years”. We welcome everybody to Saint Petersburg every July in the time of White Nights and scientific celebration.

      We appreciate any comments and updates. Please contact us via

      www.korotkov.org and www.ktispb.ru

      Highs and lows of modern medicine

      The miserable have no other medicine

      But only hope

      William Shakespeare

      Measure for Measure, III, 1

      Medicine at the beginning of the XXI century

      Western medicine has achieved tremendous breakthroughs by the beginning of the XXI century: major infectious diseases have been defeated, surgeons perform heart and kidney transplantations on a daily basis, modern computer technologies allow monitoring human organs in vivo. Glimmering displays, subtle biochemical and genetic analyses, a vast inventory of medicines and drugs. One would think that all diseases must retreat before this multibillion dollar onslaught. However, this is far from the truth.

      At the beginning of the XXth century various infectious diseases, as well as other acute illnesses, prevailed; however, by the beginning of the 21st century the leadership went to chronic and systemic disturbances of health. And the fact that people in developed countries have a longer average lifespan now is not accountable for this – many diseases that previously were common only for elderly people have suddenly grown much ‘younger.’ In particular, childhood diabetes is becoming more and more common, whereas only 2 or 3 decades ago it used to be an extremely rare disease. Recent studies showed that almost 20% of American children and teenagers have their coronary arteries affected by atherosclerosis plaques. In Scotland, the incidence of autoimmune diseases among children and teenagers has grown twofold during the past 10 years. In Russia, not more than only 12% of primary school students and not more than only 5% of secondary school students are absolutely healthy. The majority of children suffer from chronic diseases. The number of children suffering from cardiovascular diseases, for example, has grown increased by more than a half during the period from 1989 to 1998. Many of such these children have been disabled since their childhood.

      The number of people suffering from various allergic diseases is growing fast. The disease incidence has grown by 30-40% as compared to the previous decade, and in some countries as much as a half of the whole population manifests classic symptoms of allergy. More and more people are suffering from chronic skin diseases with uncertain causes, such as eczemas and psoriasis, and from various